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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Lord’s Blessings to awaken the Kundalini sent his divine instrument.

                                                   Om Sri Sai Ram. Offering the writing to my True Friend Lord Sai

Auyerveda Ashram 2070 US-1 North Brunswick, NJ 08902 732-658-6122 Dr. Priya Govindarajan 

Part 1                      Initial assessment 

For many years I was asked by family to go and seek some Auyerveda help to restore my physical which was compromised with ailments. Many times booked tickets to various ashrams in Kerala, Cochin but due to some reason or the other it would get cancelled. One of our friend he visited a local Ayurveda ashram as his son was complaining of stomach pains and the following week had to attend college in Indianapolis.

After dropping off his son and Bala stopped by at our house and was in praises for the Doctor at this Auyerveda place and narrated how she diagnosed the problem within 2 minutes. Bala also stated “ I think she has siddhi and immediately a bell in my head went off.

My wife hearing this she went for her personal issues and was impressed of the service after initial consultation with the Doctor signed up for 3 therapy session. She asked my daughter to go and get help with her Thyroid and she’s still continuing treatment.

As all spouses their intentions are to get their family in the best of health asked me to go as I had been complaining of chronic Rheumatoid arthritis pain especially in the winter months and to top it off got osteoarthritis in the foot unable to place the foot on the ground. I initially contacted a podiatrist after the visit and several x-rays confirmed of arthritis with options which I wasn’t keen in pursuing at this world pandemic corona virus. First treatment was a steroid shot in the bone, second a foot surgery which could take 6 months to heal as it was my right foot, the left is a replacement and can’t bear all the weight. 

  After looking at all possibilities decided to call the Auyerveda ashram on November 10th,2020. The office returned the call on Thursday morning and said we have a opening for that evening at 5pm I accepted the time. In my mind more than the treatment was inquisitive about how to attain the siddhi of treating with a mere touch. My wife warned me please don’t go there start your spiritual experience and journey.

I didn’t adhere to her request as soon as walked into the Doctors office for consultation said I want to know how you treat? Can you please take me as your student? The assistant said I am already in line Sir !

In that case I will be right behind you and all laughed. Dr. Priya Govindarajan learnt from a guru since she was 14 years old and went through all the education getting the proper experience. I was impressed and the Doctor said I need 7 therapy session to correct my health. She said you have depleted the bank( Body) of all resources and trying to withdraw that’s the reason you’re having all these problems completely ruined don’t know how you have done it.

I returned home and every week on Thursday due to this pandemic all Sai center activities are online and one eminent speaker from California Tustin Sai center is conducting a series “ Tustin Sai center Live every Thursday evening at 8 pm televised from California and don’t know the topic prior as the lord gives the topic. On Friday morning as I would finish my morning chores tuned to watch on YouTube the topic was about Auyerveda and it’s holistic health. For people in Auyerveda they revere Dhanvantri the lord who helps in healings. I was surprised after many years I went to a Auyerveda ashram on Thursday and same day Lord Sai is talking about the same thing. I immediately sent a WhatsApp message to Dr. Shankar narrating the incident. He replied instantaneously “ Koushik nothing is a coincidence in life” it’s already preordained by the master.

I took this to the next level and signed up for the 7 therapy session. November 30,2020 was my first session . Normally the aides do the therapy session but in my case the Doctor said I will personally do the session due to the complexity of health issues. What a divine blessing and as Dr.shankar stated everything has a reason.

Dr. Priya stated your Kundalini has been awakened but needs a little tuneup to align more with the universe so that you can help more people. You have a higher mission in life that’s the reason why you were

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