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Monday, October 9, 2023

Kapaleshwar Temple ( meeting a divine soul)

 On the years when my wife and I had gone to India from the United States to help her parents return back to the states. My father in law had met with a accident in Chennai.

My mother in law was very religious unlike my father in law and wanted to go to visit a Hanuman temple (Nanganulur) a landmark Hanuman Temple.

I wanted to go to the shiva Temple in Mylapore. I have absolutely no knowledge about anything especially all these religious deities and rituals. My wife got into the conversation and asked me, why are you so stubborn In going to this temple?

I said at present can’t answer why? , but I have to meet someone whom I have never seen before?

She said…. That’s absolutely ridiculous that you are going to search for the needle in the haystack?

I said come with me and I will show you on that day!!!

Finally it was decided the family was going to the shiva temple in Mylapore on a Sunday morning.

All temple’s are extremely busy on any holiday as the devotees can spend leisure time with the family, meet people and spend time with each other in the pretense of religious atmosphere.

This day was no different…. Plenty of colorful flowers outside in stalls, variety of religious books, a parrot tarot card reading, edible vendors and a large variety of vegetables.

My mother in law informed me that when you enter a temple one should first pay respect to the female deity before seeing the main attraction.

I took her words of wisdom and followed through the entrance. We broke up in 2 groups my in law’s can go at their own speed and we can go leisurely at our pace.

When we entered the sanctum the curtain was closed. My wife remarked “ what are we going to do now “?

I said… look, today is a very busy day and also financially beneficial day for the priest as people give tips for getting prasadam ( special offering) so mean while we will go one round and return.

When we’re going around looking at various deities on the outer sanctum my eyes caught a man with torn clothes and not shaven in days with white stub’s of hair with his hands out and saying some things. 

I told my wife this is the person I have to meet. She asked how do you know?

I asked her just watch what is going to happen…

This elderly man was conversing with a saint and I was standing next to him and he wasn’t at all bothered by my presence and kept talking.My wife was standing next to me and I only saw tears rolling on her cheeks.

Suddenly a shift happened and now I was inside him and could see his jaw’s opening and closing from inside his body. After some time the shift happened again and came back inside my body.

Now the elderly man also was finally finished and turned around looked at my physical body and said “ Sir, would I have the privilege of touching your hands and cupped my hands in his and thanked and walked away with no words whatsoever.

My wife had absolutely nothing to say after that visit to the Temple. She experienced it in real time.

There are many elevated souls walking around us be open to invite and embrace them. Don’t judge others by their outer appearance as it will deceive you who they really are.

Samastha Loka Sukihno Bhavantu 

Let all the beings in all the universes be happy 

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Taxi Driver Transformation ( Believe in my words)

For some reason I wanted to share a experience which happened in late February of 2012. 

Our family had gone to India to meet up with Baluswami Siddhar and after meeting with him returned back to Chennai and stayed at one of my father in law’s relatives building in a unit for 

One day My Wife wanted to go for some shopping to pondy bazaar.( a commercial market place where all products are sold) No taxis would come as the road is very narrow so we took a auto. Going from Mylapore to pondy bazaar was RS 60.

After completing the shopping and my patience we decided to head back home. I asked several auto and each one quoted different pricing and reluctance to come as the distance was not much. I finally got one guy and he said Sir it will be Rupee’s 100.

I asked him how is it that while coming it was Rupee’s 60 and while going it’s 100?

He said sir, the roads are all one way and we need to go round about to get to the house.  When I wasn’t convinced he then said again Sir, the price of the gasoline has gone up.

I asked him in the past few hours how much did the price go up?

I told him ok …. I have a proposal for you. If you do the right thing then I will pay you Rupees 100 but no cheating.

I guarantee you that we’re going to get all green lights from the start till we end up at the house but you can’t slow down to get the red light. 

He said Sir, it’s next to impossible it’s rush hour and we’re bound to get red lights.

I said…. Let me tell you something which you’re not aware of I am not like your other customers. I am different!!!

He asked why?

I said today is your lucky day!!!

God is seated in your vehicle and everything I say will happen exactly like I say all Green lights.

I asked him are you ready?

He said ok Sir, we will see…..

When we reached home, The auto driver fell at my feet and said “ Sir,I have never seen anything like this in all my life “.

I don’t want any money from you except please bless me that you will always be with me.

I told him please don’t cheat anyone. Earn your living Honesty and paid him more than negotiated rate.

Believe in my words!!!!

Lots of love ❤️