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Friday, November 29, 2013

Divine Energy in Action - my experience

I am sure that many of you have seen me in various religious functions and have wondered why I fall? I am not the “doer”. When the energy in the room is very high the vibrations affect my soul and opens up the Kundalini Shakti and it begins to rise upwards until it reaches the very top which in turn causes me to fall. At that very moment, I am connected to the divine. Until the energy subsides I cannot open my eyes. Please do not touch me, throw water to wake me up, tickle me to see if I have any sensation, or check to see if I am alive. For more than ten-plus years I have experienced this hundreds of times and never have been hurt because, again, I am not the “doer”. I have fallen in the most difficult places that one may not be able to fathom and consider it utterly unimaginable. I have fallen directly in between 2 rocks, in India next to a well and another rock as well as on a flight of stairs. I have fallen on concrete floors, granite, marble, hardwood, and carpet. Nevertheless I have never sprained, broken a single bone, or suffered any injury to the head. Many times people are in complete shock and wish to capture the moment by taking a picture; however, it happens so fast that you will not be able to snap a photo until I am on the floor. One may think that my head is hitting the floor like a coconut once you hear the noise but one shouldn’t forget that the divine is holding the body. So rest assured I am in the divine hands.

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