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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Meeting Divine Souls Through Swami’s Leelas

Our family had gone to Tennessee to attend a wedding. It was my wife's cousins wedding and that too after a very long time and wanted to a part of all that took place. We arrived a couple of days before the function to help the family out with various tasks. All close friends and some family opted to stay in hotels. We were fortunate enough to stay in friend of the family's home. They were good friends with my wife's uncle’s family whose daughter was getting married. My wife at the time suggested that we stay in a hotel like the rest instead of troubling a family. I said it will give us an opportunity to meet some new people and they will have an opportunity to serve us. It was a perfect match; even if we had planned it out it still would not have been so perfect.

That night as we were all getting acquainted, we ironed out some of our spiritual situation which we all understood as we had gone through the same experiences through Isha Yoga. For them to go about their daily routine/rituals from Isha Yoga would not have been an interference or inconvenience for us because we too understood the process and daily tasks that needed to be done. This was their number one concern.

Madhu, Sabhi, Sanjana, and Veena, were the perfect host family, with unconditional love and selfless service always with a glowing smile on their faces. They always answered with “no problem” for any situation. The willingness to help putting others first was something they were very natural at doing. Madhu who had the utmost respect for my wife's uncle (Mr. Shankaran) will only address him as "SIR” as he had asked him to get some banana plants from their friends’ house for the wedding.

I opted to go along for the company to have some spiritual conversations. Madhu said “let me take a shower. I do not go anywhere unless I shower. He then said what to carry the plants in. We arrived at Mrs. Nalani Iyer's house, who used to originally reside in New Jersey in 90s, and then transferred to Tennessee. Madhu said “let me go and get the plants” as he had many chores to do and did not have a lot of time. I also went in and greeted with “Sai Ram” and she was very thrilled. She immediately asked me to take my shoes off and come inside their puja room. The energy in that room was very high and she narrated all the miracles and divine beings that had come without any invitations. She went on about how Swami came to her and while they were traveling through India she found a ripped picture of Swami on the ground in pieces and did not pay much attention to it as it was not salvageable. A few years later again the same picture was found in the same manner, on the ground and in pieces, she knew this was no accident. This definitely it meant something!

She picked it up, put the pieces together, got it framed, and placed it in the Swami room. They started bhajans in their house and since then they have not missed any bhajans on Thursday. Even if they are not in town, some other family will come and sing bhajans in their puja room for Swami. They try to plan everything: Swami first; everything next. Swami has come and sat on the chair as Lord Krishna in the puja room, along with vibhuti appearing on his pictures which she brought from India, and showing her Vishwaroopa darshan.

She said I have never shared these experiences with anyone other than family. I do not know what it is about you. I not only have talked continuously for an hour but shared all my experiences with you. “Madhu, I have never seen their puja room yet I have known this family for over 12 years. Whenever I visit, I stay only on the ground floor, even if it is for bhajans and then proceed to leave. I shared the experience of meeting Mrs. Iyer to my mother-in-law who happens to be a devout Sai devotee herself and Madhu in the midst of chaos took us once again to their residence to be a part of Swami’s love. There are no words to express our gratitude to Madhu and his family for making our trip such a memorable one apart from the wedding.

Sai Ram.

Love All Serve All.

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