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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Please Help & Save My Grandson

In 2007 I met with a lady who happened to be a Sai devotee.  After some years we got close and I confided in her and told her that her grandson was autistic and needed some help. I am not educated in that particular field to even offer any help let alone helping this child. However, with no hesitation I took it upon myself to help that child. 

She would ask me "do you have a message for me?" I do not have a crystal ball that I can look at and spit messages for everyone but if Swami gives me a message it will be certainly be conveyed. 

Months passed and I said to myself when I go to meet my mother I will surely meet the child, but I'm unsure as to when that will be. She said "I want to be there when you come *out of the state*". "I am sorry but when I go to see him,  you will not be there." "How can you say with certainty that my mother lives in Texas?" The trip was planned but Swami kept changing the date until the lady specifically was not there. My mother has faith in all my psychic powers as such but as she picked me up and asked me “are you going to go see that boy?” “Yes, I am. Thursday is a good day for us to go but she would not listen and made excuses.” I told her to call the family to find out their availability and they too said come on Thursday.” 

I did not want to go empty-handed and I wanted to buy something for the child. I roamed the mall and mind you I was not in the greatest shape. I also dragged my mother along who was also doing the same. Finally, what we thought would be a remembrance of our visit we got it professionally wrapped along with some fruits. We walked inside and saw a very loving mother of a god-sent child who was beyond "special". 

After socializing for a few, I recommended that they move their puja room to give this house a different vibration. I followed them to the second floor where the child's bedroom was. I felt that rooms’ energy was not right and it was to be changed so that positive and appropriate energy could flow through the child's all around well-being. 

I felt there was something which had happened in that house; that room especially. Upon inquiry the people who sold the house were Muslim and the front part of the house was damaged in some type of weather calamity. All those struggles that the previous family endured, during their difficult times, their energy was still lingering. Their son will improve as years pass and will come in the alignment of the population but will always be a special child to the parents. 

Accept all situations as we all come with baggage and have to work it out in this life as such.

**Sai Ram**

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