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Friday, August 29, 2014

Pictures of Lord Ganesha - Swami Satya Sai & Shirdi Baba

On Tuesday, August 27, 2014, a friend called in the evening at around 5:30PM and said to that he was going to a book store located in Edison, New Jersey (kitab book store) which was owned and operated by Jayantbhai Patel for over 25 years. The Edison Sai Center was started in the back of his store.

Weekly satsang, bhajans and meetings were held in the store room. He was an extraordinary man and did a lot of selfless service regardless of a financial situation. When Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, he made hundreds and hundreds of sandwiches and delivered them to the worst place hit; Staten Island. People would be waiting for him, and in no time it would be empty and people will ask “when are you returning?”

Jayantbhai was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and in a matter of months his health had deteriorated. Jayantbhai finally merged with Swami in June of 2014. His family now had to liquidate the business, sell the stock, and vacate the premise by Saturday August 30, 2014. We wanted to help the family's loss by buying whatever we could a drop in the ocean. My friend, as he had known Jayantbhai for almost 25 years, wanted to purchase 200-300 books and give them as gift in his annual bhajans along with various other gift items. I, on the other hand, bought only three pictures.

The first picture that caught my attention was Lord Ganesha who was seated very regally in the middle of the ocean with a serpent behind him. The next, an old picture of Swami (maybe when he was in his 30-40's) and a message hand-written by him and signed. It was a bit difficult to read as the ink had faded over the years. Finally, I purchased a portrait of Shirdi Sai. I purchased these pictures but knew my spouse will have something for sure to tell me. Nevertheless, I came home and installed Ganesha in the puja room altar. It seemed like a perfect fit for the place. I cleaned the puja room and for the first time in 20 years I don't know why I set up a grand chair decorated for Swami. I placed cushions on the chair as well as one for his feet and two handkerchiefs on either side.

I slowly stepped back and began admiring how beautiful he would look. And finally the picture of Shirdi Baba was placed in the entrance as you walk down towards the basement. When my wife came from work she went ballistic and started calling me all kinds of words and talked about how I have gone mad with these pictures. “It is not a temple, it is a home! If you want, go and surround yourself with all these in a temple. I don't want hundreds of people parading thru this home.” I was shocked and hurt at the same time. I was speechless and kept quiet until she finished bombarding me. She put all the items I had placed on the chair back. It was bare now and not the same anymore. She said “you cannot take any furnishing from the house. If you want, go and buy extra for your decorations.” I went and slept in another room and prayed to Swami to melt her heart and change her mind and show her the correct path.


Every Thursday I volunteer to cook at the Shirdi temple and start at 5:30am but that day I just could not wake up and had a severe pain in my left leg. At 7:00am, when I came down, my wife had gone to work and she had placed the chair, cushions, and the handkerchief back in the puja room. When I saw that, tears rolled down my face, as my prayers were answered. Swami must have come in her dreams and made something change in her. Along with that she wrote an apology letter. I guess I had to purchase these pictures for her transformation.

Sai Ram.


Divine Child in Action August 29, 2014

In the early morning, I saw Bala Tripurasudari playing with a kumkum box. I tell her not to play with it as it might spill all over and is a mess to clean up. She props herself up and opens the container and starts to distribute a pinch with her small fingers to everyone present in the room. I also extend my hand and get a pinch of kumkum. As an elderly lady was unable to get kumkum from the child, I reached over to extend and transfer the kumkum to her. She says I just wanted to see if you would part, so take it back and transfer it to my palm again. Inside that, some spills on the ground and Bala Tripurasundari says “as you lost some, let me give you more.”  You can see the divine child in action again.
 It is Ganesh Chaturthi today.

Goddess Devi Seated in Our Puja Room

In the very early morning I had a vision that I was driving with some people in my car. As we drove past a temple, being that it was rather late, it struck me as odd that when usually temples close by 10:00PM, all of the lights were on and wondered why. I stopped the car and told the occupants that we should go inside and find out what was going on. The people in the car didn’t want to go in and bother with it and said let us go but my conscience would not allow me to go. I went inside the building and all of the rooms and doors were wide open. All the lights were on but there was nobody in sight. I wondered if the place was robbed. I was not comfortable in leaving but my friends said “let’s go everything’s okay”.  I told them for some reason that “we have already walked inside, let’s check all the windows and doors to make sure they are properly secured before leaving”.  I walked over to a window and the latch was loose. It was turning but not locking. Now I was definitely not comfortable in leaving without informing someone in charge. Because it was so late I could not find anyone around and told my friends that they could leave and I will stay until the morning when they reopen and management is present. When I return to my home in the morning I see Devi Goddess Sri Lalitha Tripurasundari is seated in our puja room with a foot deep in red roses. We have no roses in our backyard. Where have the flowers come from?  She was so beautiful and I was both spellbound and speechless. What a wonderful vision of our divine Sai Ma. Thank you Swami for showering your love on this beautiful soul. The day I had the vision, July 15th, also happened to be our anniversary. We are having annual bhajans this year on August 10, 2014 which focuses solely on our Devi Bala.