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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mouna Swami Siddeshwari Peetam Courtallam, India

I had asked one of my friends who had recently visited India to bring back a statue of Devi Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari along with all the grandeur. It was to be given to the friend who had performed our annual bhajan’s puja. I contacted my friend in the morning for some help and he replied “I am busy shuttling Swami Ji. Can you come in the afternoon? If I forget please call and remind me. I called him again at 4:30pm. Sai Ram are you free now? Again he said can we do this another day or Wednesday after he leaves to New York? Something inside me was persistent that wanted to be there that night. I asked who is this Swami Ji? Let me also come and see him. What is the harm anyway if you are entertaining a lot of people? He then said O.K. come between 6:30-7pm.
I was on time and there were a few people waiting to see him downstairs and he was in a room upstairs not visible. I was more curious just to know who they are, not judging but wanting to know how if any that can be attained.
The coordinator who was walking around with a computer scheduling trying to fit the maximum number of people. Now came my turn and my friend said I will go with you and convey your questions as he speaks in Telugu. I saw an elderly man in his early 80s sitting on a chair in orange clothes with a beard. I prostrated and sat a few feet in front of him.
He asked who is your kula devata(family deity) and I replied Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He said no Shiridi Sai Baba. I then repeated myself and said Sathya Sai Baba and he said no. I realized that Shiridi Sai is the one who came in my dream ten years ago and told me "Why are you searching everywhere when I am in you?”
I closed my eyes and within seconds I was in a very deep meditation. I was not in this body or this world and lost all connections. My friend narrated that we were trying to wake you up, talk in your ear, chant mantras, tried to physically move you and you just could not be moved.
The Swami Ji was also meditating and moving his hands and mudras. Finally when he called your name only you opened your eyes. Swami Ji said you are very blessed that all the divine energy is present in you and that is why you get instantly connected. If you want I will give you a mantra Dikisha and chant that mantra and ask for guidance from Sri Sathya Sai Baba to guide your sadhana.
Another Guru is going to come and guide you on this path. There was a couple who was going to perform Paduka puja to the feet of Mouna Swami's Paduka in the presence of the peetathipadi (Shri Siddheswaranda Bharati Swami Ji of Courtallam). He asked me to come and sit in the puja and witness the event.
When the final arati was offered, everyone was supposed to stand but I could not get up. The coordinator said you have to get up. Well I cannot because if I do then I am going to fall.
Finally I received the idol of Shri Lalitha Tripura Sundari blessed by the Swami Ji  as he is a Devi Upsaka himself. Now this statue Amma can be given to the right recipient with energy. Thank you Swami for showering your love and blessings on all of us.
OM Sri Sai Ram

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