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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thiruvanamalai Karthikayi Deepam - December 5, 2014

Some things are to be experienced with only your eyes rather than sharing it with everyone as they might not know the significance.

The entire trip to Tiruvannamalai was not planned as it was Panchakshram’s idea. He was our driver from our previous trip. Although as a profession he is a driver people move to the side, respect his presence, and we have become good friends since then.

He mentioned that since I have come at the correct time that I should witness the lighting of the deepam. I mentioned to him that I was not much for crowds. He said "Sir, if you want to come I will take you in comfort and give you the best darshan with no problems." Knowing him I know he will surely follow through. 

I had invited Radhika's cousin to join but because of work related reasons he was unable to attend. So I called Guruswamy even though he was busy he still honored my request and joined us for the festivities. He told his family to take care of the necessary pooja on that auspicious day.

We left early in the morning and arrived at the malai by noon. The traffic was unbelievable as everyone was going to the same venue. The security was very tight and had a lot of check points due to terrorist threats. Once we arrived in town because of the heavy population vehicles were diverted back 2-3 kilometers and we had to walk the rest.  

Panchakshram said "don't worry about the police they cannot stop us. I will take you directly in front of the temple entrance." Even Guruswamy was surprised as the policemen saluted and kept opening the barricades as our vehicle approached. With some difficulty we weaved through the public and arrived at our destination.

I have never seen people like that anywhere where there was no space available as the entire area was occupied wall to wall. The estimated devotees for the function was 2-3 million. I certainly believe that. The temple was closed off for  the general public and only people with passes can manage to get in and even that was a hassle. We opted out once going inside as there was no way to come out until the program was over. There were no facilities whatsoever for that crowd.

Panch took us to his friends place and what a blessing that was because it was absolutely private and quiet. The hosts were not expecting us and went out of their way to accommodate our needs. It was a blessing that Guruswamy was in that house.

They had prepared all the food and were waiting to see the jyoti, lighting of the deepam, and then have prasadam. When Guruswamy asked for a cup of coffee it was only at that time the gas stove went out. With that dilemma of a guest who has come in the form of God who is asking for something and we are not able to give what he has asked for what is it that we should do? Without hesitation the payasam was brought over and offered to Guruswamy. He said he would also wait and have it after the jyoti.

With no one around us it was such a beautiful sight to see the malai and temple gopuram from the terrace. The ladies set the atmosphere in drawing the kolam with all the imaginable decorative lamps while giving the honor to Guruswamy to light the arati and offer to the lord and saints of the hills. He blessed each person individually and in sometime he told each of them things that they had to do for their own well-being.

At that time he mentioned about me seeing Kanchi Periyavar. Although all of us pray only some people are blessed in seeing the divine.  "If it were not for Koushik's persistence I would not have come. It is all because of him that everything is happening this way."

Guruswamy said "I have never experienced anything like this in my life and have lived in Chennai for almost 75 years. It was extraordinary!!

Sai Ram.

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