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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ayyappan Valaku Puja - December 21, 2014

 As it is the season for people to begin going on the pilgrimage to Sabrimalai, before undertaking the trek, one has to follow a lot of strict austerities and will have a lighting of the lamp or valukku puja.

I was very privileged this year to be in Chennai at the right time of the year to witness such an event 
in a grand manner and that too in the presence of my Guruswami Shri Bhairavan. The first 
invite I had was from our maid servant Mrs. Ramani. Her son was going to begin his trek on Monday December 22nd and a puja will be performed at the Balasubramaniam temple in Tenaympet, Chennai.  I was honored and told her I will surely be there.

I had not heard from Guruswamy for a few days and had called him several times but there was no answer. I became concerned about his health as he had just returned from Sabrimalai a few days earlier. With the weather and climate change he had experienced some health issues and the family ha requested him to go and see a physician. 

After a few attempts I finally got through and heard his voice "Swami Charanam Ayyappa" and I was instantaneously happy. I asked him where he was going today. He had already planned on attending a puja and was almost on his way out. I asked Guruswamy if there was a puja that I could attend. He said “come tomorrow, Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 10:30AM in  Panigraha Kalyana Mandapam in West Mambalam.

 As usual I called a few of my wifes' cousins and they both opted out but I knew for sure I would not 
miss this event. I arranged for flowers, purchased various types of fruits, and arranged for a vehicle and a driver (Kannan he told me the previous day that he would pick me up at 10AM). The next day being Sunday he was called by another customer to drive them to Tirupathi  which would be more beneficial to him monetarily wise but he refused and said “Sir, I have given my word to another customer that I would take him to a puja so I will not be able to come.” 

How many people will do that especially in a country where everyone is chasing after Lakshmi (money). That shows integrity and character about a person. His wife had passed away a few years ago and is raising two children. He had mentioned that “they come before my work.”

"My inner guiding voice told me to not try and capture this moment but to instead enjoy in your heart as this time will not return.” Less luggage; more comfort. Being in a crowded place there is no place to safely keep your belongings so it is better that I went with less baggage so I can be free to move about.

When I arrived at the hall where the function was being held the program was already in progress and Guruswamy was seated in the front. I approached him to just let him know I was there. He got up and asked his devotees to go and get a chair and a coffee for me. I told him I am an ordinary person not a VIP and can easily sit on the ground. There were many ayyapa devotees; males on one side and females on the other side. As there was limited space I got to sit directly in front of the valuku. I removed my shirt and right away Guruswamy told me to put my shirt and glasses in his bag. Now I don't even have to worry about those items.

The music and bhajans were sung in such devotion that even an ordinary person would get directly
connected with the lord. I closed my eyes, immediately connected with the lord, and was in such a meditative state for a very long time. I had tears rolling to be in ecstasy to be one with the lord. At times Guruswamy also chose to sing for his lord Ayyapa. He has gone to Sabrimalai for the last 50 plus years only as a guru and many times for a month in between seasons which does not count.

The bhajans were in full swing and several devotees were going into trances. These are things that I haven’t even seen myself where men were dancing vigorously and ladies going into deep trances. There were tying not to lose control of their bodies to avoid disturbing and affecting other devotees.
The family who had sponsored the event got the privilege to do Padi puja for the 18 steps. Guruswamy requested that everyone be seated so everyone can properly see the puja for the steps. I was seated all the way in the back and with music again at full speed I lost consciousness. Whether I was in Sabrimalai or a music studio the audio was unbelievable . After the puja was over he asked the volunteer to ask me to come forward. 

An elder Guruswamy took the final Aarathi and he was in a trance with fire in his hand swaying from one side to the other. Several devotees were holding him in the back and in the front. One can definitely see the lords presence coming in various bodies to give us proof or validation that “I am here; avail this energy; melt in this moment, and cherish as this might not happen again.” 

I kept saying no no but he insisted that the Guruswamy who is his next in succession should garland me. I said no guru swami I am an ordinary person and the next thing I knew I was gone in a trance and out of my body. Fifteen people could not move this body. They tried their level best and finally gave up and told guruswamy. He said “he is with me; I will take care of him.” He told everyone not to touch my feet or my legs. 

He applied all the vibhuti and kum kum from the puja all over the body and began chanting Swamyee Charanam Ayyapa. Guruswamy  sprinkled abhishekam water and offered panagam (sweet jaggery and cardamon water). “Keep pouring don't stop!” I could hear all the voices but could not even move one inch of any of body or even open my eyes. After 15 to 20 minutes when I finally came out I was inches away from the golden
18 steps once again and seated directly in front of the lord.

Even if one plans out an experience like this they cannot get this type of grace from the lord. Bhairavan Guruswamy was the eldest of
all and everyone wanted to get blessings and prasadam from him. There were almost 600-700 plus devotees. It is a privilege and an honor just to stand next to him let alone to serve such a humble
and simple man. 

I could only imagine seeing my SATYA SAI BABA in his glorious form extending out to the universe and a significant atom serving and looking up and seeing him. 

The line of devotees patiently waited for the Guruswamy and he would occasionally mention some personal information for their well-being. Standing in such close proximity it is unavoidable not to hear some personal matters but 99.9% of them only ask for material benefits. Instead they should take the opportunity for the guru to give his prasadam which might be much greater.

When I had a moment I asked him why they are all after the materialistic aspects of life but continue to follow this spiritual path. He replied they think that these temporary pleasures will keep them happy and they find out eventually that it is not everlasting. There are very few devotees who know what they want.

Finally I had my moment with no interruption with nobody in front or behind me. I had absolute oneness to pay my respects (namaskarams) to my guru chosen by my ultimate guru SHRI SATYA SAI  himself who escorted me to Sabrimalai in 2010. I had tears while paying respect and when I came up he too had tears. One namaskaram is not enough for this soul. MILLION AND MILLIONS FOR MY GURU.

I was told by a devotee of Swami of 40 years of being in his close proximity; “Koushik it is your responsibility to care of all his financial needs for years to come and take good care of him.” I value his words and try to do the best possible for my guru.

Finally we were called for lunch as the crew wanted to close their duties. Every now and then I would nudge Guruswamy and he would reply “how  could I leave those devotees who are waiting for me?” We went to the hall where there was a sumptuous  lunch fit for a king being offered and yet again had the privilege of sitting next to Guruswamy.
There were a few devotees who wanted to drop Guruswamy back to his residence which was quite far away from the place where the function was being held. When asked he said “I am going with 
Koushik.” What a honor to ride with the Guruswamy  and being in his close proximity once again with
no one to come in between us. When he got inside all other Guruswamy’s came to bid farewell to him and said “do not forget us.” Just the sight of that reminded of devotees running behind Swami's car  when he would be leaving.

He choose to come with me as my father-in-law had broken his hip. He told the driver Kannan to stop at our residence first. He got down from the car, came into the house to give prasadam, and to apply the holy ash (vibhuti) on his body where he had sustained the injury. This act was his own. I did not ask him as the day already had been quite long. That was pure compassion from his heart. True love.


Love All Serve All.

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