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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thank God Every Day How Blessed We Are

In the middle of January received a phone call from a elderly man returning from U.S.A to 
Chennai  after visiting his son and daughter.I mentioned will surely come and see him out of respect
But did not know anything else about the family situations. Over the past 10years many people have
Approached me asking for my help in saving or helping their close ones. I am not in the medical 
Profession nor do I have any education.

I personally had some health setback due to which was not able to move about in January. Many times
Wanted to return back to the states but a friend kept saying don't go back wait it out you have come
Here for a reason. As time passed and could regain my strength and started to feel better decided to stay back in chennai. Most of the time just stayed home by myself in contemplation and chanting
Lords name in a room only with a folding  metal bed with one pillow and a sheet. Some who have
Come home even have commented "you are brought up in comfort in the states and are sleeping
In this".

I told them don't even need this can sleep on the floor. One day a few ladies who I met at Thiruvanamalai missed there train connection and asked can you give us a ride to chennai,as I had a
Large vehicle. I thought that was the correct thing to do not to leave woman stranded ,and brought them
Back to chennai as it was late asked them to come to my house and sleep. We had only one spare bed
But there were 4 ladies. I took my folding cot out of my room and placed in their room. Some of my extended family
Commented " Have you gone mad,first you bring strangers,next you offer your bed those people are
Used to sleeping on the floor.".

I felt they are our guest and should offer comfort to them.It is o.k to sleep on the floor for one night
There are so many in the world who don't have any comfort and if they can do it why not me.

The month of February occasionally visited a few temples but did not feel any vibrations from those 
Places as it has become very commercial. There is no chanting of slokas,mantras or even a tape
Recorder chanting. Occasionally when the priest sees someone who might give some money would
Light a lamp and show looking for some reward.

After the first week of February got busy with preparation for Maha Shivaratri and was blessed by Shiridi sai baba in Guindy and later in Saroja aunty's house in Indra Nagar where every picture placed by
Me swami blessed with sandlwood ,vibhuti,kumkum,flowers , Amirit honey and saligramas. Swami
Had already given a list of names of the receipents of those materializations .3 in the U.S.A and one
Person in chennai all their names start with  K. I took the one saligram that had to be given to the person in chennai and kept in my back pack so that when ever would have a chance will give to them.

I needed one day to catch up after Maha Shiva Ratri.So the next day called the
Uncle who reached out to me in January. Uncle I would like to come and see you tommorrow ( Thursday).He was happy and said by the way it is my birthday February  (x)  sorry omitted the date for privacy for the family.I had now  a definite
Reason to visit him. On way stopped at the shiridi temple and showed the management the miracles
Of Swami's materialzation and they gave some prasadam flowers garland which was placed on baba
Normally they don't give I was told. Felt blessed but knew there had to be a reason.

Went to see the uncle not knowing who he was staying with brought some edibles as a token of love
To the family. A beautiful lady with a warm and welcoming smile and the uncle waiting at the door
Step eagerly asked me to step inside their home. I had absolutely no idea of the family's situation .
Thought was going for  a casual visit. Took out my album and wanted to show all the pictures of 
Swami's divine love in the form of manifestation. The lady started to cry uncontrollably and 
Walked over to comfort her. I have come as your elder brother not to worry will take care of the situation. The saligram which was supposed to be given to Krishnamoorthy in chennai now swami has changed to Kumar again the alphabet K. Gave it to her she said" will you come upstairs and see my
Husband". What should do with this saligram ? Place it on his body all over and chant the lords name.

She said" most of the people think about the lord only during difficult moment but we as a family always have chanted only the lords name all the time".  When swami was in his physical form took
Him to prasanthi nilayam and swami did not even look.

Sure without any hesitation not knowing anything Walked inside a room and saw a man lying on a
Wheel chair extended out frail and motionless with tubes sticking out. He was swami's student
Studied in Prasanthi Nilayam and  did his MBA. Has had many interactions with swami. He had a very good position and was  earning well and all of a sudden was struck  by this disease which has no cure.
They had consulted the best of doctors from as far away as U.S.A and was told no cure. It had been 
8years. The whole family dynamics have changed,with two children to raise and a husband who cannot move any part of the body.she has to brush his teeth,shave,bathe ,dress and clean his soiled

She works 20 hours a day with hardly a few hours so called break. She has to tend to household duty,
Cooking for the children and constantly in service to her husband of 22years. 

Swami had sent me there for a reason but didnot know  how I could be of assistance . Sat down on
The ground and placed the saligram in his hand and kept massaging his legs  ( both the arms were totally extended out and turned
Only bones). I had tears watching this man but speechless that all of us complain about the simplest
Thing which goes wrong not knowing how worst it could turn in a heart beat. No family can prepare
For something of this magnitude .Her face was vibrant,cheerful and did not show any fatigue yet 
She spins like a TOP with no break. 

Some of her extended family have pitched in giving accomadation, and financial assistance.she told
Me we don't have a normal family life The children of this age enjoy with the parents in going out but
All of us are confined only to these walls. I have not even seen my parents and they cannot travel
Due to their age. I only reached out to the higher conscious to show the way to help this family in dire
Help. Contacted Saroja aunty "swami has blessed her with a special VEL (spear of Lord Subramamia)
To cure ",she glady said would come and access the situation and  do 
the necessary.


When I was typing that I was her elder brother a surge of energy went thru my body and after a few
Minutes subsided down.

All names of the people and dates have not be mentioned due to privacy for the family.

OM Sri Sai Ram

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