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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

In memory of his father who installed the values of life

His father
Started ironing clothes 35 years ago and passed on his legacy to his five boys.
THE CUSTOMERS WILL COME LOOKING FOR YOU." Mr. Raman1942-1997passed away at the age of 55years old.

I had the privelege of taking with Mr. Murugan who is running the family business of ironing clothes.
His father started the business in the year1980 and purchased a cart and a iron box with 1500 rupees and the right to operate in the Alwarpet area( similar to a franchise operation ) so no one will compete in that area.had to maintain the family of 10 people in the household. 5 Boys and 3 girls and with a very insignificant income as in those days the charge for
Ironing a pant75 paise and a shirt another 75 paise . There were very limited amount of houses in those days unlike now.  When I was in 5th standard  in nungambakkam dropped out of school to help my father as he was not able to keep up with the work load. The day would start at 9am-11 pm . 

My salary was  rupees150 per month I stayed and helped my father for 4-5 years till he could no longer
Afford to pay so I started to work in a bungalow doing all ordinary work in getting day to day operation of running the household. My salary was 500 rupees per month helped my father in running the family and saved money in getting my sister married( at that time my father was 50 years old) he had some problem with his eye and had to get a operation after that he was not the same.

Murugan I stepped in and told my father to take retirement and return to his hometown and take rest

The eldest brother has a ironing shop on a main road Natresan Kottai ( Kambar Samadhi)

The next two brothers operate at Kodambakkam paid Rupees 80,000 for the right to operate in that
Devolpment purchased from someone ( included 2 iron box, stall or cart and exclusive right in the neighborhood) by his brother Shiva who has studied till 10th standard and Bhagyaraj who completed
B.Com in Tamil standard( the first to graduate) but has decided to be and join the family operation.

Murugan who is in his  40's was born in the year1970 and his younger brother shiva also helps him out
In the Alwarpet location since then he has supported all his sisters and his younger brother who is not married.

Murugan got into the family life in the year 1995and his married to his wife,M.selvi for 20 years. After six years he had a daughter due to the fact he was preoccupied with the business didn't know what happened
To his daughter.she was diagnosed with  yellow fever jondis and she died at a very young age.

He has another daughter Ms.Anupriya 7 years old
again and she is in First standard . I asked him what is his future plans?
He replied" I am only continuing as it was my father's business " no one wants to work hard anymore
And long hours under the most extreme conditions of heat and standing all day from 9-11 pm.
People think we make a lot of money and tell those customers to switch places for a day. The grass is greener on the other side.

The charge for ironing a pant/ shirt 7 rupees and a saree 10. Overall it is cheaper to work elsewhere 
And collect more. A average security guard makes 8000-10,000 rupees for 12 hour shift. We hardly even make that after expenses.

DREAM ALIVE.  He taught us that our work should talk about us take pride in your work,come on time
Serve your customers with respect and it will come back yo you in hundred folds.

Maybe one day I will also sell and move back to my home town. I hope!!!!!! For my daughter's sake

His mother R.Angammai is approximately 65years young and is living in their hometown.

May the lord shower his choicest blessings on this family and keep them united for years to come
With lots of laughter and joy in their hearts with love.

It gave me immense pleasure in knowing Mr. Murugan and his brother Kannan in my short stay of 
Five(5) months. It all started with swami's picture of his divine manifestations I gave him a framed photograph which he proudly displays in his cart. Many have asked for a copy and Murugan has replied" sorry this was a divine gift" and cannot be duplicated.

Om Sri SAI Ram

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