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Friday, December 30, 2022

Swami Testing December 30,2022

Aum Sri Sai Ram,

I have been put through a laundry list of medical testing and issues & hospitalized during the pandemic situation Covid-19. 

I always felt a unseen hand working inside and outside always keeping me extremely comfortable and never felt lonely at any moment. 

No family members were present for any of the procedures or at the hospital. My daughter occasionally visited me for a few hours after her work schedule.

I started writing Aum Sri Sai Ram and would listen to Bhajans as I was awake 23 hours a day due to the heavy dosage of steroids.

When the nurses would come and ask can we help you in any way?  I would say can you please give me some medication for sleeping and don’t wake me up at 3-4 am for taking the vitals, or breathing treatment. Even with the sleeping medication I hardly slept 3 hours a day.

The Lord was in the room at all times and felt the positive vibrations via the Doctor’s, Nurses, technicians, phlebotomist,breathing treatment nurses, all the cafeteria staff, cleaning staff who came in his form.

The nurses didn’t want me to leave the room. They said “ We have not had a patient like you in a very long time and we connected on the spiritual path  Many wanted to hear my experience of connecting with the people who are transitioning .

I also thoroughly enjoyed my stay in the hospital as the Lord was in the room.

All from January 6,2022 to December 30,2022

Podiatrist : Could not stand or walk 

Orthopedic specialist : Thought could be the knee but discounted and said  Osteoarthritis.

Rheumatologist : Rheumatoid arthritis all over the body.

Pulmonologist :  Asthma 

Steroids: Prednisone 10mg increased dosage to 20mg twice a day and then to 40mg twice a day to control the wheezing symptoms.

Cardiologist : Aneurysm 4.5 cm Have to Monitor and a open chest surgery once it gets 5cm. This is a silent killer there are no signs and by the time you call the ambulance you’re done.

Primary physician .. Constantly coughing continuously for weeks on end, couldn’t eat, breathe, or sleep weight loss 15 pounds in 2 weeks.  steroids 2 times  prednisone 40mg twice a day. For almost 2-3 months absolutely no sleep.

Antibiotics 2 times 

Vascular surgeon … Due to the water retention in the ankles, legs  which was reducing with all diuretic medication.

Gastroenterologist  … Silent blood loss

Need to conduct a Endoscopy evaluation and Colonoscopy Evaluation to determine what is the course of action to take.

Physical therapy for strengthening the right knee, leg due to the severe back pain had to cancel the therapy session on December 30,2022.

Several cat scans, MRI , blood testing , X rays, Echocardiogram, pulmonary function testing, stress test.

Hospitalization.. : Collapsed at the Doctors office as the lungs were at 30%.  In the hospital from 6/17- 6/27/22

Diuretic medication 

Furosemide 10,20,40,80,160mg

Bumetadine 1mg, increased to 2mg.

Weight hasn’t decreased at all, rather it has been increased despite I have reduced my intake.

Gastroenterologist initial consultation, followed by Endoscopy and Colonoscopy to locate the silent blood loss. The primary physician, Rheumatologist & Cardiologist confirmed with several blood tests I am anemic.

Every thing is his blessings and finishing all in this lifetime itself.

I am great full for all these ailments as I have a opportunity to connect consciously with the lord with in and hear his voice in silence.

Lots of love ❤️  To all.


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