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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Lord can hear your inner voice

I  keep feeling the love in me over and over again, sweeter and sweeter as the days go by what a beautiful love between you and I.

June 5th, 2023

Early morning vision 

Swami is seated in a function and on his left side Shri Chakaravarthy is seated and I am seated on his right side.

There’s a spiritual function taking place where a monk is giving a speech ( looked like Shankar acharya) in Hindi.

Swami says doesn’t he know any other language than Hindi? , and immediately the acharya and his fellow devotee changed from Hindi to English.

As I was seated next to Swami ( Sathya Sai Baba) on the right side a thought came in my mind to ask him for Pada Namaskaram ( touching his lotus feet).

As soon as the thought came Swami put his hand on my feet and as he was so close his long curly hair was gently touching my face.  End of vision!!!

I came downstairs and as usual opened the I pad to listen to some divine program to start the day and see” Live stream from Kashmir Maha Kumbha abhishekam Sharada peetham “.

I clicked on the video and my surprise this was exactly the event was shown early morning in the vision.  Please watch till the end and will see how the devotees switches from Hindi to English and acharya gives the entire speech in Hindi.

This was Swami’s blessing for the surgery knowing very well I wouldn’t be able to bend down and take pada Namaskaram to his lotus feet.

Om Sri Sai Ram.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, jus wanted to know if you know of any living siddhar as i need guidance navigating life surrounded by evil and being sent negative energies every day.
