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Friday, March 24, 2023

Vision of my nephew who was going to lose his life in a tragic accident.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram.

It’s Swami who decides what to write and when to write. Without his permission not a single word can be written. Some incidents after many years he gives permission.When the family members have come to terms with the incident.

Visions are driven by higher energy and consciousness.

Early morning in the summer of 2012 I had a very clear vision of what was going to unfold….. with a family members son.

I see the husband and wife both seated on the floor with their heads in between the legs and knowing what has happened is going to devastate their lives for ever. 

The next scene I walk into a building and my sister in law jumps and hug’s and started to sob incessantly. I tried to comfort her but she wouldn’t let me go. I could feel the wetness from her tears soaking my shirt.

I said to her…, people are watching and she replied back “ I don’t care”.

That was a very clear message and vision. After I woke up informed my wife to inform her sister that a major calamity was going to happen in their life.

She was reluctant to mention it to her as there was no proof whatsoever to prove that my dream was going to come true.

I took it upon my self as I was leaving to work to send a text message to my sister in law.

I didn’t share all the details of the incident with the family members as I knew which son it was going to be and how he was going to transition to his end of life.

The family members instead of asking any questions they actually blocked my phone number and mentioned to a few people that we were jealous of their family members.

I don’t choose who gets the message or the contents of the message. I feel it’s my responsibility to inform whoever it’s meant for to deliver in its entirety.

When a message comes there is a lot of reason why? It’s to transform the family and bring into a different environment so such events could be avoided.( More like a warning)!!!!

Most people love Sin and fear God.

God doesn’t punish anyone.

In many cases I would know exact time line but in this particular case I didn’t have any time as to when it was going to happen??

Life is like a chessboard… every correct move gives you a opportunity for the next move and as long as you keep taking the proper steps can make the next step. One wrong move and you’re in checkmate where you know are trapped and no way out.

In year 2016 my wife one day asked “ You said about my sister’s family nothing has happened I don’t know why you say such things “?

I said just because it hasn’t happened yet,doesn’t mean it will not happen?. Swami’s word’s never go wrong.

On April 6th  2019 in Singapore as my nephew after work had gone to meet some friends and as he left the party tried to halt a cab. The cab was on the opposite side of the road. As he crossed the road his slipper turned and he fell face forward and was hit by a car. He was pronounced dead on the scene. He was 26.6 years old.

Swami should the scene 7 years before it happened!!!

I don’t want to label anyone. Chances are a bit better when your senses aren’t tainted with any alcoholic beverages and one can perceive things a bit more clearly.

I invited the family members over and over again for satsang. Bhajans and family get together but they refused to join us for anything.

He was a excellent student, studied at Stamford and London school of economics. Always thought of others success over his and a talented saxophone player. 

I wished the parents had looked into why? Prior to the event coming to a close.

My heart goes out to their family members for losing a child, son . 

Unfortunately……. I only deliver the mail and have no attachment to the contents or the person’s no matter who it is!!!! 

No photograph of the family or the deceased will be shared as instructed by swami.

Aum Sri Sai Ram!!!

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