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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Swami speaks…. I am only a instrument.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

I have been contemplating on writing about this family for the past few months and some reason or the other it just doesn’t happen.

Unless he wants to write about something or someone it doesn’t happen no matter how much one wants to write.

Where or how do I start with this family?

In 2006 Auntie Janaki had gone to a wedding at a temple in the United States ( New Jersey) and the priest was saying in Tamil language and Janaki aunty was  translating it to English.

She met with another person and after some time she said was looking for a ride back home as her daughter was delayed in picking her up. On the way Aunty expressed she was new to the local area and wanted to attend Sai baba Bhajans. The uncle said I know Koushik he also lives in the neighborhood and I will ask him to take you. The uncle wasn’t a Sai devotee.

Since then over the past 15 years we have become good friends and i have at most respect for her. She was a music teacher in padma sheshadri school in Chennai. 

In New Jersey has a daughter and another daughter in Houston and a son in Dallas. She has been living with her middle daughter in Houston for a few years as her older daughter got transferred to London.

In the middle of December 2023 I got a text message from Janaki aunty saying that “ All the family members were going to come together in New Jersey for their eldest son in law’s 60th birthday and Uncle who is in 90’s also was going to come “.

I was happy to hear about their family coming together for

auspicious occasion. She then requested some materialized Vibhuti which was manifested in our house.

Usually the first response would be Sure!!

I replied without any hesitation….. what is the point of Vibhuti at this stage of time.

She was furious and angry and didn’t answer any questions.

I informed my daughter that on our way to Bhajans will take the Vibhuti prasadam and in case she calls or texts on our way back home will drop off the package. On Thursday it was extremely cold and raining and didn’t get any response from Janaki aunty.

On December 30th she sent a message on our way back to Houston.

I replied…..PLEASE TAKE CARE!!!

Aunty became more furious…. Who do you think you are to tell me to take care?

The following week I reached out to Aunty to make sure everyone was okay? 

And I got a message……

After we arrived from New Jersey everyone was affected with COVID. Daughter, son in law, grand son and another Grandson  Uncle and auntie. Uncle who was in his 90’s was affected the most and had to be hospitalized and with in a few days passed away on January 19th, 2023.

How did I know about this a month earlier when I said what is the point of Vibhuti prasadam? Or saying Take care!!!

Had they taken proper care and precautions could have avoided this situation but it was predestined for uncle to move on by the time.

Aunty had a brother in California who also was playing with Yama. One day she said I am planning on going to see him in March. I said you have to go now or in March only the house will be there but not your brother.

She said what does now mean? This was end of February on a Friday. I said today.

She said I have to ask my son and will go ASAP. They booked the flight for Sunday morning and arrived at 9 by the time renting the car and driving to the house it was 10:35.

He passed away at 10:30am.

I only deliver the message in its entirety and don’t add or delete anything.

He is the Doer!!!!

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

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