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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Seeing the spirit of the deceased

 Sairam Anna,

I had an experience when I was visiting Grand Canyon which I had mentioned to Radhika.

One day when we were in the Canyon she was taking a lot of pictures and Neha was not very much interested in walking around the place but she had to keep up.

I was walking way ahead of them and to keep myself busy I was just talking out loud as no one was there. At one point I saw a man dressed in a cowboy hat and leaning on the edge and I thought…, maybe there’s a good view to take photos and kept quiet as I didn’t want to disturb him or other’s who might be around him.

When I got closer didn’t see him or even a ledge in the area and kept looking for him.

It was so clear and could describe his attire as it was from a distance but didn’t see his face.

Who was he? Why did I have to see him? I have been wondering about this episode since I had returned back from Grand Canyon last week.

I got some clarification from a friend who had the privilege of being in close proximity with Sathya Sai Baba for nearly 4 decades and in his words…..,

There are always beings around us at different levels of evolution from the physical to the highest plane of consciousness. Better to leave them alone, and go on with our lives.( Shankar).

Vision from the Shirdi Era

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Early morning vision….. father was carrying his grandson in his arms and his son who was blind next to him and they were singing Bhajan at a Hindu temple .

Next scene at a mosque. I was standing next to him and reached in my kurta top pocket and pulled out one hundred rupee note ( purple bluish color) had only a few smaller notes along with a small piece of paper.

 The father took the money and blessed and said “ wishing you well  in your life “. Sairam

Shirdi Ke Sai Parthi Ke Baba Tum Ho Hamare Sai Baba.

The Lord of Shirdi is the Lord of Parthi you are our Sai Baba!!

When you do the Lord’s work, he compensates you accordingly!!!

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

When you do swami’s work, he does your work and compensates you accordingly.

I hadn’t traveled abroad in many years and was a bit apprehensive of traveling this year. 2024.I practically forgot about what all was necessary to travel.

I contacted a travel agent which my wife had been using for many years for all her travels.

I called Manisha and gave her my itinerary and we went back and forth.I was attending a Atirudram Maha Yagna event at Durban, South Africa in April 2024.When the time came for booking the seats she was unable to do so, and said you have to pay additional charges.

I said no way… as already I am paying premium price for the ticket. I finally booked on my own for the same price without paying additional charges.

After a few weeks as some other situation arised I need to get a ticket for India ( May 3- June 4 Chennai ).  Again I contacted Manisha to get my flight booked Air India Premium economy from JFK to Chennai.  As she didn’t make any commission from the previous booking I wanted to give her another opportunity to make a few dollars.

She called me a week prior to departure to mention that my return flight from Chennai will be on an economy flight.

I was applaud and said “ I have paid premium price for my flight “. How can they change at the last minute?

She said you have an option to book on Business class. I didn’t want to give any business to a company who didn’t have any etiquette how to handle the customer in the first place.

Manisha checked at the last hour and found another airline Business class ticket to and fro . She mentioned Air India will refund your money as it was their fault.

Now I had to pay Manisha the difference between premium economy flight and business class ticket.

I have reached out to the travel agent so many times, called, texted and spoke with Manisha for payment which is due to her.

My wife has been trying to contact her but no response.

Manisha will take my phone call and say I will get back to you in a few minutes and it has been 5-6 months absolutely nothing.

Last time I spoke with her said… I am chasing you to pay your money. Don’t you want the $3000 ?

That’s a divine gift for taking care of Guruswamy!!


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Witnessing my own death.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

On January 8th 2024 early morning I had a very clear vision of seeing my physical body from up above the bed 

I saw hoards of people coming inside the house and going from room to room in search and finally coming up the stairs to the Master bedroom on the right side of the stairs.

When the people came inside I was trying to get their attention to tell them “ Make sure you don’t leave without going to see the Pooja room on your way out “.

I instructed my daughter..  please make sure all the people who are coming that they pay their respects to the Guru( Teachers) in the Pooja room or shrine before exiting.

I could see all the people but they couldn’t see or hear my words.

On January 30, 2024

My daughter tells her mother that she needs to pick up some items before the hearse comes to the house. When she presses the garage door open the funeral hearse is backing up in the driveway. Now she can’t get out of the garage.

I inform my daughter and the funeral director to go once again to the Pooja room first. The funeral director said “ I have been to this house before “. He stands in the bottom of the stairs and sees how he is going to navigate bringing the body out, as we have a curved staircase without a landing pad.

He goes straight up and turns to the right side and walks into the master bedroom and without any commotion zips up the body bag and makes his way through the stairs and loads in the hearse.

In every moment of my life please be with me Baba, Sai Baba.

Be useful while you’re alive and deceased to the society. I have donated my whole body to 

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Anatomical Association. No viewing, ritual or gathering of any sort. Go about your daily activities and lives, if you feel the urge to do something special please help the needy and poor people in the world.



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Choices. Choices and decisions ….Lord or worldly pleasures?


Good morning All,

Early morning vision I am some where in India and suddenly I get a thought of visiting Prasanthi Nilayam and inform my wife. She said…. Go ahead!! I check I have only a few rupees and wonder how am I going to get there?

I ask her can I get the house keys so I can change from western clothes to a Dhoti and white shirt. She says.. I don’t have any keys.

Ohh my goodness… don’t have any money, keys to change and how am I going to go?

My wife very rarely accompany me to any spiritual events.

In the next scene…. I see a little girl about 2 years old wearing a red flowing skirt and a puffy small top, her hair is curly combed with a black bow. I am seated on the floor with a white Dhoti and a white shirt. The little girl is playing with a sticky bindi on a piece of paper which is white with gold outer circles.

She peels off one and applies it on my forehead and applies the other on her forehead and sits on my lap and asks the people please take my picture.

What a lovely picture…. All white background and bright red little girl in the middle. Her fingers are short and tender with a beautiful. Gorgeous eyes and smile to fill the entire room.

On the other side…. A family enjoying their time together with friends sharing their memories of traveling and dancing.

Life is always about choices…..we have to choose between the lord and the worldly life.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Swami speaks…. I am only a instrument.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

I have been contemplating on writing about this family for the past few months and some reason or the other it just doesn’t happen.

Unless he wants to write about something or someone it doesn’t happen no matter how much one wants to write.

Where or how do I start with this family?

In 2006 Auntie Janaki had gone to a wedding at a temple in the United States ( New Jersey) and the priest was saying in Tamil language and Janaki aunty was  translating it to English.

She met with another person and after some time she said was looking for a ride back home as her daughter was delayed in picking her up. On the way Aunty expressed she was new to the local area and wanted to attend Sai baba Bhajans. The uncle said I know Koushik he also lives in the neighborhood and I will ask him to take you. The uncle wasn’t a Sai devotee.

Since then over the past 15 years we have become good friends and i have at most respect for her. She was a music teacher in padma sheshadri school in Chennai. 

In New Jersey has a daughter and another daughter in Houston and a son in Dallas. She has been living with her middle daughter in Houston for a few years as her older daughter got transferred to London.

In the middle of December 2023 I got a text message from Janaki aunty saying that “ All the family members were going to come together in New Jersey for their eldest son in law’s 60th birthday and Uncle who is in 90’s also was going to come “.

I was happy to hear about their family coming together for

auspicious occasion. She then requested some materialized Vibhuti which was manifested in our house.

Usually the first response would be Sure!!

I replied without any hesitation….. what is the point of Vibhuti at this stage of time.

She was furious and angry and didn’t answer any questions.

I informed my daughter that on our way to Bhajans will take the Vibhuti prasadam and in case she calls or texts on our way back home will drop off the package. On Thursday it was extremely cold and raining and didn’t get any response from Janaki aunty.

On December 30th she sent a message on our way back to Houston.

I replied…..PLEASE TAKE CARE!!!

Aunty became more furious…. Who do you think you are to tell me to take care?

The following week I reached out to Aunty to make sure everyone was okay? 

And I got a message……

After we arrived from New Jersey everyone was affected with COVID. Daughter, son in law, grand son and another Grandson  Uncle and auntie. Uncle who was in his 90’s was affected the most and had to be hospitalized and with in a few days passed away on January 19th, 2023.

How did I know about this a month earlier when I said what is the point of Vibhuti prasadam? Or saying Take care!!!

Had they taken proper care and precautions could have avoided this situation but it was predestined for uncle to move on by the time.

Aunty had a brother in California who also was playing with Yama. One day she said I am planning on going to see him in March. I said you have to go now or in March only the house will be there but not your brother.

She said what does now mean? This was end of February on a Friday. I said today.

She said I have to ask my son and will go ASAP. They booked the flight for Sunday morning and arrived at 9 by the time renting the car and driving to the house it was 10:35.

He passed away at 10:30am.

I only deliver the message in its entirety and don’t add or delete anything.

He is the Doer!!!!

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Progress Report for Spiritual Growth

 I was indeed privileged to meet such a person who had the opportunity to be in the divine presence of the Lord SrI Sathya Sai Baba for nearly 4 decades in the inner circle.

I had requested him to write at least once a year regarding my personal spiritual guidance and growth.

I never had the opportunity of getting a physical pada namaskar of touching the feet of the Lord,nor any written letter or instruction from Sai Baba.

I considered that a great privilege to receive this hand written letter from the devotee as a gift from the Lord himself on the Diwali function. Ending darkness and coming into the light!!!

What a beautiful hand written message unfortunately not able to share….., maybe not meant for others!!!

It was on November 10,2023

Dear Koushik,

You should give up attachment to all including me. Attachment always leads to suffering.

You should also give up hatred, along with the cotails anger,,dislike and irritation.

Love every one, respect every one but at the same time be detached.

Pay no attention to your ego, and the false voices that arises in your mind.

Be silent like the Dhakishnamurthy, spend every precious moment of what is left in perfect equanimity.

Happy and Holy Diwali Greetings with Love,


Heart felt gratitude to the Lord for sending such kind souls to up lift humanity in this special moment of our lives.

Aum Sri Sai Ram!!!!!