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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Meeting Dr. P. V shankar { Anna elder brother}, A Very Special Person In My Life

Our family we had planned a vacation in the year 2006-2007 to take a cruise around the Caribbean. One day, after several days on the cruise ship, as I was relaxing a message came that I have to go and meet this person in one of my friends’ house but I have to make sure that I dress the same way as you would to a temple with fruits on a platter for him. I found this extremely strange. I thought to myself, what type of demand is that? I mentioned to my wife and she exclaimed that I had gone completely mad with all these things and coming up with all the bizarre requests. If you wear an Indian outfit in the winter and go people will think you have gone crazy. After returning from our trip, I made arrangement to meet with the intended family even though I had no idea who this person was. I followed my wife's request of not wearing a dhoti and kurta. As I have to live with her and I am sure that even The Lord would agree I follow her command. I rang the doorbell and the person whom I was to meet opened the door. A man not taller than 5 feet and a few inches, with a small frame, a very warm and loving smile greeted me with “sai ram”. I started to shake and tremble. He took the gift I had and placed it on the side and told the family members not to disturb him. He took me to a room, closed the door, put the fan on, and I was speechless. There were no words I could utter which would describe his demeanor and beauty. 

Very concerned he asked are you alright will you able to drive back home. I had a glass of water, wiped the perspiration, and said “you are not a human being. Whatever you see stays with you and only you. Do not tell anyone.” Then he asked “what all have you seen?” As I could not tell him right off the top of my head I told him that I will bring him my notes the next day. We were called for a satsang in the house and my wife also joined us. He narrated the unconditional love that god has for his devotees and that touched my wife and she began crying uncontrollably. He comforted her and said come and visit us for Navarati. Without any hesitation we booked our flight to be with him. We did not know anything about them but what we did know was that there was a certain heart to heart connection. I also have my brother in California so I thought I will visit them first then continue forward. From the time we landed we were being tracked every step of the way. 

Very lovingly and caring we were asked about our whereabouts but never did I feel that someone was in my personal space. I adoringly called him Anna, or elder brother, as everyone called him the same. We told them we will be there again on Monday. We were on “his GPS” and conveyed our status hour by hour until the time we finally met ay their house. From outside it looked like a very common townhouse attached on one side but inside was extremely beautiful in all ways imaginable. We settled down and had a sumptuous lunch. He said to go and take some rest as we have the gathering in the evening and need all the energy for that. It was like a very concerned mother talking not an elder brother and a couple of times we neglected his concerns. Finally we gave in and went to bed and slept for almost three hours. We woke up, took a bath, and went downstairs to join all the members for special Navarati festivities. Anna came and asked me where I was going to sit and I said all the way in the back as I do not want to disturb anyone as their energy is high. I’ll go into a trance and might fall on someone as I have no control over that energy surge. The program started with beautiful slokas and adoring the supreme divine Devi Sai Ma. Anna came and sat next to me and when the time came for him to speak he went forward and gave an excellent message from swami's teachings. I was deeply touched. 

After the program finished he went and sat on a couch far away from the crowd and like a magnet I was pulled towards him and sat directly under his feet. He said “Koushik, you are unnecessarily bringing attention to me. Please move. I was so hurt but with love in my heart for him I walked to a window gazing out with tears pouring uncontrollably. He knew what I was going through and walked over to comfort me and as his eyes met mine I went into the trance. Now mind you, I am over 6 feet tall. I fell straight back hitting the plush carpet and was cradled in the divines hand. We had many of these warm loving days with this special family. The last day after the program he had to go to the airport to pick up his brother-in –law. As he was coming down the steps and I was already in a trance no one could stop and just like that I fell face-forward on the cold granite floor forgetting that now I had my eye glasses on his feet. I only know who I saw and did not care what anyone thought about me. Our trip of great moments was coming to an end and Anna offered to take us to the airport. He set the alarm for 4 AM and personally dropped us off. What more can I ask of him? He said “do not cry I am with you.” We boarded the flight and I began reminiscing about the trip we just experienced and again I began sobbing missing him. I have never felt this way before for anyone and my hands got numb and could not breathe. 

A passenger came forward and told my wife I am doctor let me try and help. The airline informed tower control for emergency crew to meet us at the terminal for transport. The strong and fond love that I have for my Anna cannot be explained in words. My wife called and narrated the situation. After that there was a disconnection in my life with them. I would ask myself what did I do wrong that he would suddenly ignore my calls or avoid me reaching out to him. I guess it was up to me to rattle my brain and figure this out myself instead of just clutching on to him. Although I was hurt, I would still think of him and cry. I asked aloud “why did you come in to my life?” After several years he was in town to see his brother-in-law and even though I was still angry with him I knew I couldn't wait to see him. Anna was supposed to give a speech at a temple. He arrived early and was sitting all the way at the end of the room. I did not know prior to coming to the temple that he was going to be there. I walked through a service door and could feel his presence; a very strong energy pulling me towards him and was holding onto the door as to prevent me from falling. Someone asked me if I was okay because I was shaking and sweating yet still had no words to explain that very same connection I had felt at their house.

I got the courage to walk over to him with the same unconditional love poured forward. Over the years I have had many interactions with him every time one better than the previous. I have the utmost profound respect for his words and will never let him down.

Sai ram

Love all serve all

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