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Monday, December 9, 2013

Meeting A Saint - Chennai 2010

While at Sai Samiti they made a trip to Puttaparthi to see Swami, as he had asked for them to come. Unfortunately I was unable to join her mainly because it was peak business season and although she had paid and enrolled I would have liked to attended. Another obstacle that stood in the way was in the midst of vacationing to India my wife's father met with an accident and was hospitalized so with that we had to go only in the late month of October to bring him back home. My mother-in-law is a little over the top when it comes to temples and one such day she wanted me to accompany her in visiting the Hanuman temple. For some reason a voice within my head would not allow me to go but insisted we go to the Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Mylapore, Chennai. I have no idea why. Finally, everyone gave in and off we went to the temple in Mylapore on a Sunday; a very hectic day at the temple.

I have not the slightest clue when it comes to sequence as far as what to do first in the temple. My mother-in-law guided me when we went. Due to the crowd they kept closing the curtain. My wife asked me "what now? We've been in line for such a long time and they've closed the curtain." "No problem" I reassured her, "we will go around the circumference once and they will re-open the curtain." I am more interested in seeing people while in action practicing their weekly rituals in coming to the temple. I have no clue. While we were going in circles there were statues of sixty-three saints. I do not know what they stand for.

I saw a man with tattered clotting and an unshaven face standing in front of such an idol pleading. I had absolutely no idea what he was saying but you could see the intensity on his face so I stood next to him watching him very eagerly with a keen eye. My wife stood beside me and tears were flowing uncontrollably from her eyes. Something had happened. Perhaps a shift? I could see that something had gone from my body into his and now all I can see is his jaw move up and down as I am inside of him. After a few minutes he abruptly stops, turns around, and cups my hands in his. He simply says "Sir, I am 79 years old. Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu" and just walks away. My wife was dumbfounded and speechless. "What was all that about?" she inquired. I could only reply with a simple "I have no idea. But I have a feeling that is why Swami wanted me to come to this temple."

It is very rare to witness that unconditional devotion and pure dedication even though he barely had enough for basic necessities for daily living. He was more concerned with world peace. In this modern age, everything is about speed because no one has time for one another anymore but the one thing they are forgetting is that their missing the whole picture of LIFE!!!

Sai Ram.
Love All Serve All. 

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