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Friday, February 28, 2014

Charting Our Destiny (Predetermined By the Universe)

I have been told by many readers to write new writings from time to time. I am not the one writing and do not have experience on daily basis and do not the topic. From my early childhood my horoscope was charted out and interpreted by many and one of them was my grandfather (mother’s side) and all the things that he had predicted has come true so far. I am always amazed by that. We all think that we are molding and shaping our destiny but there is some other force which has already decided for us as to how our lives are going to be, no matter how much we try otherwise. Grandfather had told me that the business that I was in will not flourish and after a gap of few years I will come into another and will be successful. Well I wanted to try and prove that I was in control and can shape my business not to lose but he was right I did lose and after a gap I started again. There were a lot of things that he had predicted and things are unfolding as time goes forward, as if we are shown everything together we will not appreciate the value. I had gone on a trip to Sabrimalai a few years ago and that was shown to me in a vision by our swami Sathya Sai Baba who had handpicked the people who are going to be involved in making the trip a success. He was the guru swami who had guided me thru the journey. After telling about my experience to my wife's cousin Raghav, who has been going to Sabrimalai since childhood, has taken to my guru swami in accompanying him to Sabrimalai. After the completion of the trip in January 2014 he said please ask Koushik to call me. Raghav replied I will send him an e-mail. Guru Swami has no e-mail so call him. He did call and left a message, and I called guru swami back. He claimed I know when my devotees are in distress I know you have problem in your legs and are Going thru difficult hurts me to see you in pain. The Melshanthi at Sabrimalai wants to see your horoscope. I asked him why. I have been going to Sabrimalai for 52 years and have never encountered a divine experience as I had when I went with you and have shared that with each and every one who has traveled with me since. There is something about you. Guru swami I am an ordinary person who has absolutely no education, or spiritual knowledge how can I be that special? He said when I saw you I knew who you are and what you are born for? You are like a Rice grain and quoted something about Krishna and Duryudana I don’t remember the story as he was speaking let alone trying to write about it. He emphasized that I had to send the horoscope to him at the earliest. I again said swami I only a small fish in this ocean why is that you are making such a big deal. I know who you really are and time will tell. My grandfather had told me a few highlights: 1-you will be in business only (even though my father tried his level best to change my course but the higher self-proved otherwise.) 2. Will be the richest person in the family (I guess he was not talking monetary but spiritual) as I have family members more successful in monetary. 3-will retire early from business (which many people and situations have made me to leave). 4. Will be very much involved in philosophy and there will be people waiting eagerly to hear what you have to say. (This I have not experienced yet and maybe it is in the works) as I have heard the same from others as well. Question still remains in me "who am I" that I can even fathom all these things. Reading various books that everything is Maya then where do all these things fit in. Do not pray to god and ask why me? Or ask him to alter your life (taking from the privileged and spreading it with families who are in dire need) as it affects the entire universe. Rather pray for strength, courage, and wisdom for you to endure the situation. On this beautiful snow day where everything has come to a standstill, I have been instructed to write these words. What connection does it have to anyone……I have no idea.
Love All Serve All

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