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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ayyappan Seva Sangam Dharmaprakash Kalyana Mandapam-Kilpauk, Chennai - December 27,2014

The lord had planned my trip to Chennai so I would have the grace of meeting many divine souls on this auspicious occasion of the valaku puja on such a grand scale. My chosen Guruswamy (by the ultimate guru of guru's BHAGAWAN SHRI SATYA SAI BABA). Without his sankalpa nothing can ever happen.What he wills will definitely happen.

After arriving in Chennai on November 27, 2014 I wanted to get blessings from my guru before venturing out for any duty. He had gone to Sabrimalai and was going to return only on the following day.
When I went to see him on Saturday at the time of blessing he gave me the formal invitation and mentioned that I must come and experience the divine manifesting at that function. I was eagerly
waiting for any invitation to attend any puja or bhajans as I had come at the correct time for Ayyapa
puja festival .

With the hope and anticipation that someone would invite me I eagerly waited by the phone and checked my email but as they say without the guru it is not possible. I had to go only with guruswamy for the first time getting introduced to the function. I was eagerly anticipating the grand puja that would take place on December 27th to the 28th. I had ordered several malai garland and loose flowers for Archanai. When I arrived and saw the enormous amount of flowers a part of me wondered if they would even use our malai. I guess he certainly was going to show me in the end how it was going to be used.

Place of event: Dharmaprakash Thirumana Mandapam 
No10, Raja Anna Malai Road,
Chennai 600084

Event for Saturday, December 27, 2014  
Presiding Acharaya for both days
Shri Narasimha Prasad
     6:00pm Bhagavati Seva    
        8:00pm Bhajans            
9:00pm Arati  

54 Lakshmi Nagar
Guduvancherry, 603202

Event for Sunday, December 28,2014
5:00am Mahaganapathi Homam    
He is in such high demand that he is booked from August all the way until late January. He was a principal and after retirement is doing a service to the community. One has to see him to witness.
6:00am Veda Parayanam                         
8:00am-12:00 noon Laksha Archanai      
12:00noon Deeparadani
1:00pm Annadanam
4:00pm Anjaneyar Aaradhanai

One day upon mentioning to GURUSWAMY that my mother also was in Chennai he immediately said that he would like to meet her. I had to find out her availability in coordinating the timings. Everyone was available on Saturday morning of the 27th. In Chennai, even though the distance is not much it still takes a lot out of you in going from one place to another. I left my place and picked up my mother. We went to her place and then proceed to meet GURUSWAMY in Villivakkam which was on the other side of town. We spent a few hours there and returned at 1:30pm. We took rest again at 4pm and went to Villivakkam to pick up Guruswamy for the evening at 5pm. We arrived at 5:30pm for the 6:00pm function.

The altar was getting decorated with all fresh flowers in all colors  so beautifully. Guruswamy took me to meet the eldest Guruswamy present  his capacity is very limited but being the eldest member of the fraternity everyone who comes to the function prostrates at his feet and I was asked of the same.
He proudly introduced me to his peers and I also took all their blessings. He showed me the premises where
lunch would be served in the dining hall as well as the kitchen facilities used for the mass preparation. We were introduced to the head chef and it was such a sight to see. 

Vegetables were getting cut, shredded in groups and mass provision stacked up at one corner. They are unforgotten. Without all of them the prasadam would not be possible. They were very happy that I took the time to take some pictures and converse with them.
On one side were preparing making 3,100 ladoos. It took 10 men 24 hours from preparation to packing
to make everything. I also showed them I enjoy working in the kitchen and some pictures of making ladoo back from the Ati Rudram Maha Yagñam. 

The function started on time and the head priest, with just his presence alone, is divine to my eyes. Such beauty, grace, and diction followed through hand gestures to keep everyone fixed on the deity. My eyes were fixed on him yet our Indian population does not know when not to converse. If you are coming to see the divine at least for a few hours you should be able to calm the mind and give that undivided attention to the person conducting the function.

At times he tried to say it in a very gentle way and was able to at least get the children to cooperate. Being in the Sai fold I was expecting that all of the groups will follow same suit but that discipline was lacking in many groups. It is merely an observation.

The function followed by divine bhajans sung by Ayyapa devotees moved the audience in ecstasy 
with tears of joy in getting even just a glimpse of the divine. It was indeed a beautiful sight. We dropped off Guruswamy and arrived home at 11:30pm. I had our driver Panchakshram pickup Guruswamy at 5:30am on Sunday and take him to the venue and joined at the function along with some cousins.

I had taken it upon myself in taking care of the transportation needs for Guruswamy and that the disciple would be arriving in a car. If the guru was coming via public transportation that wouldn't be appealing to my heart. A few years back when I took the bus he had collections that had to be given to the financer in the amount of Rs. 35,000 but someone in the bus slit open the bottom and stole the entire amount. When he narrated the incident my heart immediately sank. This man is so poor and I thought to myself where in the world is he going to come up with that amount.

The entire Mandapam was decorated very grand and indeed it was a beautiful sight to see. In descending order, all of the large polished brass valaku was placed with flower malai for all in yellow color. Anyone can perform the lakshacharanam but the only thing is that once you sit down you cannot get up for at least 3-4 hours until Deeparadani. I did not sit down as I wanted to avoid disturbing the crowd because I know I will end up going into a trance and lose track of time. Everyone without missing has to chant because even one less will not constitute laksacharanam. The program started at 9:00. The men sit on one side of the valaku and behind them any ladies in order will perform Kum Kum Archanai. The other side is anyone who is able and available. The rows of persons behind them were performing the Vibhuti Archanai. What a sight to see!

The elder guruswamy's would occasionally go into a trance and there were devotees trying to control him. But as the priest had mentioned we don't know in what form  ayyapa is going to come in today. When the puja was over heaps and heaps of flowers on the main altar where the priests were offering to the valaku and all deities present Ganapathy, Murugan, Devi Bala Tripurasundari, Anjenayar, and Ayyapa. I was surprised to witness,for my question before, about the malai that I had brought. He took that malai and placed it on top of the flowers. All four of them were visible and then came one Guruswamy in a trance and took that malai and put one on the priest and one on himself. What a blessing to witness such love of the compassionate lord for his devotee.

The bhajan started in full swing with such devotion, dedication, and discipline to the lord Ayyapa. 
That everyone got totally immersed that they had no time to think or talk. Only guruswamy's were
allowed on the Mandapam. At one point each sat on the step and immediately a Guruswamy came and said do not sit on the step  go and sit on the Mandapam. Swami said to go and sit and immediately I went and sat and closed my eyes. I was transported to the hills of Sabrimalai; one with the lord in deep meditation  with thunderous bhajans in full swing. This body had no intention of returning back to its form. The guru or the audience threw flowers in ecstasy of seeing that divine form. When I opened my eyes I was the only person on the stage because there was no priest and no Guruswamy.


I was shocked that such a divine blessing was showered upon this soul as I am just an ordinary person. Elder Guruswamy came forward and said “seeing you is a satisfaction that no words can describe. You have the divine glow.” He said “please keep coming back this; your samiti. Many wanted to know where I lived, that they have never seen me, and wondered how I got connected to my Guruswamy.

ONE HAS TO ASK THE DIVINE MASTER FOR THOSE ANSWERS;  NOT THIS SOUL. Guruswamy was telling me  to go and have lunch but I told him I will have it with him. He said it will be 4pm when all the Guruswamy’s 
will partake. I told him that for me food is the last priority in my life. I will partake only with you and don't mind waiting.

All of the prasadam had to be distributed to all the devotees as well as the vibhuti ,kum kum, and sweet in a cloth bag.

When I had an opportunity I approached the head priest and mentioned that I was blessed indeed to be able to see and meet him. I asked him “when would I have the grace of seeing you again” and tears flowed from my eyes and his at the same time. The connection of the heart. The weather changed and it started to rain very heavily and the bus transportation was scheduled to go on strike on Monday. But on Sunday evening itself there were very few buses on the road.

We all had our sumptuous lunch served on a banana leaf; the traditional style; with all you eat varieties of sweets, spices, and vegetables.

One has to sit for a while before leaving. While waiting for our driver to pick us up, Guruswamy, myself, and a cousin were seated conversing about the way it used to be traveling to Sabrimalai. Mr. Narasimha Prasad (the Head Priest) came forward to ask if anyone was going to West Mambalam as he had another puja to attend. I told him it will be my honor to drop him off and it does not matter if it is out of my way. It will give me a few minutes to talk to him. We waited and waited and the driver called at 5:30 and mentioned he is stuck in traffic and cannot make it.

With rain and buses on strike there were not that many taxis or auto rickshaws available. I asked my cousin Madhu to take Bhairavn Guruswamy to Vilivakkam in an auto and I will accompany Narasimha
Prasad in another auto to West Mambalam. He asked how do you know Bhairavan and I narrated my vision  which materialized into a trip to Sabrimalai. Through that I got the grace of meeting Guruswamy. My intention was to drop him off and proceed home but he said come and witness the bhajans at this samiti. 

As I was accompanying him, immediately front row
seats opened up and he also wanted me to sit next to him. Again, what an honor to be so close in proximity of being with this divine soul.The bhajans again were so soul touching that one does not want to leave. He had the audience engaged with his mesmerizing dance and the devotees cheered his arrival. We stayed for 30 minutes and left. He lives 35kms away (50 miles) outside of Chennai.

Calling for a taxi there would be a minimum 3 hour wait before they can send a vehicle as the demand was high due to weather and bus strike. We had another opportunity to converse and be with each other. I called a friend who drives an auto to make sure to drop the priest off as it was getting rather late. I could not get an auto. He dropped me at the residence, came upstairs, saw my in-laws, and gave them darshan in person.

I told my mother-in-law that I have brought the head priest with the grace of the lord for you.


This entire trip is his doing from coming up with a reason, getting an emergency visa in 20 minutes which is a record for any governmental agency, flight arrival, accommodation(s), food and entertainment, puja ,bhajans, and even manifesting in the divine form for few to witness.

Mr. Narsihma Prasad stayed for a few minutes and left for his onward journey. Kannan, our auto driver, called at 8:30 saying “sir, I have safely been dropped off Guruswamy” He received blessings, coffee, and a small token of Rupees 20. Again he said it is all because of you to have the privilege of meeting, blessing, and transporting Guruswamy. He thanked with his hearts content.

It was a very divine and a memorable day spent with many and I want to thank my Guruswamy for putting the seed in my divine guru BHAGHAWAN SATYA SAI BABA without whom none of this would be possible.

Love All Serve All


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ayyappan Valaku Puja - December 21, 2014

 As it is the season for people to begin going on the pilgrimage to Sabrimalai, before undertaking the trek, one has to follow a lot of strict austerities and will have a lighting of the lamp or valukku puja.

I was very privileged this year to be in Chennai at the right time of the year to witness such an event 
in a grand manner and that too in the presence of my Guruswami Shri Bhairavan. The first 
invite I had was from our maid servant Mrs. Ramani. Her son was going to begin his trek on Monday December 22nd and a puja will be performed at the Balasubramaniam temple in Tenaympet, Chennai.  I was honored and told her I will surely be there.

I had not heard from Guruswamy for a few days and had called him several times but there was no answer. I became concerned about his health as he had just returned from Sabrimalai a few days earlier. With the weather and climate change he had experienced some health issues and the family ha requested him to go and see a physician. 

After a few attempts I finally got through and heard his voice "Swami Charanam Ayyappa" and I was instantaneously happy. I asked him where he was going today. He had already planned on attending a puja and was almost on his way out. I asked Guruswamy if there was a puja that I could attend. He said “come tomorrow, Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 10:30AM in  Panigraha Kalyana Mandapam in West Mambalam.

 As usual I called a few of my wifes' cousins and they both opted out but I knew for sure I would not 
miss this event. I arranged for flowers, purchased various types of fruits, and arranged for a vehicle and a driver (Kannan he told me the previous day that he would pick me up at 10AM). The next day being Sunday he was called by another customer to drive them to Tirupathi  which would be more beneficial to him monetarily wise but he refused and said “Sir, I have given my word to another customer that I would take him to a puja so I will not be able to come.” 

How many people will do that especially in a country where everyone is chasing after Lakshmi (money). That shows integrity and character about a person. His wife had passed away a few years ago and is raising two children. He had mentioned that “they come before my work.”

"My inner guiding voice told me to not try and capture this moment but to instead enjoy in your heart as this time will not return.” Less luggage; more comfort. Being in a crowded place there is no place to safely keep your belongings so it is better that I went with less baggage so I can be free to move about.

When I arrived at the hall where the function was being held the program was already in progress and Guruswamy was seated in the front. I approached him to just let him know I was there. He got up and asked his devotees to go and get a chair and a coffee for me. I told him I am an ordinary person not a VIP and can easily sit on the ground. There were many ayyapa devotees; males on one side and females on the other side. As there was limited space I got to sit directly in front of the valuku. I removed my shirt and right away Guruswamy told me to put my shirt and glasses in his bag. Now I don't even have to worry about those items.

The music and bhajans were sung in such devotion that even an ordinary person would get directly
connected with the lord. I closed my eyes, immediately connected with the lord, and was in such a meditative state for a very long time. I had tears rolling to be in ecstasy to be one with the lord. At times Guruswamy also chose to sing for his lord Ayyapa. He has gone to Sabrimalai for the last 50 plus years only as a guru and many times for a month in between seasons which does not count.

The bhajans were in full swing and several devotees were going into trances. These are things that I haven’t even seen myself where men were dancing vigorously and ladies going into deep trances. There were tying not to lose control of their bodies to avoid disturbing and affecting other devotees.
The family who had sponsored the event got the privilege to do Padi puja for the 18 steps. Guruswamy requested that everyone be seated so everyone can properly see the puja for the steps. I was seated all the way in the back and with music again at full speed I lost consciousness. Whether I was in Sabrimalai or a music studio the audio was unbelievable . After the puja was over he asked the volunteer to ask me to come forward. 

An elder Guruswamy took the final Aarathi and he was in a trance with fire in his hand swaying from one side to the other. Several devotees were holding him in the back and in the front. One can definitely see the lords presence coming in various bodies to give us proof or validation that “I am here; avail this energy; melt in this moment, and cherish as this might not happen again.” 

I kept saying no no but he insisted that the Guruswamy who is his next in succession should garland me. I said no guru swami I am an ordinary person and the next thing I knew I was gone in a trance and out of my body. Fifteen people could not move this body. They tried their level best and finally gave up and told guruswamy. He said “he is with me; I will take care of him.” He told everyone not to touch my feet or my legs. 

He applied all the vibhuti and kum kum from the puja all over the body and began chanting Swamyee Charanam Ayyapa. Guruswamy  sprinkled abhishekam water and offered panagam (sweet jaggery and cardamon water). “Keep pouring don't stop!” I could hear all the voices but could not even move one inch of any of body or even open my eyes. After 15 to 20 minutes when I finally came out I was inches away from the golden
18 steps once again and seated directly in front of the lord.

Even if one plans out an experience like this they cannot get this type of grace from the lord. Bhairavan Guruswamy was the eldest of
all and everyone wanted to get blessings and prasadam from him. There were almost 600-700 plus devotees. It is a privilege and an honor just to stand next to him let alone to serve such a humble
and simple man. 

I could only imagine seeing my SATYA SAI BABA in his glorious form extending out to the universe and a significant atom serving and looking up and seeing him. 

The line of devotees patiently waited for the Guruswamy and he would occasionally mention some personal information for their well-being. Standing in such close proximity it is unavoidable not to hear some personal matters but 99.9% of them only ask for material benefits. Instead they should take the opportunity for the guru to give his prasadam which might be much greater.

When I had a moment I asked him why they are all after the materialistic aspects of life but continue to follow this spiritual path. He replied they think that these temporary pleasures will keep them happy and they find out eventually that it is not everlasting. There are very few devotees who know what they want.

Finally I had my moment with no interruption with nobody in front or behind me. I had absolute oneness to pay my respects (namaskarams) to my guru chosen by my ultimate guru SHRI SATYA SAI  himself who escorted me to Sabrimalai in 2010. I had tears while paying respect and when I came up he too had tears. One namaskaram is not enough for this soul. MILLION AND MILLIONS FOR MY GURU.

I was told by a devotee of Swami of 40 years of being in his close proximity; “Koushik it is your responsibility to care of all his financial needs for years to come and take good care of him.” I value his words and try to do the best possible for my guru.

Finally we were called for lunch as the crew wanted to close their duties. Every now and then I would nudge Guruswamy and he would reply “how  could I leave those devotees who are waiting for me?” We went to the hall where there was a sumptuous  lunch fit for a king being offered and yet again had the privilege of sitting next to Guruswamy.
There were a few devotees who wanted to drop Guruswamy back to his residence which was quite far away from the place where the function was being held. When asked he said “I am going with 
Koushik.” What a honor to ride with the Guruswamy  and being in his close proximity once again with
no one to come in between us. When he got inside all other Guruswamy’s came to bid farewell to him and said “do not forget us.” Just the sight of that reminded of devotees running behind Swami's car  when he would be leaving.

He choose to come with me as my father-in-law had broken his hip. He told the driver Kannan to stop at our residence first. He got down from the car, came into the house to give prasadam, and to apply the holy ash (vibhuti) on his body where he had sustained the injury. This act was his own. I did not ask him as the day already had been quite long. That was pure compassion from his heart. True love.


Love All Serve All.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thiruvanamalai Karthikayi Deepam - December 5, 2014

Some things are to be experienced with only your eyes rather than sharing it with everyone as they might not know the significance.

The entire trip to Tiruvannamalai was not planned as it was Panchakshram’s idea. He was our driver from our previous trip. Although as a profession he is a driver people move to the side, respect his presence, and we have become good friends since then.

He mentioned that since I have come at the correct time that I should witness the lighting of the deepam. I mentioned to him that I was not much for crowds. He said "Sir, if you want to come I will take you in comfort and give you the best darshan with no problems." Knowing him I know he will surely follow through. 

I had invited Radhika's cousin to join but because of work related reasons he was unable to attend. So I called Guruswamy even though he was busy he still honored my request and joined us for the festivities. He told his family to take care of the necessary pooja on that auspicious day.

We left early in the morning and arrived at the malai by noon. The traffic was unbelievable as everyone was going to the same venue. The security was very tight and had a lot of check points due to terrorist threats. Once we arrived in town because of the heavy population vehicles were diverted back 2-3 kilometers and we had to walk the rest.  

Panchakshram said "don't worry about the police they cannot stop us. I will take you directly in front of the temple entrance." Even Guruswamy was surprised as the policemen saluted and kept opening the barricades as our vehicle approached. With some difficulty we weaved through the public and arrived at our destination.

I have never seen people like that anywhere where there was no space available as the entire area was occupied wall to wall. The estimated devotees for the function was 2-3 million. I certainly believe that. The temple was closed off for  the general public and only people with passes can manage to get in and even that was a hassle. We opted out once going inside as there was no way to come out until the program was over. There were no facilities whatsoever for that crowd.

Panch took us to his friends place and what a blessing that was because it was absolutely private and quiet. The hosts were not expecting us and went out of their way to accommodate our needs. It was a blessing that Guruswamy was in that house.

They had prepared all the food and were waiting to see the jyoti, lighting of the deepam, and then have prasadam. When Guruswamy asked for a cup of coffee it was only at that time the gas stove went out. With that dilemma of a guest who has come in the form of God who is asking for something and we are not able to give what he has asked for what is it that we should do? Without hesitation the payasam was brought over and offered to Guruswamy. He said he would also wait and have it after the jyoti.

With no one around us it was such a beautiful sight to see the malai and temple gopuram from the terrace. The ladies set the atmosphere in drawing the kolam with all the imaginable decorative lamps while giving the honor to Guruswamy to light the arati and offer to the lord and saints of the hills. He blessed each person individually and in sometime he told each of them things that they had to do for their own well-being.

At that time he mentioned about me seeing Kanchi Periyavar. Although all of us pray only some people are blessed in seeing the divine.  "If it were not for Koushik's persistence I would not have come. It is all because of him that everything is happening this way."

Guruswamy said "I have never experienced anything like this in my life and have lived in Chennai for almost 75 years. It was extraordinary!!

Sai Ram.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Divine Hand in Getting Visa to India - November 13, 2014

After spending 24 hours the night before singing the glory of our beloved swami (Satya Sai Baba) for the akhand bhajans which took place in East Brunswick, New Jersey, we received a phone call in the early morning at 2AM with news that my father-in-law had an accident. He had fallen off of a chair and broke his hip for the second time.
They had gone on a vacation to Coimbatore from Chennai for a week. Within a few days of arriving he did what should not have been attempted. He stood on a chair trying to adjust the clock. The maintenance personnel was going to come and adjust it on Monday morning but he just could not wait because he wanted to fix it right away. The only problem he had was that he had the same surgery a few years back but just on the opposite hip. He was struck by a motorcycle while visiting Madurai. 
Our friends parents came to their aid in getting an ambulance from Coimbatore to Chennai. After 12 gruesome hours of suffering from the unbearable and intense pain he finally arrived in Chennai where he underwent the same surgery that he had a few years back. 
Now the children had to scramble in taking care of elderly parents that were away from home. My wife's job would not allow her to take time off. My sister-in-law managed to take ten days from the school she's teaching at and left a fortnight ago. I had opted to go to India but the only problem was that I had applied for OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) and because that was in the process I was not permitted to leave the country. My current visa was only valid until February 20, 2015 and my in-laws were unsure of whether or not they would be able to travel on or before that date. Therefore I had to apply for an extension on that Visa. I gathered all the requirement paperwork and documents and went to the Indian consulate myself in New York City.
It's safe to assume that all government agencies are similar because they treat you like animals. When I walked into the office there was no one to greet me, no information booth, and nothing was marked as to what services were rendered where. Behind the booth there were two ladies pretending not to hear anything that the customers were saying. We were all asking questions but to no avail were our questions answered. There was no assistance for women with infants when it came to feeding or changing. The elderly were not being tended to either. 
With all that being said, here is my experience. 
I had all the necessary and required documents except for a doctors' certificate which is a must primarily because without that they cannot issue you an emergency visa.  We had contacted the surgeon who was performing the procedure on my father-in-law. The doctors are not at all prompt or have the sense of urgency in secretarial duties and claimed to not have my document on file while my turn came up. Exactly at the time the e-mail came in but the consulate demanded that they receive a hard copy.  The application drop off was from 9AM to 12PM and the pickup was from 4PM to 6PM. 
The time now was 10:30AM and there was no facility in sight to print out this document anywhere except for a mile away where I had to walk through the hustling and bustling city streets. It was much easier to walk in the city as opposed to taking and relying on public transportation. I have personal limitations with both of my legs and they do not function as well as they used to. On top of this setback I had a certain time to be back otherwise I would lose the whole day. I, with great difficulty, was able to make it back by 11:30AM and stood in line yet again and approached the counter. She asked "have I seen you before?" "No" I replied. She looked at all of my documents and asked if I was flying today and I casually answered yes. She then replied with "we can only give the visa for 3 months." I said "that will not help me as there is no guarantee my father-in-law will be able to travel within that time frame." She said "why don't you go ahead and get yourself a cup of coffee and I will have your passport and visa ready for you."  She called my name at 11:50AM and said "I have approved your visa for 6 months. You may pick up your passport approved with emergency visa travel." 
All of the other customers in line waiting were so shocked and surprised. "How did you get the visa in just 20 minutes? Whereas, all of us have to wait between 4 and 6PM. What exactly did you say to her? 

I knew that this was a true display of DIVINE INTERVENTION and the grace of the lords without whom it would not be possible. 

My wife called me at 12:10AM asking how I am progressing and dealing with the bureaucracy. When I mentioned to her that it has all been finalized she too was in complete shock in how I got the visa in record time.  I spent the remainder of the day with a divine soul who, with the instructions of Swami, has painted well over 500 very unique paintings of various lords, saints, sages, and sri chakras.  


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Balu Swami's Maha Samadhi 2nd Anniversary Celebrations - December 2, 2014

"When you do my work; I will do yours." - Swami

I had no plans of visiting India as my visa situation was almost about to expire and had applied for the OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) with the government embassy. 

As they say everything happens for a reason. The embassy was taking too much time in processing the documents. I am glad that I had not surrendered my passport with them which would have definitely detained me from going to India.

Due to my father-in-law's accident, some family help was required for his well-being. As I am
retired I had the good fortune of being able to stay for several months to take care and bring them back home to the U.S.A.

On October 16, 2014 at 8:43PM, a black snake appeared next to my chair. We have been in that residence for almost 18 years and never have we encountered such a situation. I was surprised yet at the same time knew it was definitely some divine manifestation. So with the divine name on my lips of what I knew I began chanting OM SRI SAI RAM with continuous fervor. I delicately handled the snake and placed him outside on that raining and thunderous night and right in front of me the snake disappeared in a matter of seconds as my eyes were locked on him.

With the emergency visa in place I was leaving for India on November 25,2014 and would arrive on November 27th early in the morning around 1AM. I took a few days rest and visited my Guruswamy to receive his blessings prior to visiting any other places. I was indeed blessed by him as well as Kanchi Maha Periyavar in real time. I wanted to write about the experience but did not have the permission to do so. 

On December 2nd, Madhu and I left in the early hours to Karur, located on the outskirts of Chennai, about 400 miles away. We arrived at Balu Swami's residence and the host family who live right next door around 8:30AM. We wanted to pay our respects to our beloved Balu Swami before going and being a part of the grand functions being organized by the devotees of Karur.

It was a very narrow and quaint house but enormous amounts of space to accommodate all who stepped inside that humble abode of our saint, Siddhar Balu Swami. There were almost four generations living  in that house, along with a lot of devotees and friends visiting. The host, Shubha, has such a bright smile and to receive each guest with the same joy and love it came naturally to their entire family. 

At one point I was standing outside and she told me to come inside. I replied with "it is very crowded inside" only for her to respond with "this house can never be crowded. There is plenty of room inside." That alone was a message for me. Open your heart much more and include everyone. 

We left toward the ground where a devotee had donated the land for his samadhi and construction of  a building around the samadhi. On top, a lingam 8 feet from the ground, a Nandi the same size, and a bronze statue of Balu Swami himself. The entire village was decorated and huge billboards and banners informing the public with all of the details of the event. The organizers (devotees) had made sure that all the details were addressed and everyone who attended was well taken care of. Afterall, that is what Balu Swami did. As soon as a devotee comes in make sure they are well fed then talk. 

As soon as we arrived we could hear thunderous nadaswaram and moolam; Kerala style. We went in and paid our respects to our guru and immediately was whisked away to have a sumptuous breakfast. More was offered by we were very light eaters so we had to respectfully decline. We mingled with our old time friends and encouraged them with kind words recognizing their efforts that went in to pull off such an outstanding event to this degree and magnitude. 

Many saints and sages were present at that location. I wondered how they knew of him attaining this state.  As people began pouring in, there became a need for crowd control so buses of police men and women arrived to do their duty as well as to show respect for the man they loved and adored. 

Balu Swami was a bus driver and his partner at the time, Gnanasekaran, was a conductor. When Balu Swami came into the state he did not forget about his friend and took him as his first disciple. After many years of going on that divine path they split. Balu Swami followed the siddhi yoga path while Gnanasekaran followed the bhakti path (became a devi upasaka prathingara) and with many years of sacrifice he too attained that divine state. 

After our sumptuous breakfast, Madhu asked me what my plans were. I told him I was checking the crowd to see who has power. He asked me how I would be able to tell. I told him "wait and see." I had never seen or heard Gnanasekaran Swamigal. I saw a man who was tall and well-build with long flowing hair and a beard. He had exceptionally bright eyes and right away I knew he had energy. 

The host introduced me to Swamigal and witnessed waves of people prostrating and asking of him. I decided that if I have to be touched by him he surely will call for me. From a distance I took a snap shot of him. In the crowd he had asked someone to go and get me to come and sit next to him. I walked and jumped around people and eventually sat right next to him. His eyes were very deep and soon both of our eyes locked intensely looking at one another and not swaying. He said "don't, don't because you cannot withstand the power." But I am not afraid of any. Whatever happens it is okay. Just like that within minutes I am sweating profusely where the heat is just exploding out of my body and tears are flowing uncontrollably. The shaking followed and I soon went into deep meditation. The connection of the heart was complete as to what I was looking for.

Swamigal of Manamadurai

Many many people of all walks of life attended and paid their respects. They asked mundane questions that pertained to their jobs, wealth, family matters, gifted and non-gifted children and their well-being. He addressed all of their needs in such fervor. At one point I just began observing an elderly lady who came and could hardly sit on the floor. Regardless she sat and told him "I have a lot of fears and don't know how to get rid of them!" Within seconds the lady was in a trance. She began laughing then crying, screaming, and finally ended up fighting with him. He just smiled throughout it all and while tending to others he just tapped her and everything was completely gone out of her system. She was back to normal and slowly walked away. 

Both Madhu and our driver, Mr. Panchaksharam, were touched and tears just flowed from both of their eyes. They were advised to do service. Ganapathy homam, navagraham homam, and a homam for Balu Swami was under way at the final culmination of Poornahuti and was offered to the sacred fire. Abhishekam to the lingam followed with all honors destined for our beloved Swami. Maha Prasadam was offered to him simultaneously. Food was offered to all saints and sages; whatever food they wanted and whatever clothing and money was gifted to all. 

Annadanam, a grand lunch was offered to all devotees present. Nobody wanted to leave the premises but a very grand evening procession was already being organized. So we left and went back to his residence while waiting for the final culmination of the program.  A grand decorated motorcade that stood 8 feet high and a picture of swami with all music accompaniments such as the Nadaswaram and moolams were followed by fireworks.

I thanked GNANASEKARAN SWAMIGAL OF MANAMADURAI. I don't want any monetary benefits for I am interested in what you have. Just give a portion of that. He said "why a portion if I am willing to give you  all?" 
The local people have no idea and want to get into the same maya over and over again. I knew in my heart that being in the presence of the divine force can change and alter your life in a matter of seconds and indeed I was looking for just that.


I asked him "when would I have the pleasure of seeing you again?"

He replied "God surely knows he will unite us at the right time."



A day we will surely cherish for years to come. "Those who think of me with proper devotion and serving the needy will be always in my protection." -- Balu Swami.