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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Bala Tripurasundarai Temple Sembakkam, chennai April14,2015

As today April 14,2015 was Tamil new year wanted to start the year in divine satsang. I called Saroja
Ammaji of Naga Sai Temple to find the day's activities and she said " make sure you come we will
Be having abhisehkam to Shiridi baba at 9:00 am. I went to take a shower and a inner voice " please come to Sembakkam to see Bala Tripurasundarai " and I said how I am going to come? Bala's voice
Ask your brother Madhu it is his day off for Tamil new year so he will bring you.

I called Madhu I was still in my wet towel when I made the call " can you please take me to Sembakkam to see Bala" she has called me to come thru you. He said no problem let me find out
The timings of the temple. I told him that had to attend a pooja for Baba and I would come in the afternoon and can  leave after lunch.

I somehow got a severe coughing spree and could not stop after lunch we started to go towards Sembakkam and along the way I asked Madhu to stop as I had to use the restroom. He couldnot find any,as we were going by saroja ammas house we decided to stop so I could use the facilities and Madhu & Manni can see the divine manifestations.

I asked ammaji to come with us to sembakkam Bala temple, but she said today being Tamil new year many would come to get blessings
So she opted out. I coughed my self to sleep it was a long drive nearly Two hours to cover 60 plus 
Kilometers. We arrived at the temple at 5:00 pm. The shiva temple adjacent to bala's temple there was 
Lakshashwaram being performed in full fervor and could hear the chanting all the way to the main road.

We walked inside bala's pettam and she looked splendid as ever in her beautiful dress and adorned 
By flowers of various type. I had purchased sweets for my Bala cashew barfi and after doing archana
To her made the offering,had prasadam. The Acharya took us to the second floor where Shri" lalitha
Tripurasundarai " is in the making not by original technique but with all natural herbs no concrete,steel
Sand or stone.So how is it standing straight up? One would wonder it is all the making of the lord who
Talks to the acharya in his sleep and gives him instructions. The minute the curtain was opened I had the privilege of seeing her for the second time and did not want to lose the opportunity pulled a 
Sheet which was there. My sister in law asked what are you doing? Meditating in a few seconds I was with the divine mother and enjoyed the bliss and did not want to return back to reality. My hands started to tremble and the acharya said that is enough for the day and closed the curtains and locked the door.

The acharya I have been thinking of you lately hoping I would see you again and you have come
And pleased my request. I am very happy you have come here and held my hands cupped in his with
A very warm smile and deep love.

Finally we bid farewell till next time,on the way out saw the shiva temple and paid our respects as well and returned home by 9:00 pm.

Thankyou Shiridi Baba, Balatripurasundarai & shiva for you run conditional love on this soul.

OM Sri Sai Ram.

1) saroja ammaji' house on April14,2015@ 6:30 am

2) Bala Tripurasundarai in Sembakkam,chennai about 10 kms prior to Mahabalipuram

3) Shiridi baba @ saroja amma's house nectar coming from baba's mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip G...This is a GREAT deal, and today is my birthday, so I just got it as my birthday present to myself...:-)

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