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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Giri pradakshan ( Thiruvanamalai) April 12-13,2015

 Sairam, from the time I came to chennai in November of 2014 I wanted to start my trip originating
From Thiruvanamalai and ending my trip back in the same place. It is very hard to pool all the people
Together as they have various family situations and employment obligations.

I originally wanted to go to sabrimalai  between April10-13 as the temple was going to be open till the 19th. Guruswamy also was available to escort us on the trip. we tried our level best in trying to get tickets on all possible modes of transportation. The train was sold out and waiting list our number was too high that we
Would never make the cut. The flight was expensive to start plus renting a car from the Airport to the
Hills and the time constraint of minimum 4-5 hours each way provided we don't run into any difficulty 
So we opted out of that also.

The next we tried renting a car from a travel agency. We got several quotations it was in excess of
22,000 rupees for a few days which the people involved thought was not affordable by them,so that
To was dropped off.

I went and met with my Guruswamy on Saturday to get his blessings before starting on the trip to Thiruvanamalai,The last time we had gone to the hills was  in the year 2010 and had mentioned to my sister in law Sindhu
That you will return again to the hills only with me. She reminded me of that conversation that after 
Five years we are returning again.

I wanted to go and get the blessings from one hill at least before returning back to the states on the 21st of April. The group started the search again one or the other was not available on those days
10-13th due to family constraints. Finally we had the day's 12-13 something is better than nothing
I thought it was the divine's will and play.

We rented a car and a driver left on Saturday @ 9:00 pm and drove to Thiruvanamalai the distance
Is not that much only195 km but the roads are horrible so it took us nearly six hours to reach our
Destination entrance door to the temple. As per instructions from my Guruswamy we lit camphor
And offered to the lord and prostrated to get his blessings for the trek. The circumference of the mountain is approximately 16 kms and add a few kilometers before and after make a total of 20 kms.

It is said that many evolved beings live in those mountains and have attained samadhi at the hills
And it would be disrespectful to step on them with your foot wear. Many years ago when kanchi
Kamakshi mutt "Shri Chandrasekar Saraswati came to pay his respects to the mountain he hesitated 
On putting his foot down" when asked why? He replied there are countless sage and sages who are
Here and it would be disrespectful on my part to step on them.So he returned back without going 
Around the temple or mountain.

So it is advised to all Piligrims that the least we can do is to walk without our Footwear around the
Mountains as a respect for all the saints and sages. We all took a bath prior to starting on this journey
Even though none of us were prepared for what is to come. I had my own challenge my left knee had undergone a surgery and did not have flexibility and my right ankle also another surgery so had my 
Set of limitations which I had to overcome ( mind over matter). We started our walk at 3:15 am bare foot the climate was pleasant and not too many at that time Madhu,vimmu and Sindhu came on the 
Trip. We split the group Madhu & vimmu one group as they both can walk fast and Sindhu & myself
Slowpokes to keep each other company. The first hour we walked quite fast and was amazed that we had done quite well. There are quite a number of sadhu's who reside around the mountain and occasionally one would chant " OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" and ask for some money.

If one plans on giving money to one he has to give to all,so make sure you have quite a bit. Even if
You say 10 rupees per head there must be nearly 500 sadhus or 5000 rupees. Ten rupees will buy
Only a cup of tea or a pack of beedhi ( cheap cigarettes). Sindhu and I would exchange the greetings
And did not unnecessarily engage in any conversations unless absolutely necessary but used that
Precious time to pray and chant the lords name.

I saw a elderly man very neat and clean with glowing white beard going thru a garbage dumpster
From one to the other and that got my attention and said to myself "Sairam" and without hesitation 
Walked over to him and reached in my pocket and took some money and gave and touched his feet
Out of respect. HE IMMEDIATELY RAISED HIS RIGHT HAND AND SAID " NE NANDRAGA IRUKANAM" ( you should live well) no other conversation exchanged it was something which happened without any thought or planning. I felt had the grace of a siddhar's blessing.

We all occasionally took breaks sat on a rock to get energized to complete our trip. It took us nearly
6 hours to complete the trip. We went to swami seshadari swamigal's ashram and got a cottage
Took shower and refreshed ourselves and went to Ramana Mahrishi's Ashram the sun was beaming 
In full force and the sand and the floor was blistering hopped around.

We all went together and sat in the meditation hall and meditated for a while it was nearly 12:30 and the ashram closes for sometime a siesta. There were a lot a people gathered around a man who had only a small cloth around his waist He is " Mokku podi siddhar"  ( A man who uses snuff powder all the
Time). He does not ask anyone of anything but people give him money or snuff powder and leave them
Next to him and prostrate and walk away. If anyone tries to get close to him he gets angry and beats
Them up and some people take that as a blessing.

I was trying to meet up with Mr.V.Ganesan the grand Nephew of Shri Ramana Maha Rishi and was not
Available and was told to go to his residence at 4pm. "ANANDA RAMANA" Over looking the beautiful 
Mountains very peaceful and serene. We all went and had the privilege of seeing him and had a great
Satsang for a hour. He said Thankyou for taking the privilege of "GATE CRASHER" that shows you have no reservations in meeting one. He excused himself out as he had prior appointment. We also 
Took that as a sign for us to head back home as Monday was a working day for a few and reached
Chennai at 11:00 pm.

Thankyou swami for connecting and guiding us thru the living saints and sages.

OM Sri Sai Ram

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