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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Swami 's Higher plane connection to a family November 12,2015

Om Sri SAI Ram,

I had a sixth sense connection to a family in Chennai India. The head of the household was undergoing 
a major surgery affecting the kidneys.I happened to know of them and extended our place of residence as we were not occupying the premises. There residential was 30 kilo meters from the hospital and in India to commute a few kilo meters it takes a  long time.

The lady of the house tried to contact me on several occasions and was unable to reach. A few mails came forward after that When are you coming? We want to see you? I had been in India for a extended period and returned only a few months back. So informed that will not be coming for a while.

I was informed thru some family member that the head of the family was admitted and still in the hospital. I received phone calls from the family we tried many times to call you ? But no answer.

I felt very bad that had let them down in time of need. I even told swami that will take up there situation
And a reply came" you will do no such thing " it will effect everyone and each one has to work out there
Situation or karma. Tried calling the lady of the house and some of the hospital  wifi. connection is not good enough to receive the signal or the rooms are sterile that phones cannot be accessed

Tuesday evening called a friend and said on Thursday bhajan please sing Subramanya bhajan( was not aware it was the begining of karthekya massam ) and informed the devotional co ordinator swami wants to have more bhajans on Subramanya on Thursday . The scheduling of bhajans were allocated
and to change was difficult but it was swami's order.

I sat and meditated on swami and listened to bhajans continuously and tears of pain would go thru my entire body. I had become the patient. My body was cold, in pain,mouth was dry,bad taste,lips chapped,gas & no appetite . The symptoms that patients have at hospital atmosphere.

Finally I sent a E Mail to the lady of the household,"" even though we are not able to connect via telephone now we are going to connect via the higher plane. Please go and listen to a SAI bhajan

"DEVA SENAPADE SKANDA"" ( SAI Bhajan)  at that time I will connect via the higher plane and take some vibhuti and apply at the place were the doctor is going to perform and I WILL BE THERE.

MR.SK a friend whom I had requested a song to sing had some mechanical problem with the vehicle 
And works about 70 miles from residence and wax running late. He reached out to me and said can you please give me a ride to the bhajan center. I picked him up and went for the bhajan which begins 
at 8pm. 

The bhajan session started at 8 pm.Mr.SK he was the 5 th to sing " DEVA SENAPADE SKANDA" and my whole body was going thru all the pain any patient in a hospital setting would go thru, tears of pain
and the body went into a trans and was flat back on the floor totally out. It lasted 30-45 minutes.i was floating on air no care or worries.

Swami's words never go wrong " when the song is sung I will connect via the higher plane and manifest at the surgery center". My body was on the bhajan floor but I was not there. I was at the higher plane helping the family who wanted to connect with me very bad,every minute was like a day
It was very emotional and told the center members this is not any human can think or write.swami is dictating what to write.

On our return trip home Mr.SK remarked this is not planned or possible by any human. How beautifully
connected a few souls for a purpose. After returning I was back to self ( no trace of any sickness).

Thankyou swami for helping the family.

Please help all in time of need. That is swami's message on his 90th Advent.

Om Sri SAI ram 

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