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Monday, March 28, 2022

Divine Intervention

 Om Sri Sai Ram:  Divine light intervention to Save a young man’s life.

A few months ago while working at the sai Temple as there was a meeting taking place a few others were seated in the opposite room. Instead of having loose conversation thought of sharing some of my experiences with Swami. I am sure one of those person in the room must have shared the experience with their family and friends.

A few weeks later got a call from a lady who wanted me to meet her son and bless him. I said Amma I am a ordinary person who just happened to experience the lord’s grace.

She kept on insisting that she wanted her son to meet with me. I said in due time we will certainly meet as there will be many functions at the temple.

Her son wasn’t of young age who could be convinced to come, stand or interact with just a nod from the mother.

She again without giving any further information said it’s extremely important.

I kept saying in due time he will come on his own.

On March 17,2022
Received a message: Koushik Bhaiya can my son meet with you he is coming home from college and is available Thursday to Saturday. Where can he meet you?

I said if it’s Thursday please come to the temple as we are going to meet for the first time officially to conduct sai bhajans.

She said he isn’t interested in Bhajans.

Then I said please come home on Friday morning.

In a few minutes a message from the lady: Koushik Bhaiya, my son will meet you in the temple. What time?

I will be there at 7 pm to open the door and he will know who I am. I was sweeping the floor and this young stocky built man came in and asked?
Are you the person I am supposed to meet?

I said yes.

He said I have a lot of questions?
I said I might not be able to answer all of the questions.

Where can we talk?
Wait till I first finish cleaning the floor as people are going to come.

He kept following me as I went from one end of the corridor to the other. Finally I was ready and asked him to follow me to the room and closed the doors.
I introduced myself and asked his name.
We sat across from each other and  first question 
How did you know that I was going to come on my own to meet you?

I didn’t answer. He paused and again asked and said you know but chose not to answer.

I was waiting for him to open up and when I looked in his eyes he just broke down and cried and cried hugging on my shoulders for nearly 5-7 minutes. He was a big boy ( I couldn’t get my arms around him).

Finally I asked him to wash his face and go and sit in the hall for Bhajans. He made excuses for not attending the Bhajans. I insisted that he should sit through the first sai Bhajans.

He asked can I use my phone? I said no phone, don’t get up till I get up.

He chose to sit behind me and occasionally he did use the phone. 

After the Bhajans was over told him I knew you were using the phone. He said “ I will make a note of it and will not do it again.

Why? Did he breakdown ?

When he was in the Dorm a few months ago wanted to commit suicide took the knife and when he was about to strike his chest felt a light and Swami’s voice to put the knife down.

He said I saved his life as a messenger of Swami.

He is in constant contact and communication. Has changed his outlook and is studying to be a Doctor. I said make your parents proud for all they have sacrificed.

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