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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Respect All your Guests!!!

 This incident happened in 2016 ( New Jersey) The names will be omitted so don’t hurt them in any way possible. 

Since I sold my business in 2013and after getting my health in order I started visiting my mother more frequently and would go in September -December to spend time with my mother or when ever she wanted me to come.

One of the devotees from  Sai center called and said Koushik we are going to have Bhajans in  our house in October and every year you’re not available to attend.

I changed my ticket to accommodate their request and arrived from Houston a day prior to the function.

I was seated in the back as when the energies are high go in a trance and fall. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. A few people had traveled from Washington, Maryland and Virginia for this special occasion.

Suddenly I had this urge to Meditate and didn’t want to disturb anyone so I went upstairs to their pooja room ( which I had set up in 2005) will write about it one day. People are more curious about what I am doing than paying attention to the program on hand and kept on opening and closing the door.

After a while the disturbance was stopped and I was able to meditate intensely. When I was done something unusual had appeared on the picture in the Swami room. I didn’t want to create a frenzy so came down and sat all the way in the back. 

One of the volunteers were setting up the dinner table and wanted a match box and couldn’t find in the kitchen. He was told to go upstairs to the pooja room when he came down went to the kitchen and mentioned it to one person. Instantly people started going up and down. I knew cat is out of the bag.

One of the family who was visiting was praying in their house ( Swami if you claim to be the lord as people say I want you to manifest vibhuti in this house where we are going to visit today).  That lady started saying I knew he would come over and over again.

Her husband was a great singer and he had lost his vocal cords due to some illness and she prayed every day. Dear lord “ We only sang your name. Why did you take away my husband’s voice?.

All this I only got to know after the Vibhuti had manifested in the pooja room. I have no way of knowing what people are thinking in their thoughts and closed rooms.

I finished eating and about 5 people wanted to see this manifestation and  one person said “ Koushik you have a phone can you please take a picture so we can show it our family members.

I said Amma I have to get permission as it’s not my house. The host family husband was near the room and was very rude and said I don’t believe in these things and shut the lights and closed the room.

Every one was shocked how one can be so rude to their guests.

J Aunty has a daughter in New Jersey, Houston and a Son in Dallas. She was standing next to me and the words came out “ He is going to lose his job and even if he stands up side down or even if the lord himself comes down can’t change it. He will not get a job a day before March 15th. I also told her please don’t share this information with anyone as I have only mentioned it to you.

The function was on a Saturday and on Tuesday when he went to work they told him his position has been canceled and he has to clear his office by Friday.  I don’t get pleasure in hurting anyone and the words uttered wasn’t mine but just rolled out of my mouth.

Thursday when I saw the family his mannerisms said everything about his family plight.  He did say anything about it to me but through the grapevine got the message that he did lose his job after the Bhajans on Saturday.

On New Year’s Eve I saw the family at another family house for Bhajans and approached him and said why don’t you give me your resume I will ask my wife to forward to the HR at J&J.

His family members and his brother’s family members are excellent singers and had taken part in the Cleveland Thaygaraja Aradhana. Aunty’s brother is the organizer and Mami had met the younger brother at the function and just wanted to know what was going on with his older brother of finding a job?

He asked her how did you know that my brother lost his job? She said Koushik told me the day of the function itself and he will not find a job one day before March 15th.

The younger brother called his older brother in New Jersey and conveyed the message from aunty. He was surprised!!! How does he know all this information?.

Now everyone wanted to prove me wrong and the word spread all over the center.  One day another friend in the beginning of February reached out and said “ Koushik Ji  the person who lost his employment in October found a job.

I said I am very happy for him. Please let me know when he is going to start his new job?  

Oh !! they are doing background checks and he will be starting soon. Glad to hear.  No one can challenge my words guaranteed once it’s uttered it is etched in stone.

Middle of March on Sunday I was home alone and wasn’t expecting anyone and all of a sudden the door bell rang around 4 pm I opened the front entrance and invited the husband and wife they couldn’t wait to ask me question’s. They left Sunday school early ( Bal Vikas) to talk with me.

The first question?  Why didn’t you tell me?

Second question? How did you know that I was going to lose my job?

Third question? How did you know when I will get another job?

I didn’t answer any and said no need for you to know at this point.

I have only one question when did you start your new job that you found in February?

His response March 15th.

I arrest my case. Once the words come out it will happen exactly like that only as it’s not my words. It’s dictated by the universes what to say, whom to say and when to say.

I don’t get pleasure of seeing anyone having hardship or losing a loved one.

One Never knows which form the lord takes to visit one house. He necessarily not visit as a person it can be a ant, insect, bird, butterflies or animals.

One has to extremely careful in their thoughts,actions and Deeds.( What you think, what you say and what you do has to be in alignment at all times.)

Aum Sri Sai Ram

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