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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Brother from Another Mother

 Who’s considered your Brother?

Those who are born in the same family lineage of parents? Or people who are born into another family, country. Ethnic group, religious background?

This is my special story of a friend who I had met on January 27,1999.  I had purchased a retail liquor store in Jersey City, New Jersey.

When there’s a change of ownership the entire neighborhood is curious to know who is the new owner who has taken charge to see how he is going to serve the community.

As I was very eager to meet with all the new customers and went out of the way to help with the  best of product, price and service.

Carlos was a very happy go lucky person who befriended every one with his smile and always checked on their well-being. He would buy beer for his girlfriend but he didn’t consume alcohol. He used to smoke cigarettes ( Winston’s) and enjoyed playing lottery scratch game called “ Crossword “.

Over the years of being a loyal customer we became very good friends. He was a handyman and had extensive experience with all parts of the house… Electrical, plumbing  and construction. 

When ever I was short of a employee I would ask Carlos if he would be kind enough to watch over the store till the employee came back to work.

Carlos was a single person and didn’t have any commitments after his work and always wanted to help others. His nature was to help.

I asked Carlos… can you please stop smoking it’s not good for your health!!! You have had several heart issues, by pass, cancer, back surgery.

He said Mr. K leave me alone.

Every day without fail he would come after work and play the game and spend some time with the employee and leave back home. This was his entertainment.

Every day without fail after a few minutes I would ask him the same question Carlos …. When are you going to stop smoking?

After a few years of my constantly nagging him he one day finally threw the cigarettes in the garbage can and since then hasn’t touched one cigarette. Today it’s been 20 years.

Only where there’s love for the well-being of a person one takes the liberty to say some things even if it means of losing a sale of a product on hand.

Carlos over the years became a very close friend who started working with me on several property management and construction project’s. He is extremely honest ,dedicated and excellent etiquette.

He would always introduce me to everyone this is my elder brother. He even added the same last name to reflect he meant it.

He has never been married and made a conscious decision to stay single away from any relationship as everyone wants only to control the other.

As he is a caretaker of some of the properties he lives in one of the building as a superintendent taking care of any repairs, collection of rent’s, deposit’s.  

He is a extremely honest person. I have never met anyone like him who is not at all greedy for anything. If he wants anything he will definitely come and ask for help.  

He has stood by my side since January 1999 till present shoulder to Shoulder on every situation. Whether it was a personal family member set back or business related issues and going to the court. 

His answer “ We are Brothers first. Family , I can’t let you face alone.  

The retail store venture was sold in 2013 due to my health condition.

No spouse or family members have supported me as much as Carlos he is one amazing person who came on my life to show, share and teach.

As years went his health issues increased and as he lived alone it was very difficult to get in touch with him. He was very much set in his old ways of life and didn’t want to learn anything technological.

As they say when you’re very close to a person one starts to feel whatever they are going through in their lives. We would call each other to make sure each was doing well ,If there’s not anything going on special.

March 2,2023 Thursday at 7:15pm as I was ready to leave home for the temple and my foot hit one step suddenly I felt a very sharp pain in my leg. I hadn’t felt a pain like that and didn’t have any strength to go inside the house and ask for help… so I limped and tried to get some balance and sat in the car.

I arrived at the destination and when I tried to get down couldn’t put my leg down. The pain was shooting down and wondering what happened? Some bystanders helped me inside the building. 

Now knew there was a problem? What do I do now? I called my daughter and asked her to bring my cane and come over to give me some support and walk me back to the car and then follow me back home.

She actually asked my wife to come along so she can drive my car back with me . When we came back home the next question how do I get inside of climbing the stairs, taking the clothes out, changing, getting in bed, getting out of bed to use the bathroom? So many questions along with excruciating pain.

The next day Carlos called me to inquire about my health? Before I could answer he started talking about his health condition that he has been having severe headaches for the past few days. A few neighbors were concerned about his situation and advised him to meet with his Doctor.

Doctor did initial testing and wanted to confirm with more extensive testing as they thought it was his brain ( cancer) or Concerning with his heart issues.( Blockage)

On Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday ( March 3,4 5&6 th)we both had similar symptoms and it felt like my heart and head was going to explode. My heart was bulging and felt the blood was going to spurt all over the house.

I tried to call Carlos on March 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th absolutely no answer. I was extremely worried something must have happened? Texted continuously and no response…,

Carlos had gone to the hospital for cat scan of the brain and awaiting results. He has several appointment scheduled this week to confirm what exactly is going on with his health condition.

I finally got in touch with Carlos and what a great blessing!!! . Even though I had my limitations of leg pain I felt had to go and see Carlos physically as my heart was swollen as if there was never two….., we were always only one.

I experienced Carlos physical pain in real time as if it was me…, After I met with Carlos on Tuesday March 7,2023 my leg pain and heart pain has subsided quite a bit compared to a few days ago.

On Tuesday March 7th I asked Carlos to apply Sathya Sai Baba”s vibhuti all over his affected areas of the body and he was definitely on the road to recovery for at least another 18 years.

I have never physically cried out for anyone in my family who had transitioned. In the case of Carlos without my knowledge tears of separation flowed when I heard he wasn’t keeping good health.

I would take 100 Birth’s all over again as long as he is by my side…, what a friend!!!  What a great Brother who was born to another mother.


FIRST PICTURE Me and Carlos.

Second Picture  Carlito, Me and Carlos.

Lots of love to you my brother and Friend!!!

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