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Friday, March 10, 2023

Sathya Sai Baba changed a friend’s life through a calendar.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram.    Om Namaha Shivaya

Sairam , 

This incident happened in February 2023- March-7th, 2023.

A very close friend whatever he was experiencing happened to my physical body.

His name is Carlos Arroyo has done a lot of construction work in many Sai Devotee house over the  years and always saw Swami pictures being hung in the house. He is very respectful of others religious beliefs. 

In the New Year as my daughter started attending bhajans at the Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple, one day Susheel the center President  gave her a Swami calendar which another friend  had given ( extra’s). after his annual New Year Bhajans at his residence.

Neha said “ Appa I didn’t want it, but didn’t have the heart to say No. I said leave it in the car when I go to Jersey City will give it to Carlos.

I did see Carlos a few weeks ago and gave him the calendar and instantly he hung it on the wall.  

Not knowing what, why or asking about it. He was very happy and said “ When I come in my apartment I will see his face ( Swami).

Carlos is single Bachelor and has never been married. I am always worried about his health as he has had 2 quadruple by pass surgery, cancer several times, back surgery and recently fell off a ladder and broke his shoulder. He has not been able to work to make a living.

Carlos had mentioned  that he was having a very bad headache since a few weeks not knowing what the cause was?  After initial self medication he finally decided to do something of seeing a doctor.

Whatever pain he was going through was happening to my physical body. I also had severe headaches, almost paralyzing feeling of unable to walk, couldn’t stand up, and coughing continuously.  Thursday March 2

was a nightmare. At least I have my daughter who has been a great blessing and support in these situation.

Friday couldn’t move, Saturday the pressure was so high I thought my head was going to burst and blood was going to spread all over the floor.

Sunday the same. Meanwhile I was trying to get a hold of Carlos and no answer from him for all the text messages or phone calls. I was worried ohh my goodness I hope the worst hasn’t happened. I prayed to Swami to help my friend….. Swami I never have asked for anything can you please help my friend “. 

I cried without any reason and not knowing why during the day as I would be listening to Bhajans.

Last week apparently his blood pressure was very high and when he went to see his doctor they said it could some cancer in his brain. That’s why such severe headaches. On Monday the cardiologist said “ There’s a blockage in the Heart and have to put a stent.

When I finally heard back from him on Monday around 5pm I was so excited wanted to see him immediately to release my pressure on my physical body.

I drove not worried about my physical limitations on Tuesday and after meeting Carlos gave him Swami manifested. Vibhuti recently and asked him to apply all over the body.

His life has been extended for another 18 years.

Thank you Swami for saving a True Friend just in time through the calendar incident.


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