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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Swami speaks…. I am only a instrument.

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

I have been contemplating on writing about this family for the past few months and some reason or the other it just doesn’t happen.

Unless he wants to write about something or someone it doesn’t happen no matter how much one wants to write.

Where or how do I start with this family?

In 2006 Auntie Janaki had gone to a wedding at a temple in the United States ( New Jersey) and the priest was saying in Tamil language and Janaki aunty was  translating it to English.

She met with another person and after some time she said was looking for a ride back home as her daughter was delayed in picking her up. On the way Aunty expressed she was new to the local area and wanted to attend Sai baba Bhajans. The uncle said I know Koushik he also lives in the neighborhood and I will ask him to take you. The uncle wasn’t a Sai devotee.

Since then over the past 15 years we have become good friends and i have at most respect for her. She was a music teacher in padma sheshadri school in Chennai. 

In New Jersey has a daughter and another daughter in Houston and a son in Dallas. She has been living with her middle daughter in Houston for a few years as her older daughter got transferred to London.

In the middle of December 2023 I got a text message from Janaki aunty saying that “ All the family members were going to come together in New Jersey for their eldest son in law’s 60th birthday and Uncle who is in 90’s also was going to come “.

I was happy to hear about their family coming together for

auspicious occasion. She then requested some materialized Vibhuti which was manifested in our house.

Usually the first response would be Sure!!

I replied without any hesitation….. what is the point of Vibhuti at this stage of time.

She was furious and angry and didn’t answer any questions.

I informed my daughter that on our way to Bhajans will take the Vibhuti prasadam and in case she calls or texts on our way back home will drop off the package. On Thursday it was extremely cold and raining and didn’t get any response from Janaki aunty.

On December 30th she sent a message on our way back to Houston.

I replied…..PLEASE TAKE CARE!!!

Aunty became more furious…. Who do you think you are to tell me to take care?

The following week I reached out to Aunty to make sure everyone was okay? 

And I got a message……

After we arrived from New Jersey everyone was affected with COVID. Daughter, son in law, grand son and another Grandson  Uncle and auntie. Uncle who was in his 90’s was affected the most and had to be hospitalized and with in a few days passed away on January 19th, 2023.

How did I know about this a month earlier when I said what is the point of Vibhuti prasadam? Or saying Take care!!!

Had they taken proper care and precautions could have avoided this situation but it was predestined for uncle to move on by the time.

Aunty had a brother in California who also was playing with Yama. One day she said I am planning on going to see him in March. I said you have to go now or in March only the house will be there but not your brother.

She said what does now mean? This was end of February on a Friday. I said today.

She said I have to ask my son and will go ASAP. They booked the flight for Sunday morning and arrived at 9 by the time renting the car and driving to the house it was 10:35.

He passed away at 10:30am.

I only deliver the message in its entirety and don’t add or delete anything.

He is the Doer!!!!

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Progress Report for Spiritual Growth

 I was indeed privileged to meet such a person who had the opportunity to be in the divine presence of the Lord SrI Sathya Sai Baba for nearly 4 decades in the inner circle.

I had requested him to write at least once a year regarding my personal spiritual guidance and growth.

I never had the opportunity of getting a physical pada namaskar of touching the feet of the Lord,nor any written letter or instruction from Sai Baba.

I considered that a great privilege to receive this hand written letter from the devotee as a gift from the Lord himself on the Diwali function. Ending darkness and coming into the light!!!

What a beautiful hand written message unfortunately not able to share….., maybe not meant for others!!!

It was on November 10,2023

Dear Koushik,

You should give up attachment to all including me. Attachment always leads to suffering.

You should also give up hatred, along with the cotails anger,,dislike and irritation.

Love every one, respect every one but at the same time be detached.

Pay no attention to your ego, and the false voices that arises in your mind.

Be silent like the Dhakishnamurthy, spend every precious moment of what is left in perfect equanimity.

Happy and Holy Diwali Greetings with Love,


Heart felt gratitude to the Lord for sending such kind souls to up lift humanity in this special moment of our lives.

Aum Sri Sai Ram!!!!!

All children are our children in the universe!!!

 People are the world we’re all were planning holiday shopping, family gatherings and children opening gifts and rustling of paper, smell of food in the oven and hot chocolate. 

No family members ever wants to get a call in the early morning from a police officer and immediately your body becomes numb and no matter what they say you are in denial it can’t be your son/ daughter or family member.

On December 24 , 2023 at 1;10 am there was an accident on the road near where I live and it took the life of a young man in his early twenties. He was returning home from a party and was less than a mile away from his house.. He was in the left lane or passing lane and there were no other vehicles on the road at that time as per the police report.

I searched the information from the internet and for some reason I had to write to the family giving them some comfort and a shoulder to cry on if they ever wanted to……

We have never met or known your son but when I heard about the tragedy it actually shook me and took me back 40 years ago.

My brother had been in a similar situation and died at the age of 17. We used to live in East Brunswick. Since then my parents are deceased and I live across from the high school on Tree farm road.

My nephew was struck by a car while he was trying to cross the street and died on the spot in 2019.

Only time can heal your agony and pain overcome this tragedy.

May the Lord comfort you during this difficult time and if you ever need to talk please don’t hesitate to reach out or come home.

With lots of love to all the family members.

Koushik & Radhika

Message from the family on January 11th( only 3 weeks since the incident)

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Venugopal,
First off, very sorry to hear that your family had to endure a loss similar to ours. Not once, but twice. We are extremely sorry to hear that and offer our sincere condolences

As you well are aware, nobody is ever prepared for an event such as this. It starts with utter disbelief and then takes many forms of emotional tides 

We both believe that healing is going to be a process. We need to be patient and persistent in our efforts to stay positive and look into the future while memorializing the life and accomplishments of our dear child Vedant.

We thank you for reaching out to us during this time and offering your kind words and thoughts

Raghavan and Shobana Tiru





Global entry ..... with the divine lord’s grace

 Sai Ram and a Good Morning to all.

In every moment  of my life please be with me Swami

On Monday January 15th was Dr.Martin Luther Kings Birthday celebrated and observed by all the government offices and banks making it a 3 day weekend for those who were anxiously waiting to get out of the frigid weather of going to work. The weather station for days prior to the forecast of snow started to get children excited for a day off from school and elders dreading to clean the snow out of their driveway to take the challenges of driving to work.

The weather even though predicted would snow early Tuesday morning it started to snow at 7 pm the previous night and the temperature was very low in the teens (10-19) degrees outside. The tri state has not had snow in the past 700 days. All the snow plows and Salt trucks were eagerly waiting to get the job started as it’s a very lucrative business and charge a huge amount.

Of all the days I had a Global entry appointment scheduled at the Newark international airport for January 16,2024 at 11:10. The entire night before was dreading how am I going to go to the airport? Early morning would hear the snow plows clearing the roads and was praying that it wouldn’t be very bad!!.

I got up and went outside and cleaned up the driveway and decided to drive to my appointment. The weather was so cold that the rain would freeze instantaneous touched the windshield. The wipers couldn’t work and I had to stop a few times and again said “ ohh my goodness what have I got my self in for “ but I knew that the lord was the one who had wanted me to go. Blower in the car was working effectively and I could see much better outside and moved. Luckily due to the weather the traffic was a bit sparse and had no difficulty in arriving at the airport on time.

The weather at the airport seemed a lot colder as it was a open space. I parked and carefully walked in the slush and ice to the pavement and crossing the pathway into the building and finally a huge relief made it inside. 

I searched for the sign Global Entry office and saw a long lists of do’s and don’ts 

No cell phones, No standing, Don’t knock, wait to be called by a officer. The space had about 12 chair space and about 7 people were seated all busy on their cell phones scrolling through.......

The official announced the time of the appointment and a few people got up at 10:50am. After 10 minutes again anyone for 11am and no response!! One person said how about 11:10?

She said what about it? This was the response by an official who works for Home land security. If this was a private company they would have fired for talking with a customer so rudely.

A person walked in 6 minutes later and was afraid he would not be seen today. We all said please go ahead and request that due to the weather you got delayed and I am sure would understand.

At 11:10 announced and I got up showed my credentials and said sorry you’re not on the list for today!!!

I was totally surprised and said ohh my goodness how can that be I had checked it several times and have a screenshot of the appointment. She said can you please make it larger and I was really surprised to see next to the time PM. 

I earnestly asked please it was a honest mistake while booking the appointment online and anyway which office is open at that hour?

She said wait and I will see what I can do? Which I was very surprised with her being so concerned . She called me with in a few minutes and said please go ahead inside.

The officer Ms. Robert’s was extremely pleasant and very polite in answering questions and said we have to take your picture first and then your fingerprints. Due to my hands shaking could not get proper documentation and again she apologized and said wait let me help you. She went and got a pair of gloves and put pressure on my fingers one at a time and said well you are now officially done!  

The main thing is that we got it done today!!!!

I thanked her for the kindness and walked outside and checked my documents before I exited out of the premises.

The man who had the 11 am appointment was still seated and wasn’t called back it was Noon.

I again thanked the officer for her change of heart to get me back in.

This was truly a divine intervention and grace to be accepted for Global Entry!!! 

I am not a regular world traveler at all.

Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Kala theethaya …. In sync with time

 Good morning and Sairam to all, 

This happened on January 16th early morning.

Yesterday night I had a dream about a dog which was in the house and I said “ oh my goodness that poor thing is sleeping on the floor and hasn’t eaten yet!!!

It has been 30 years I had a dog and forgotten all that is needed to take care….. I have to buy some food, bed, water bowl, leash etc and feed 3 times a day, walk 4 times a day.

Sai Ram uncle. Hope you’re doing well. (1:06am) this is where I got my recent dog from. Majority of their dogs are big breeds. They usually will put a guesstimate of what they think the breed, age and size of the dog may be but it’s never 100% correct. If you’re looking for a more smaller size dog, you could look into a breeder or look at your local rescue animal shelters sometimes they get smaller dogs that are puppies or older

I woke up at 4:45am checked my phone there was a message from “ Lovely Surinder” at 1:06am and she has shared about adopting a large breed of dog. 

I have not received any messages from her at all in years.

What are the chances of seeing this in the morning ?

Allah is Sathya Sai , and Sathya Sai is Allah


All is well. The book has arrived to New Jersey “ Yaksha prashna”.by Dr. P.V Shankar an ardent devotee of Sathya Sai Baba for 4 decades in the inner circle .

Earlier today in the morning had a vision……January 11,2024

I was explaining to someone about swami just like no one can see Allah but so many millions of people have at most reverence for him, similarly Sai Baba is the same for others and the person he could see some small amount of Vibhuti manifesting on the picture. 

As he went to touch the picture a light glowed wherever his fingers moved.

I also could see I was lying in the bed and there were a lot of people milling around the second floor of the house going from room to room. I was trying to say make sure they go to the Pooja room before they leave the house.