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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Message from swami (Coronavirus)

Accept everything as my will. The world has destroyed the universes and it has to re-set the world.

Yes, during the course some have to pay a price with life which eventually had to leave anyway.

No force can take anyone away till their time.  Every ones breath has been counted before they came into the world.

Don’t listen to the media and waste your time. Contemplate on my name and form and be engaged in helping others in need.

Why Fear when I am Here. 

If you firmly believe then you will not be agitated by what is happening.

Love all serve all.

April 22,2020 Aradhana Day

Early morning swami was reclining on the sofa and said “ Have prasadam and see variety of fruits cut” he again says give to all and eat.

Few minutes later Did you both eat? No swami
Why? A boy who is standing said they’re waiting for you to give them.

Swami replies if I was going to Madras then who will give you?

Boy replied: Swami we know then you will send it for them for sure.

Then I saw vibhuti & Turmeric wrapped in a indian newspaper left at the Altar. In case prasadam finishes please give it others who come.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Labor of Love

On Wednesday it was my 38th wedding anniversary .This year due to Covid-19 couldn’t socialize being a weekday. My best friend he wasn’t keeping good health and I was helping in operating his construction business. My day would start early morning and would finish late every evening. On Wednesday finished around 5:30 pm and when I came in saw on the phone a few messages from my wife’s cousin wishing on the Anniversary. Two of her cousins said “ Attimber where’s your Badam Burfi ( Almond cake) that you have promised?

Taking that as my cue I didn’t waste any time went and took a shower and soaked All the Almonds we had at home and started the process of making. My habit is when someone tells me to do anything I do it right away. No need to remind me the second time. My spouse also told you’ Starting so late in the day?.

What is time? When it is done for someone with Love, the tiredness disappeared I placed Guru Nama sankeerthanam ( Praise of all the Guru’s) sung by New Jersey Swaminathan Bhagavathar at our house on September 29,2018 and was totally immersed in the work. My wife at times said why so much quantity?.
When you give, give all without thinking about it. Anyway I have to make 4 trays so.......!!!.

It’s definitely a time consuming to make a perfect batch.( Peeling the skin, grinding to a fine paste and then constantly stirring for several hours, adding butter and sugar) to bring to correct texture and pour then anticipation for setting for a diamond cut. 

As I was totally immersed in listening to the sweet and melodious voice of Swaminathan I was in total exctasy and was transported to heights of bliss and was lost in time forgetting the long day of working without even a morsel of food. While I was making received a call from a family “ Anna can you bring a little bit of Kum Kum from your house to start the Khadagamala Pooja in our house on July 20 th at 5 am.

One tray each for 2 cousins, 1 for home and 1 for the lord who has made all this possible.instead of dropping the Kum Kum on Sunday I took the prasadam ( offering) along with few things to the house as they have opened up the entire house and hearts in this time to chant the divine name in batches totaling to 108.

Thursday morning called the divine host and asked can I come to drop off what you had requested? She said can you come at 9:30 am? Sure, I will be there. In my heart thought will go and drop off and drive back to job site to continue the work but the loving lord had a different plan. On my arrival the lady invited me in even though I was covered in cement dust, paint and not the proper attire. Please, please come inside and come upstairs to our altar and sit for a few minutes. The few minutes turned into 3 hours and didn’t know how we lost time sharing experience of how we were touched by the loving lord. 

On Monday had I gone would have not had the chance to sit and talk in the divine presence of the lord sharing experience of his blessings for nearly 3 hours without any interruption from all who was seated as people who were taking part in the function would be there. I asked the host please let me know how I can help? Who’s going to be monitoring “ This divine blessings altar”? Immediately she responded you can sit here and direct those who come.

The loving lord knew I can’t stand for long and with others participating in the divine offering with space limitations it would be difficult for me to stand. That’s our compassionate lord. One more opportunity to serve my divine master on this journey back to source.

In the evening I received a message from the host “ Anna your prasadam was taken by the lord when we the family was conducting Yagna downstairs “. This is a divine place with many divine blessings the lord has declared I will be living in this house till the corona virus is subsided. I want people to be united and chant the name of the goddess and spread my name throughout the universes.

This writing was prompted by the divine lord at 3:45 am to share with all.

Om Sri Sai Ram !!!!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Swami is showering his infinite grace on all of us

During this year 2015 I had the privelege of meeting many divine souls who have blessed and sparked
The divine quality enhanced,cleaned all the cob webs to connect to the higher energy. I am great full to all of them.

In one situation met this pious,religious and very spiritual lady( to the naked eye looks like any ordinary
human with human conditionaling and situations but for those few whom she has given the oppurtunity 
Or privelege to know her it is totally different. In my view there is no difference between her and swami.

Swami calls her "Ammaji" with profound love and respect and materialized a silver VEL and since then
So many miracles,materializations and manifestation has happened that all are baffled and wonder struck. She is very causal and does not take credit for anything. She would just walk in and say "really"
Wow to make her devotees feel special.

During Maha Shiva ratri many saligrams,idols of all forms and vels emerge from a pancha Loka vighagaram and have witnessed such event. After all the necessary pooja's are performed she distributes them to those whom she thinks can uphold the necessary care. I was priveleged to receive
6 saligrams. I have been told that a lot of strict pooja has to be followed even to have one leave alone
6. Did not know why 6?

While I was working as a volunteer at a shiridi temple,showed a picture to the priest and one priest
Approached me and sir" can you give me one". I told him will ask swami and if he gives permission 
surely will bring one to you. It is similar to a family who has not had any children in their life and all of a
Sudden they are blessed with 6 and another family approaches and says now you are blessed with so
Many why don't you spare one.

I came home and put the question to swami and indeed he said "yes" give to the priest at the temple.
The next day took one out wrapped in a cloth and accompanied with vibhuti ,Kum Kum,and sandal
Wood powder all which have materialized on its own. When I mentioned to the priest he was so
Excited and was eager to take the saligram home and do the necessary. 

Swami disconnected me after giving the saligram and for various reasons did not visit the temple.
One day a lady came forward and said I heard there is a shiridi baba temple in ISELIN ,NEWJERSEY
can you take me there. I want to met Shri Pada Vallabhav shiridi sai's predecessor . I told her it has
been many months that I am not going but as a request will surely take you.

We went on a Wednesday around 10 am the temple atmosphere was calm and serene from a distance 
The temple personnel recognized and greeted with warm smile. I also acknowledged and then it has 
Been such a long time why don't you come any more?  The lady went around the temple premises
and payed her respects to all the forms present. 

The priest came forward and shared.  " I had many issues that were not resolving in my life and constant turmoil and since you gave the saligram my life obstacles started to change one by one
and the family situation has resolved and I am very happy.

FOR ME YOU ARE SHIRIDI BABA.  The saligram has multiplied to 3. 

And I told him more on the way to bring the count to 6. 

Sincere prayers sincere results from the lord almighty for all

Samastha Loka sukino bhvanthu( let all the beings in all the universe be happy)

Friday, July 10, 2020

One liners


Double Vision

A man appeared in front of the house and says I have been asked to pick you up and take to a house . When I enter I see a man with Afro hair but his complexion is fair . He comes and holds my hand like old friends and walks with fingers inter twinned in each other. 

He says you’re very close to me I want to take you to a place and the driver takes us in a Bentley( expensive car) along the way I ask can you please stop I need to use the restroom.

There’s nothing there except a Ferrari dealership and we go inside and while I use the facility and returned the man in the Afro hair is saying you have this car advertised for $53,900 so here is $50,000 I will pay the balance.

The salesperson said Sir, you missed the number in front of the 5. It’s $353,900. He says no problem I want him to test drive the car and if he likes it we will take the car.

I bent down to get in as it is a sports car red color and I don’t see the shifter gear or manual gears and say I can’t figure this out and keep pressing the accelerator but doesn’t go far especially for a sports car. The gear ⚙️ shifters aren’t visible.

We leave the showroom on the way I wanted to tell the man this is exactly my vision before you came to pick me up.

I said Sir!! I can’t afford the car he said no it’s my gift to you. I said no sir I am not interested in any car of any make leave alone something which is extremely high priced which needs special attention.

He once again asked what do you want? I replied I have already got what I wanted in my life and don’t want anything else. He asked what could that be more expensive than what I am giving you? Sir, I have something which is priceless.
He asked what is that?
Sir, The lord of the universes is my friend and he knows what to give me and whatever he gives is perfectly ok with me anytime in my life.( Union with the in dweller Satya Sai Baba)

He then instructed the chauffeur please drop him back to his house. There’s nothing I could do to persuade him.

The Afro man said “ you have always been good to me “ so wanted to show you the vision in real time.

Who else can the Afro man be ? Except our dear friend and Swami to shower his blessings early morning.


Thought provoking

It has been a while since I wrote early morning had a clear message that you’re preparing for a class but you’re at home ( but not your castle) another house setting where I happened to be there.

I ask can I also see your presentation and after some hesitation you show a slide show in daylight it’s hard to see. I ask those moving about please close the curtains as the other person has put in effort and we must give proper respect and watch carefully.

The class still in session moves outdoors and I am still on the other side of the “ Teacher” sitting far away and paying attention that I have never paid before “.

I see in the distance a flock of birds and the teacher says you’re not paying attention to what I have been saying. I say please watch I can see in the distance white doves are going to come in the hundreds in front and make a formation. The teacher claims there’s nothing there. Out of nothing is everything.

I know you don’t have faith in me, but focus your eyes and surely in a few minutes can see the doves. In a few seconds here they come one by one and in seconds hundreds in unison creating a pattern in a orderly fashion making a diamond and then flying away back to source.

The message given to you

Purity leads to unity 

Unity leads to Divinity 

Divinity leads to peace ( Dove symbol of peace)

Peace leads to ❤️ love.

Love all in the universes.

I always loved you even when you didn’t have faith in me. I am not the physical body and we are connected from many previous births....... come fly with me back to the source open your heart door and see the beauty in all of my creation.

Best wishes and Good luck!!!