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Monday, October 27, 2014

Swami’s Validation: Wherever My Picture is Kept, Miracles & Healings Will Take Place

When I was in meditation, Swami showed me a family that I was supposed to go and give a portrait of him to them along with a portrait of Shri Bala Tripura Sundari. Even though Swami is guiding what he wants to be done, you don't want the families to feel we are forcing or imposing our thoughts on them.

On Thursday, we normally have our center Bhajans at a temple, and being Diwali it was not available. A family opened their hearts and allowed the center to congregate in their house. Along with Bhajans, a guest speaker was going to narrate his personal experiences with Swami as he had close interactions with him for nearly 40 years.

He resides in California and speaks from his heart. He is able to connect with all ages through humor which touches everyone. He began the program with a few bhajans followed by his speeches as to why we celebrate Diwali. Swami’s version that any country which honors women will prosper. The highest order is Shri
Raja Rajeshwari Devi who is Swami.

After the conclusion of the program, the hostess approached me and asked if our pursuit of building a Sai center ever happen? I was surprised she was asking me. She said “every week when I see you at the bhajans I have been thinking of asking but we never meet.”  A few minutes later the husband approached with the same question? The irony was that both of them didn’t know what the other asked.

I knew right then that was my confirmation and informed them that Swami has asked me to give you a picture so I will bring it tomorrow. As there were a lot of people here today I did not want to open the topic. I will spend time one on one to answer any questions you may have.

Early morning Swami gave me another vision of a person walking on a rope trying to balance. They were teeter-tottering but it wasn’t clear enough to decipher whether or not it was a man or a woman.

Then he said “see how difficult it is to balance but if you add one instrument, a stick, it changes the whole equation. Now you don't have to concentrate on yourself but can put the attention on the stick.” I asked swami what the stick represents and he said "Namasmarana chanting the name of the lord.” That will make you cross from one side to the other.

On Friday, October 24, 2014 at 11:45am, I went with all the flowers and chocolates for Bala and gave the picture of Swami. “Where ever my picture is kept miracles and healings will take place". How appropriate this could be for their situation. I narrated my messages that I received from Swami and said only you will know what it means to you and your family.

She started to explain all the details to me and told her “you will know what to balance and how now that Swami has told you to chant the lords name.”
With the family's unconditional faith in the lord he shall surely grant their wishes in completing the building project for the welfare of all children. That is why the child goddess has planted herself in the house along with Swami.

Om Sri Sai Ram

Lakshmi Puja, Solar Eclipse, Diwali - October 23, 2014

Every Thursday, for the past five months, I have had the privilege of working in the kitchen preparing prasadam at
5:30am. Most of the men come for an hour or so before going to work and do some volunteering. Very few people stay for the entire preparation from beginning to end.

As I have retired and do in fact have the time I would end up staying for the entire time until it’s time to clean the place. On this Thursday, it was raining and cold and my wife asked me “do you really have to go with your health condition?” I claimed “there are only a handful of volunteers who actually stay for the completion of the prasadam making so even if one person is missing it becomes very difficult for the rest of the volunteers.

The temple prepares about 300lbs of rice or 1,500 packets of prasadam. We finished our task of making prasadam. The temple management needed help in organizing for the Lakshmi puja. I was unable to stand and ready to leave when a volunteer came forward and said “Koushik ji, please don’t leave and stay for the puja.” I told him “I am sorry I am not able to stand.” He went and got a chair and placed it in front of Lakshmi. Now the manager of the temple, Sujatha, requested that I stay for the puja. Although I wanted to leave the universal force wanted me to stay.

A friend and his wife came whom I had not seen for years due to him being very sick. They came to be a part of the Lakshmi puja and had I left, I would not have seen them. We have known them for 31 years.

My wife had met him while working in a hospital in New York. He was working with a C.P.A group; Pete Maverick. At the time him and his wife were newly married. They had a son a few years later. He always wanted to be in business. His in-laws had a very prominent business in India. But after a few years went by, he quit his job as a C.P.A and purchased a franchise, and the year after that bought another. Growing accustomed to the fame and fortune, he wanted to sell his condominium in New York for a townhouse as the family was getting bigger and wanted more space.

As he was selling, we were approached, and being friends I did not negotiate in my mind. A friend will not look to cheat or use you for profit. We were ready to purchase the unit for said price. After the closing when we saw how much he purchased for and how much he was selling for we were appalled that he took advantage of our friendship. As time went on they started to entertain less as now they were in a higher bracket than us. Years flew by and due to this purchase it was draining our finances as we could not sell the property as the market was at its low. Finally we had to give the property back to the bank and walk away.

They had sold their franchises and purchased some other businesses which were sold to him through another friend. He took a mortgage on his house and paid for this (financed). The person cheated and walked away not taking any blame. This totally ruined his finances because no money was coming in and as a result that impacted his health. He had a nervous breakdown and finally went into a coma and lost all of his memory.
After several months in the hospital and going through therapy he was not the person we knew. They have lost everything; finances, friends, etc. He had no long term memory as that was completely wiped and had to be re-taught everything like a child.

He had to meet me in the temple in front of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth. What goes around comes around in this lifetime. When he cheated us he did not think about the repercussions but when someone else did it affected their life.

Do good and especially don’t hurt your friend who has put that utmost trust in you. As they say while you are climbing up, remember the people at the bottom; you may need them on your way down.

Our heart goes out to the family that had to go through such difficult times in their lives. We can only hope the lord showers his blessing on this family. The children are continuing their stuudies,the son, on his own, received grants and scholarships and is pursuing medicine. The daughter is going off to college to pursue a degree in Food Science. The husband and wife have a variety of medical problems and are in a state of assisted living.

Help Ever Hurt Never.
Om Sri Sai Ram.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mouna Swami Siddeshwari Peetam Courtallam, India

I had asked one of my friends who had recently visited India to bring back a statue of Devi Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari along with all the grandeur. It was to be given to the friend who had performed our annual bhajan’s puja. I contacted my friend in the morning for some help and he replied “I am busy shuttling Swami Ji. Can you come in the afternoon? If I forget please call and remind me. I called him again at 4:30pm. Sai Ram are you free now? Again he said can we do this another day or Wednesday after he leaves to New York? Something inside me was persistent that wanted to be there that night. I asked who is this Swami Ji? Let me also come and see him. What is the harm anyway if you are entertaining a lot of people? He then said O.K. come between 6:30-7pm.
I was on time and there were a few people waiting to see him downstairs and he was in a room upstairs not visible. I was more curious just to know who they are, not judging but wanting to know how if any that can be attained.
The coordinator who was walking around with a computer scheduling trying to fit the maximum number of people. Now came my turn and my friend said I will go with you and convey your questions as he speaks in Telugu. I saw an elderly man in his early 80s sitting on a chair in orange clothes with a beard. I prostrated and sat a few feet in front of him.
He asked who is your kula devata(family deity) and I replied Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He said no Shiridi Sai Baba. I then repeated myself and said Sathya Sai Baba and he said no. I realized that Shiridi Sai is the one who came in my dream ten years ago and told me "Why are you searching everywhere when I am in you?”
I closed my eyes and within seconds I was in a very deep meditation. I was not in this body or this world and lost all connections. My friend narrated that we were trying to wake you up, talk in your ear, chant mantras, tried to physically move you and you just could not be moved.
The Swami Ji was also meditating and moving his hands and mudras. Finally when he called your name only you opened your eyes. Swami Ji said you are very blessed that all the divine energy is present in you and that is why you get instantly connected. If you want I will give you a mantra Dikisha and chant that mantra and ask for guidance from Sri Sathya Sai Baba to guide your sadhana.
Another Guru is going to come and guide you on this path. There was a couple who was going to perform Paduka puja to the feet of Mouna Swami's Paduka in the presence of the peetathipadi (Shri Siddheswaranda Bharati Swami Ji of Courtallam). He asked me to come and sit in the puja and witness the event.
When the final arati was offered, everyone was supposed to stand but I could not get up. The coordinator said you have to get up. Well I cannot because if I do then I am going to fall.
Finally I received the idol of Shri Lalitha Tripura Sundari blessed by the Swami Ji  as he is a Devi Upsaka himself. Now this statue Amma can be given to the right recipient with energy. Thank you Swami for showering your love and blessings on all of us.
OM Sri Sai Ram

Naga Darshan

In the evening, on a beautiful Wednesday at 8:43PM October 15, 2014 a black snake came into the living room besides where I was sitting. We have been in this house for nearly 18 years and never such an incident has occurred. Luckily my wife and our daughter were away otherwise they would have gone crazy. The room was a little dark at the place where I saw the snake but next to the chair where I was sitting.

If I simply narrated it, no one would believe me, so I took the phone and took a few pictures. I then began thinking of our lord Shri Sathya Sai Baba and decided to capture the snake and leave him outside.

It was not easy as every time I tried he slithered into a corner or went to places where it was hard to get to.

With OM Sri Sai Ram on my lips I finally got the snake and left him outside. I felt bad because it was raining at the time and there was loud booms of thunder. He stayed there for a minute and when I turned around he was gone.

OM Sri Sai Ram

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lord Ganesha Has Found A New Home

Many months ago I had gone with a friend to a book store which was already going out of business due to a demise in the family. As I went inside the store there was a picture of Lord Ganesha. He was seated regally in the picture, the frame was professionally crafted, and the picture had some unique features. For instance, Lord Ganesha would light up, show the effects of waves flowing throughout the picture, and various hymns would play in the background.  It was certainly an unusual piece of art and was surprised that by now no one picked it up.

I purchased it and placed it in our altar at home. The lord found the perfect space and it sat there until the next person came for him. I had purchased it with the intention of giving it to someone as a gift. My wife’s friends had dropped by for a visit. She’s in her 70’s, tall, slender, American woman. The minute she saw this picture she instantaneously fell in love with it and requested that we get her one too. I was out of town when my wife had reiterated the story to me. I took the picture and gave it to my wife to give to her friend. “Are you sure you can part with this picture?” she asked. I claimed that “when I am going to perish anyway, what am I going to hold on to it for?” 

The day when the picture was delivered, she was excited like a little child and began decorating it with lights. She gave the lord a warm welcome. When he came to our house it was Ganesh Chaturthi and when he left it was on Navaratri. 

Thank you Swami for graciously blessing our home even if it was for a short time. 

Om Sri Sai Ram. 

Pharmaceutical Greed

You would wonder how Swami shows his presence in many ways with this connection to spiritual or divine blessings.

Early this morning I had a clear vision that I was in a very prominent hospital in the United States and am currently waiting to see a rheumatologist. The receptionist gives me a number; 440. I am in the hospital, around 11:30AM before lunch time. There is another couple as well who comes at a later time and they too receive a number.

People are becoming impatient and start complaining. Just at that moment my number is called. Or so I thought. The couple that just walked in also get up as 440 is being called. I ask them “you came after me so how is it possible that you have the same number as I do?” Nevertheless, I let them proceed. The receptionist says “I don't know what the problem is.” I proceed to the counter and tell her that I have been waiting since 11:30AM and the couple that came after me has the same number. By now it’s almost 4PM; 3:50 to be exact, you don’t think it would be of concern to the patient? 

The physician called me in next and I mentioned that my whole body is in severe pain and have come here twice already. I inquired why they haven't been able to cure this problem? At that point the computer began having technical problems so the technician had to be called in. Another older physician walks in to assess the situation (physical difficulties). 

My physician then asks, “can I come and heal you?” With great confidence I ask “what are you waiting for? My whole body is in extreme pain and there are so many people who are suffering from this disease!” The older physician relies with “I can cure you but the pharmaceutical companies will not allow us as it affects their financial statements. It is all about the money never about the welfare of the citizens. It’s a shame that has to be said but it is very true. Our hands are tied. Money, money, money and just more money to hoard and to show their shareholders. In the end, money is what makes the world go around. 

My wife came back  as soon as she left forf work and  I just asked her why?”. She said it is very cold outside and that I needed a jacket. She asked me “how do you feel?” I told her quite frankly “I’m in a lot of pain all over my body.” That is when I opened my eyes and we were in the month of October. 
We have many more months to go before summer comes around.

It was both a very clear vision and message depicting the greed in society. 
Thank you Swami for portraying society in a way that was eye-opening. 

OM Sri Sai Ram.