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Friday, December 30, 2022

Swami Testing December 30,2022

Aum Sri Sai Ram,

I have been put through a laundry list of medical testing and issues & hospitalized during the pandemic situation Covid-19. 

I always felt a unseen hand working inside and outside always keeping me extremely comfortable and never felt lonely at any moment. 

No family members were present for any of the procedures or at the hospital. My daughter occasionally visited me for a few hours after her work schedule.

I started writing Aum Sri Sai Ram and would listen to Bhajans as I was awake 23 hours a day due to the heavy dosage of steroids.

When the nurses would come and ask can we help you in any way?  I would say can you please give me some medication for sleeping and don’t wake me up at 3-4 am for taking the vitals, or breathing treatment. Even with the sleeping medication I hardly slept 3 hours a day.

The Lord was in the room at all times and felt the positive vibrations via the Doctor’s, Nurses, technicians, phlebotomist,breathing treatment nurses, all the cafeteria staff, cleaning staff who came in his form.

The nurses didn’t want me to leave the room. They said “ We have not had a patient like you in a very long time and we connected on the spiritual path  Many wanted to hear my experience of connecting with the people who are transitioning .

I also thoroughly enjoyed my stay in the hospital as the Lord was in the room.

All from January 6,2022 to December 30,2022

Podiatrist : Could not stand or walk 

Orthopedic specialist : Thought could be the knee but discounted and said  Osteoarthritis.

Rheumatologist : Rheumatoid arthritis all over the body.

Pulmonologist :  Asthma 

Steroids: Prednisone 10mg increased dosage to 20mg twice a day and then to 40mg twice a day to control the wheezing symptoms.

Cardiologist : Aneurysm 4.5 cm Have to Monitor and a open chest surgery once it gets 5cm. This is a silent killer there are no signs and by the time you call the ambulance you’re done.

Primary physician .. Constantly coughing continuously for weeks on end, couldn’t eat, breathe, or sleep weight loss 15 pounds in 2 weeks.  steroids 2 times  prednisone 40mg twice a day. For almost 2-3 months absolutely no sleep.

Antibiotics 2 times 

Vascular surgeon … Due to the water retention in the ankles, legs  which was reducing with all diuretic medication.

Gastroenterologist  … Silent blood loss

Need to conduct a Endoscopy evaluation and Colonoscopy Evaluation to determine what is the course of action to take.

Physical therapy for strengthening the right knee, leg due to the severe back pain had to cancel the therapy session on December 30,2022.

Several cat scans, MRI , blood testing , X rays, Echocardiogram, pulmonary function testing, stress test.

Hospitalization.. : Collapsed at the Doctors office as the lungs were at 30%.  In the hospital from 6/17- 6/27/22

Diuretic medication 

Furosemide 10,20,40,80,160mg

Bumetadine 1mg, increased to 2mg.

Weight hasn’t decreased at all, rather it has been increased despite I have reduced my intake.

Gastroenterologist initial consultation, followed by Endoscopy and Colonoscopy to locate the silent blood loss. The primary physician, Rheumatologist & Cardiologist confirmed with several blood tests I am anemic.

Every thing is his blessings and finishing all in this lifetime itself.

I am great full for all these ailments as I have a opportunity to connect consciously with the lord with in and hear his voice in silence.

Lots of love ❤️  To all.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Prasanthi Nilayam Validation December 22,2022

 What are the chances of seeing the exact message as what was spoken on Saturday December 17,2022 at Dr.Amurit Patel’s residence by Manu Bhai when he touched my head?

Every thought , Word Swami is listening have firm faith on this once in a lifetime opportunity to witness in real time.

Heart felt gratitude to the lord for showing his abundant blessings!!!

Aum Sri Sai Ram.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Shiridi Babaji’s Vibhuti Blessings December 17,2022

 According to Dr. Amrit Patel “ Manu Bhai went with Babu Bhai to puttaparthi in 2008 and he was not a Sai devotee or believer. They were seated in the last row Swami came and threw vibhuti from a distance and Manu Bhai didn’t know what it was and started cleaning his pants. Babu Bhai was surprised and said this is vibhuti Swami has blessed you and started to collect to his best possible. Since then his devotion grew and the vibhuti started to manifest.

When I arrived a few people were having tea and salted items including Manu Bhai. When he sat on the couch his hands started to shake and immediately it started to flow I was seated next to him on the floor.

There were about 25 people and everyone took turns to touch his feet and ask personal questions and he would answer in a very faint voice .

The host asked me Koushik please go ahead. I hesitated in the beginning and finally said ok I will sit next to him. He touched my head said he has a lot of pain but doesn’t say anything and has high tolerance. He is Devi , and Hanuman

my true devotee.. make sure you invite him for future Satsang. Then he asked someone to give me the vibhuti which has manifested on Hanuman.

When he finally came out of the trance was back to Manu Bhai.

Good experience of witnessing the divine presence.


Saturday, December 17, 2022


Saroja Amma on the right with Shiridi Baba .

                          AUM SRI SAI RAM 

The lord places the thoughts in our mind and he is the one who gives us the solution for the same.

When we totally believe he is the doer then our lives are very simple and move forward without any interruptions.

As I started to attend sai bhajans in 2005 at Ved Mandir in East Brunswick, New Jersey every Thursday evening from 8pm to 9:15pm. I had a retail business and had to make arrangements to leave early on Thursday to come home and then go for Bhajans.

In the year 2008 another family also started to attend Bhajans at the center for the first time. They were not Sai Baba followers like me and some reason were put in the place.

When ever Vedmandir wasn’t available for Bhajans this family Maddula’s would offer their house for center activities. They had a sprawling house and lower floor which can accommodate 200-300 people with all amenities.

The entire family was in unison and had a very big heart to share their wealth of blessings. 

Mr. Maddula had a dream of building a temple for Sri Balaji. 

In our house we had a grand Bhajan celebration instead of doing rituals offering for my deceased father. My father enjoyed music and loved to feed people so I thought what better way to honor him and made it a annual celebration after he had passed in 11/2004.

One year Mr. Maddula called me to come over to his residence to speak about his dream of building the temple. I went and listened to all his messages, opinions as to why we need another temple in the town which already there are so many for every religious group or beliefs.

I told him he would be facing a lot of hardship and monetary issues for completion of the temple. The family was determined to build a building first for the East Brunswick Sai center. A huge cafeteria for Narayana Seva, class rooms and a huge auditorium for annual events.

Next to the Sai center a fully functioning Hindu traditional temple with full commercial size kitchen and auditorium for hosting wedding and other religious events.

Soon to their surprise found a land for a reasonable price in a well accessible area. No doubt they faced a lot of financial difficulties and political issues but the invisible hand was seen in mitigating the losses and moving forward.

After land purchase one has to get sewer line , water and electricity supply in order before getting permits for construction. The address of the land was in one township, as it was a corner property the other township also is a possibility for getting the public allotment of getting free sewer, water and electricity.

In 2015 I had returned from India after 5 months of caring for my in law’s. During the time had met a lady who was a ardent devotee of Swami and many manifestation happened in the house and I was awed by everything. When I was leaving back to USA Saroja Amma gave me a picture and said “ Don’t open till you get in your house “. I carried the picture on my hand and opened the picture in our pooja room and was filled with Vibhuti.

In a few months Saroja Amma had sent a VEL or spear of Subramaniam through a devotee and said please give it to Koushik in New Jersey.  I wondered what am I supposed to do with this spear ( VEL)?.

Swami has a plan for everyone and every thing nothing is done haphazardly.

Soon the statue appeared from nowhere and we had a grand annual celebration in 2015. Our family is all ardent devotee of Subramaniaya Murugan. My parents used to have a large function with raising the colorful tent in the backyard and 250-300 would come and sing Thirupugazh. My father enjoyed doing pooja and all the activities.

We had the privilege of having the company of Shri Swaminathan Bhagavathar to come and sing a few songs on Ganesh, Guru and Murugan. It was very well received by the audience and participation.

As Saroja Amma had sent Shirdi Baba’s blessings vibhuti poured from all photos in the house on the day. 

In the evening Maddula family came home for taking the blessings . Shri Maddula and his wife stood in the pooja room and said I want to build the temple before my 70th birthday.

I don’t know what made me do it took the Vel and touched Mr. Maddula’s forehead and instantly something happened to Mr. Maddula.

He has shared this with many and with the audience at the sai retreat at the temple conducted this Memorial Day retreat May28-31, 2022 as well as Swami’s birthday celebration on November 23rd,2022.

What happened to Maddula in 2015?

This is in Mr. Maddula’s own words 


Mr. Maddula had a full packet of cigarettes in his pocket and threw it in the nearest garbage can and since not smoked or drank any alcohol beverages. He used to smoke 4 packets a day for nearly 40 years and could never shake it away.

The Temple was inaugurated in June 2022. While prana was installed in the deities I was in the hospital battling for my breath prana.

Every thing is his blessings and grace. We’re a mere instrument for facilitating what needs to be done. A spark to light the lamp for his mission to spread love amongst all in this universes.




Friday, December 16, 2022

Bogar Siddhar Dhyanam Meditation December 15,202

                            Aum Sri Sai Ram

After returning home from our weekly Sai Bhajans on Thursday evening received a call from a Doctor who I had consulted many years ago for a Ayurveda session 

It has some time we had a chance to talk. She is always busy with patients and or traveling to India.

As per the Doctor Priya, when I have a session I never have a conversation with my patients as I want to keep my energy flowing in a particular direction. 

She said since your very first session I some how wanted to hear from you every day after hearing your first experience I was eagerly awaiting your next appointment. We certainly connected and she would share anything which was beneficial for my health.

She called yesterday for two reason:

First. There was a seminar that she was attended and a family had traveled from South Carolina for the same function. When they were traveling in the car exchanged information and the Doctor from South Carolina said she was a Sai devotee.

Doctor Priya immediately said I had a interaction with a friend who came from Now where and brought a picture of Sai Baba and asked me to keep in my office as patients come for consultation and Baba will cure them.

Immediately the Doctor from South Carolina said” Is it Koushik “?

Dr. Priya said how do you know him?

He was my husband roommate in Croatia Atirudram Maha Yagna.

One day as I was about to leave for my treatment at the Auyerveda Ashram Swami said take my framed photograph and 10 packets of vibhuti to give to the Doctor Priya.

I went for my morning session and she asked me what did you bring today? I said Amma Swami had sent it for you.

She was shocked!! How did you know that I was thinking about him in my room ( House)? Dr. Priya in the morning after lighting the lamp was thinking this man every day comes and talks about Sai Baba I don’t have any pictures of him.

I said Amma keep the vibhuti I will bring more when you need it. Someone is going to come and collect a few from you soon. The same week a family came for consultation and said Do you know where I can get Sai Baba’s Vibhuti?

Dr. Priya said only yesterday a man came and gave all this and also said someone will be coming to collect.

Second reason for Dr. Priya’s call

Aiyaa as you’re a instrument of your Guru and helping others. How about you try and meditate on Palani Bogar Siddhar and every Sunday morning at 5:30 we have a session I want you to connect.

Amma I am unable to sit down for meditation. I just started physical therapy since 3 days please give me till end of the month and surely will make a conscious effort to meditate on his form.


Heart felt gratitude to the lord for connecting me with all the divine souls.



My physical mother in this lifetime!!!!

                        Aum Sri Sai Ram

How does one repay a mother for all the innumerable sacrifices she has done for her children’s well being?.

My mother chose to live on her own after my father had passed away on November 6,2004. He was 69 years old and on the day of discharge from the hospital as my mother went home to get his clothes saw the doctor’s all running around with announcements Code Blue.

She thought some poor person is going to move on with his/her life. Later on found out it was her husband. Life was hit her hard. This was the second such news she had to go through in the 65 years of life in 2004. The first incident when my brother drowned in 1983 . Mother was only 45 years old.

Amma decided she would continue to live in the same house and if anyone chooses they can visit her rather than staying with her 4 children. Her motto “ if I stay in your house no one will come to see me and I will be on the way side”. 

We all respected her wishes and gave her support aa and when she requested. Amma was a very high achiever and had many interest painting, knitting, stitching, embroidery, gardening, canning, teaching various languages and volunteering doing income taxes free of cost at the tax season. 

If I wanted to see my mother had to make a appointment as she was extremely busy. I would visit her at least for a few weeks when I was operating my business and after selling the business would spend several months at a time to avoid the winter in the North East.

I used to tell my friends How many people can say their mother comes to receive or drop off at the airport? First generation parents in United States.  I was indeed very lucky to be picked up by my mother. Only a few years ago she started losing her confidence due to her heart issues.

She didn’t want anyone’s pity regarding her health condition and never shared it with anyone unless it was absolutely necessary for them to know.

On January 14, 2021 I got a call from my elder sister stating Amma wasn’t keeping good health and the Doctors have given her options but she has chosen not to do any surgery and end up in the same position as her husband.

I took the very next flight to Houston and my sister picked me up and briefed me along the way to pick up Amma from the hospital back home with Hospice care.

When Amma was wheeled out I was seated in the back seat. She got in and said “ What is he doing here”?

How did he know even before my discharge?

It was indeed a balancing act with the tubes coming out of her body for various reasons. My sister even though she has kept a keen eye on my mother she wasn’t very comfortable with taking care of her daily needs especially after a hospital visit.

Amma had difficulty breathing and every thing was a great effort. I had to lift her on the bed, wait for her breathing to settle down and then prop up several pillows 

 for her to lie down and remove the socks as she gets very hot. She is allergic to many kinds of fabric and likes cotton light weight. I would use a few layers in case she wanted to remove any of the layers.

Every 30 minutes had to repeat the process of taking her to the bathroom and back to the bed. She didn’t want me to sleep at a different level of the house. Initially I slept on the sofa and after several days I decided to sleep upstairs on a bed and had a walkie-talkie to hear her breathing to know when she needed my help. Slowly she was getting better which hospice nurse was surprised.

Even though very little medication was being used. I would get a few minutes to take a shower when the nurses or home aide would come for me to sit in the sunshine or take a shower. Immediately after Amma took her shower would ask the nurse to call me back inside.

She didn’t want me to go anywhere and be besides her all the time. 

Amma said Koushik No one can be like you…as you’re compassionate but so detached at the same time to get the job done “.

Every day in the evening I would give Amma all her medication and a little morphine to keep her breathing comfortable and she would give me permission “ Don’t worry I will be here till you come back from your shower and she had a sense of humor and always thought of others needs”.

I would take a shower and come down and take some Vibhuti ( Sacred ash) and apply on my forehead first and apply a little on her forehead and she would gasp due to the powder some particles would fly in the air.

The next day onwards I started mixing it before applying and then I would cup my hand on her chest quietly. One day she asked me “ What are you doing?

Amma you see I have nothing in my hand or palms?

She said: I see you don’t have anything but something is happening inside me when you place your palms on  my chest.

I said it’s all his grace and blessings.

Amma wanted to see all her children, Grandchildren, Great, Great Grandchildren and all the spouses. Every one came when possible to see the Matriarch of the family. What a determined person to give room for others to grow without taking the credit 


Slowly, slowly her breathing was improving and we canceled hospice as she was on the road to recovery than funeral service. I cooked a special graduation lunch for her 4 month since the setback.

On that day I said Amma I want to say something to you.


My sister was there and she said why if Amma or one of us call you won’t come back?

I said there will not be a reason for me to come again anymore .This is final.

I left on May 18 to visit my brother in California for 2 weeks as I hadn’t been to his house in 15 years. I returned back home end of May 2021. My youngest brother stayed with my mother for 3-4 months he had some urgent official work and thought he would return again but it didn’t happen again.

Amma moved to my sisters house as the Doctors visit was closer . I called Amma and asked Do you want me to come over?

She said No. Give your sister a chance to take care. 

I was experiencing severe cough since beginning of December 2021 - Middle of January 2022and with all medication prescribed, steroids and antibiotics it could not be contained  As the world was experiencing Covid-19 protocols it would be next to impossible to travel for any reason.

End of December 2021 Amma had trouble breathing and was admitted in the hospital again. The Doctors said as she has chosen not to get any surgery there’s nothing further we can do.

Amma wanted to move on she chose not to live and last year every one except my youngest brother gave her permission but this time Amma begged him please let me go.

What Amma was experiencing I was already going through in New Jersey even though we were 1300 miles away. The heart is inter connected and can sense what the other is going to go through way before and take it so the person can easily move forward with the transition.

Kamesh flew from Michigan to Houston to be beside her at the final stage of her life. Dr. C  had many pending cases at the hospital and couldn’t get leave to be besides her. Due to the fact she was in the hospital and regulations only one person can stay with the patient.

On January 7 th I asked my sister to place the phone next to Amma’s ears. She said Amma is sleeping!!

I said it’s ok please put the phone next to her ears.

Amma this is Koushik I Love You. Don’t worry I will be with you as you travel on this special journey back to source.

She replied I love you too. 

As the day’s went she was losing consciousness and even in that she one day said “ What happened you didn’t finish the job “?

Amma a few more days to go.

I was last person to talk with her as she couldn’t open her eyes or talk asked my brother to place the phone next to her ears one last time on January 13th at 7:15 am Amma I can’t come due to my persistent cough. Kamesh is there with you and I am always with you on this journey be rest assured.

She nodded and finally she took her last breath January 13th, 2022 at 7:15am.

Amma’s request please donate my whole body to the hospital for research and medical studies. Her body was taken out by Baylor medical university hospital at 9am.

No viewing, rituals, cremation or crying. Every one go about your daily routine and lives. If anything you want to do please help the poor children in the world.

Amazing woman!!!

Proud to be her eldest son!!

No tears and No attachment.

Aum Sri Sai Ram.

Kamakhya February 2015

 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

I have had many visions of all God’s and Godess’s and never have read any books and if someone tells some stories I would instantly forget about it.

I used to see the self traveling in and out of the vagina and the ovaries every day this was in 2011. I didn’t know who to mention this to as one might think what a pervert and for the most part kept to myself. One day I mentioned to my wife I have seen everything inside a female organ .

In 2004 I took a oath no woman will have control over my lives ever again ( sexual desires).

Never have seen a medical book, journal,video but can describe everything in detail.

I had gone to Chennai to attend to my in law’s as my father in law had a accident and broke his hip for the second time in 5 years. As I was retired had ample time to travel and take care of them in event of any other further complications.

My wife had no vacation time and Her sister had recently started a teaching carrier and couldn’t get much time off from work.

One of my friend she also happened to be in Chennai at the same time and we had similar interest in spiritual pursuits of meeting divine souls. Uma called me one day and said do you want to accompany me I have to go and visit a person to show some of my paintings.

I said sure!!. It would give me a respite from attending to the elders. I was sitting outside on the cement sidewalk and a SUV pulled up and Sir, Uma Akka has sent for me to pick you up.

The driver and I made some small conversation and He said sir, you’re so ordinary person living in the states don’t have much air about yourself. I like to get to know every one as a friend rather than a employee.

We drove to pick up Uma. I sat in the front seat and uma sat in the back and drove to the place where we had to go to meet up.

His Divine name Madhurambhika Guruji . I told Uma I would sit in the car while she went to meet up with this person. Uma gathered all the photographs and pictures said Koushik come inside . 

As we were walking towards the building the fragrance of Kum Kum was over whelming and could hear people chanting in separate rooms offering this red powder on a 3 dimension chakra. Meru.

There was this middle aged man seated on the floor with a short desk in front of him. There were a lot of people waiting to consult with him on various topics.

Guruji looked up and nodded his acknowledgment of Uma’s presence. Meanwhile the aroma of the Kum Kum was over powering and hearing the unison chanting of Lalitha sahasra nama. People come every day and do their sadhana and go and attend their job, school or activities. 

I was absolutely in ecstasy in that atmosphere and was almost in meditation without knowing anything.

Guruji finally asked Uma to come forward and I stayed back as I wasn’t interested in their personal conversation. I saw uma showing the paintings and while he was looking at each asked Uma ? Who’s that person? She said he is my friend from USA. He then said please ask him to come I have been waiting for him for many years. 

A person came and said “ Sir, Aiyaa is calling you.

I went forward to meet Madhurabhika Guruji and offered my pranams.

He said Do you remember me?


He said think deeply we have seen each other before and I scrambled my memories and finally it came out said yes!!! . I had vision of traveling through Vagina and female organs in my vision.

He said we’re conducting a Chandi Homam ( Yagna) in Kamakhya I didn’t know what chandi Homam was… leave alone we’re Kamakhya was located. Guruji said “ This time it will be completed with your presence “.

Uma instantly said Koushik I will book your tickets and we can go together. On our way went to Raja Rajeswari temple and it was more mind blowing than meeting this person in the morning.

The following week I had this severe cough couldn’t stop to at all and thought how in the world am I going to travel to this place in Assam for this unique event to fulfill someone’s desire?.

Please do check out YouTube… Mystery of Kamakhya Devi temple.

After thinking about it finally called Uma and said with regrets please inform Guruji he has to wait again till I get better to travel. Now it’s 7 years since the last time I have traveled to India. Every year something or the other health issues doesn’t allow me to travel abroad.

Every thing is the Grace and Blessings of the Lord.

Thank you Swami for giving one more opportunity to serve your lotus feet.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Respect All your Guests!!!

 This incident happened in 2016 ( New Jersey) The names will be omitted so don’t hurt them in any way possible. 

Since I sold my business in 2013and after getting my health in order I started visiting my mother more frequently and would go in September -December to spend time with my mother or when ever she wanted me to come.

One of the devotees from  Sai center called and said Koushik we are going to have Bhajans in  our house in October and every year you’re not available to attend.

I changed my ticket to accommodate their request and arrived from Houston a day prior to the function.

I was seated in the back as when the energies are high go in a trance and fall. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. A few people had traveled from Washington, Maryland and Virginia for this special occasion.

Suddenly I had this urge to Meditate and didn’t want to disturb anyone so I went upstairs to their pooja room ( which I had set up in 2005) will write about it one day. People are more curious about what I am doing than paying attention to the program on hand and kept on opening and closing the door.

After a while the disturbance was stopped and I was able to meditate intensely. When I was done something unusual had appeared on the picture in the Swami room. I didn’t want to create a frenzy so came down and sat all the way in the back. 

One of the volunteers were setting up the dinner table and wanted a match box and couldn’t find in the kitchen. He was told to go upstairs to the pooja room when he came down went to the kitchen and mentioned it to one person. Instantly people started going up and down. I knew cat is out of the bag.

One of the family who was visiting was praying in their house ( Swami if you claim to be the lord as people say I want you to manifest vibhuti in this house where we are going to visit today).  That lady started saying I knew he would come over and over again.

Her husband was a great singer and he had lost his vocal cords due to some illness and she prayed every day. Dear lord “ We only sang your name. Why did you take away my husband’s voice?.

All this I only got to know after the Vibhuti had manifested in the pooja room. I have no way of knowing what people are thinking in their thoughts and closed rooms.

I finished eating and about 5 people wanted to see this manifestation and  one person said “ Koushik you have a phone can you please take a picture so we can show it our family members.

I said Amma I have to get permission as it’s not my house. The host family husband was near the room and was very rude and said I don’t believe in these things and shut the lights and closed the room.

Every one was shocked how one can be so rude to their guests.

J Aunty has a daughter in New Jersey, Houston and a Son in Dallas. She was standing next to me and the words came out “ He is going to lose his job and even if he stands up side down or even if the lord himself comes down can’t change it. He will not get a job a day before March 15th. I also told her please don’t share this information with anyone as I have only mentioned it to you.

The function was on a Saturday and on Tuesday when he went to work they told him his position has been canceled and he has to clear his office by Friday.  I don’t get pleasure in hurting anyone and the words uttered wasn’t mine but just rolled out of my mouth.

Thursday when I saw the family his mannerisms said everything about his family plight.  He did say anything about it to me but through the grapevine got the message that he did lose his job after the Bhajans on Saturday.

On New Year’s Eve I saw the family at another family house for Bhajans and approached him and said why don’t you give me your resume I will ask my wife to forward to the HR at J&J.

His family members and his brother’s family members are excellent singers and had taken part in the Cleveland Thaygaraja Aradhana. Aunty’s brother is the organizer and Mami had met the younger brother at the function and just wanted to know what was going on with his older brother of finding a job?

He asked her how did you know that my brother lost his job? She said Koushik told me the day of the function itself and he will not find a job one day before March 15th.

The younger brother called his older brother in New Jersey and conveyed the message from aunty. He was surprised!!! How does he know all this information?.

Now everyone wanted to prove me wrong and the word spread all over the center.  One day another friend in the beginning of February reached out and said “ Koushik Ji  the person who lost his employment in October found a job.

I said I am very happy for him. Please let me know when he is going to start his new job?  

Oh !! they are doing background checks and he will be starting soon. Glad to hear.  No one can challenge my words guaranteed once it’s uttered it is etched in stone.

Middle of March on Sunday I was home alone and wasn’t expecting anyone and all of a sudden the door bell rang around 4 pm I opened the front entrance and invited the husband and wife they couldn’t wait to ask me question’s. They left Sunday school early ( Bal Vikas) to talk with me.

The first question?  Why didn’t you tell me?

Second question? How did you know that I was going to lose my job?

Third question? How did you know when I will get another job?

I didn’t answer any and said no need for you to know at this point.

I have only one question when did you start your new job that you found in February?

His response March 15th.

I arrest my case. Once the words come out it will happen exactly like that only as it’s not my words. It’s dictated by the universes what to say, whom to say and when to say.

I don’t get pleasure of seeing anyone having hardship or losing a loved one.

One Never knows which form the lord takes to visit one house. He necessarily not visit as a person it can be a ant, insect, bird, butterflies or animals.

One has to extremely careful in their thoughts,actions and Deeds.( What you think, what you say and what you do has to be in alignment at all times.)

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Who is a Mother?

                                                 Aum Sri Sai Ram 

Mother o Mother Sai Ma you mean the whole world to me Sai Ma.

Every mother is my mother that’s what I felt and my birth Mother’s words echoed in my heart. THINK OF ME WHEN YOU ARE SERVING OTHERS AND AUTOMATICALLY I Will BE WITH YOU.

I had the good fortune of being surrounded by families who I had grown up since the day we came to United States of America ( Flushing, New York) 1973. I had moved around from New York to New Jersey and continue to reside in the state.

One of the families who had moved to the same town and state live with a few miles from our house. I had a great deal of respect for family members as they were a great support to the community. Uncle had multiple interest and was always eager to help the families in building,decorating and experiences with audio. His wife kameshwari was a great music teacher. They had 3 children and after graduating moved about. The eldest daughter after getting married chose to live in Kerala with her husband. The middle daughter lives nearby to her parents. The youngest Son moved to Michigan. Amazing all of them chose journalism as their profession.

Uncle always kept himself busy with woodworking projects in and around the house. He also came up with innovative ways of making steps used for Navaratri festival and was highly demanded by customers from all over the states. Initially I didn’t have much time to engage with the family as I was always working 7 days a week for many years with business.

Once I retired had many opportunities to stop by frequently and talk with the family. I was very fond of both and always considered them equal to my parents. I would walk into the house and uncle will be in the garage and say Koushik why don’t you go inside and talk with your mother. . I would walk inside and give her a hug. The Indian woman aren’t open for affection at least from a grown man who was 63 years old. I was very comfortable with everything and every one.

Aunty was undergoing some health issues and was very open minded and had accepted her condition. Some years with the treatment she was getting better with positive outlook and hoping she would survive this temporary setback.

I had mentioned to uncle and aunty since my return from my health setback from the hospital on June 27 th of 2023 that would visit them more frequently depending upon my own health condition.

Every year they have a elaborate Navarathri festivities with a grand display of dolls. Last year I had the good opportunity to help set up the steps and helping with placement of the dolls. It’s a very time consuming and a great deal of thought has to be put in to pull off such a magnificent display of our tradition.

September I called and asked “ Amma can I come over to help set up the stairs? She replied this year I want to use my son in law and Grand son they are going to be in town. I said sure Amma.

The following week I was going to help another family friend and tripped and fell . Both my knees were swollen and unable to move or drive and couldn’t visit.

I got notification from the family Amma wasn’t keeping good health and was admitted in the hospital.

I didn’t want to be in the way of the family and offered my help in way possible. Uncle said Koushik I will definitely call you when I need you.

On October 22nd morning I got a message from uncle 

Koushik I didn’t want to start your morning with this message Amma doesn’t have much time left . The Doctors have given up . If you’re available please come over and pick me up I want to go to the hospital and see her for a few minutes and drop me back home.

I quickly got myself together  picked up a framed photo graph of Sathya Sai Baba and went to pick up uncle and drove him to the hospital. He was extremely particular about almost everything the side which I never got to see while growing up. He told me how to go( directions), which lane to use, where to turn and so forth.  I took this as a learning process to keep my mouth shut no matter what!!!.

We went and parked the car and entered the lobby. We approached the customer service and they wanted our license information to make a badge for each person.

The representative said “ Only when one badge is returned then only we can issue your badge to enter the hospital to visit the patient. Due to Amma’s condition only one person can stay with her and naturally the family members should be there with her at the last minute of her life.

Uncle son just whizzed past us during the registration process and told the customer service representative there’s no time please let my father see his wife.

She said “ Sorry Sir , this is the hospital policy and no exceptions “.

I told the son don’t argue with her. I will take your father to see his wife.

He said “ How”?

I said you watch me.

Again he said you can’t go past the security officer and the oncologist service desk and nurses.

Nothing is impossible when the lord is with you and I will prove it to you. Just wait for us to return.

I took uncle who’s in his 90’s and had absolutely no problem in getting past the security, nurses station. When we went in the room the daughter was surprised and said Amma is having labored breathing and all doctors and nurses have tried but unable to do anything anymore and left the room.

Uncle said Koushik give me a few minutes and after that you can go inside. I said absolutely no problem.

In a few minutes uncle came out and said you can go inside and say your final good bye to your mother. I said uncle please come inside. He said she’s having trouble breathing. I said uncle all these tubes are a big burden on her lungs once you disconnect she will be relieved and will feel much better.

I took Swami picture out of jacket pocket and applied Vibhuti on her forehead and said “ Amma look who has come to take you home? sSathya Sai  Baba has come and cupping my hand and placed on her chest and chanting Aum Sri Sai Ram 3 times and instantly her breathing patterns changed to a calm breath.

Naturally he didn’t want to take my answer as a word and kept on saying I don’t want her to be hungry. When the doctor came for the routine round said to the Nurses please disconnect all these tubes it’s a hindrance for her at this point. She is dying no need for all this. It was like my words just echoed in the Doctor’s mouth.

When we finally returned back to the lobby The father said we spent 4 hours with Amma. The son was totally shocked and said “ How is it possible “?

That evening I got a message from uncle around 10pm


His daughter was extremely surprised how in the world did he get her breathing to be calm and natural asked her father?

He replied…, I was in the room he took Sai baba’s picture and said Amma I have come to take you home and said he loved her over and over again. He also had his hands on her chest saying some mantra.

I had the privilege to take care of a mother in her last stage of life. 

The eldest daughter hadn’t arrived from India and the father wanted her to see the mother.  They were worried Amma wouldn’t live till her arrival. I assured the family members that Amma will be breathing till Lata arrives.

Lata was picked up from the airport directly to the hospital on Friday October 28. I had mentioned to the family as she is in her last breath it’s better to take her home so friends and family can pay their respect’s.

The family talked about it to the father and arranged a ambulance to bring her home. 

Uncle, Grand daughter of the daughter and myself returned home to get it ready for Amma’s arrival to see her Pooja room where she had spent so much time doing pooja’s.

Uncle was busy and the G daughter was doing things I was just sitting and conversion with the young lady .

She is a few years younger to my daughter . She recently had moved to Denmark. I was just curious about how her life was there ? and regarding food items

Just jokingly asked Do you have a boyfriend?

She said yes!!

I asked is he Indian?

She said  No

I said  his name is Philip and she didn’t know what to say!!

Said  How do you know his name?

Honey that’s the power of the lord.

Amma arrived in the ambulance and all family members were gathered to receive her. After she was made comfortable I approached uncle and said you don’t need me or my service anymore.

Uncle replied “ I don’t need you “ but keep coming to see your mother every day.

The daughter replied we will call you when to come.

I didn’t want to be in their way and let them decide .

Saturday morning October 29th around noon suddenly felt the urge to see her even though didn’t get any message from the daughter.

As I stepped inside the front entrance Amma took her last breath at 12:40pm.




MOTHER is the one who always thinks of others first!!!
