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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Coincidence or Fate (Sage of Kanchi)

My wife's cousin, for the last several months, was trying to reach me. He wanted to share his experience on his journey to Sabrimalai (The abode of Lord Ayyapan). Several months ago he finally reached me and narrated a few of his unusual situations which took place out of the ordinary. After finishing his experience he said I want you to read “The Sage of Kanchi" and sent me the link.
I paid attention to each experience from the devotees of their guru, Sage of Kanchi, Chandrasekhar Saraswati (periyavaar) and it was quite interesting to hear about the miracles that he was able to perform similar to swami (Sai Baba). I forwarded the article to as many people that I knew who would enjoy it as most of the information was in Tamil.

Chandrashekarendra Saraswati SAGE OF KANCHI
A friend had requested us to make a visit to Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival this year held on April 17, 2014. I wanted to be a volunteer at the function. I had just joined the group and instantly felt very comfortable. I was in ticket sales for the event on Friday and did brisk sales and some people even commented with things like “you are like a baniya (business merchant); holding such large sums of money and making sales.”
I was only trying to maximize the sales and do whatever it took to make it happen. They did not know my true profession but I felt very comfortable handling large sums of money. After all that is what I did every day for 30 plus years. It was similar to operating a business. Saturday morning I set up the table at 9AM, opened a box to place the brochures in to place on the table, and in the bottom of that box contained several pictures of Devi & Sage of Kanchi.
KANCHI KAMAKSHIAMBAL on one side and on the other side SHANKARACHRYAS.
I was totally shocked that I had opened several boxes and none of them had anything other than the brochures. I stopped my ticket sales, only to call each and every one of the volunteers, to personally hand this precious gift from the sage himself.
Most of them revered him and accepted the pictures graciously; while others who initially did not take the pictures came back looking for it. There was a limited supply and only those privileged received them.
Thank you Swami and periyavaar to give me this chance in spreading your name and message of true love.
Love All Serve All Help Ever Hurt Never.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Please Help & Save My Grandson

In 2007 I met with a lady who happened to be a Sai devotee.  After some years we got close and I confided in her and told her that her grandson was autistic and needed some help. I am not educated in that particular field to even offer any help let alone helping this child. However, with no hesitation I took it upon myself to help that child. 

She would ask me "do you have a message for me?" I do not have a crystal ball that I can look at and spit messages for everyone but if Swami gives me a message it will be certainly be conveyed. 

Months passed and I said to myself when I go to meet my mother I will surely meet the child, but I'm unsure as to when that will be. She said "I want to be there when you come *out of the state*". "I am sorry but when I go to see him,  you will not be there." "How can you say with certainty that my mother lives in Texas?" The trip was planned but Swami kept changing the date until the lady specifically was not there. My mother has faith in all my psychic powers as such but as she picked me up and asked me “are you going to go see that boy?” “Yes, I am. Thursday is a good day for us to go but she would not listen and made excuses.” I told her to call the family to find out their availability and they too said come on Thursday.” 

I did not want to go empty-handed and I wanted to buy something for the child. I roamed the mall and mind you I was not in the greatest shape. I also dragged my mother along who was also doing the same. Finally, what we thought would be a remembrance of our visit we got it professionally wrapped along with some fruits. We walked inside and saw a very loving mother of a god-sent child who was beyond "special". 

After socializing for a few, I recommended that they move their puja room to give this house a different vibration. I followed them to the second floor where the child's bedroom was. I felt that rooms’ energy was not right and it was to be changed so that positive and appropriate energy could flow through the child's all around well-being. 

I felt there was something which had happened in that house; that room especially. Upon inquiry the people who sold the house were Muslim and the front part of the house was damaged in some type of weather calamity. All those struggles that the previous family endured, during their difficult times, their energy was still lingering. Their son will improve as years pass and will come in the alignment of the population but will always be a special child to the parents. 

Accept all situations as we all come with baggage and have to work it out in this life as such.

**Sai Ram**

How Strangers Are Connected

I had the privilege of meeting a family while we were just beginning to be in Swami’s fold. I wanted to have annual bhajans in our home similar to what my parents held. But as my father said it is a family curse; after five years it will stop. But I wanted to prove him wrong. 

We started our first bhajan in the year of 2006 and the same time one of the families’ father had passed away. As we had so much food left over we packed the food for the family that was grieving their loss. The family was touched by our gesture and invited us for the puja being held in their house. I asked my wife and my mother-in-law to accompany me. My mother-in-law made excuses in not coming. 

My wife and I went and sat for the melodious bhajans and were in a different plane. I saw Shirdi Sai and his father in his astral form. On the altar was a huge picture of Swami and a photograph of his father and the father said “I am thirsty, I want water, and I also want to see Srinivas.” If I tell this to anyone they will not believe me and I do not wish to disrespect the family during their grieving moments. 

After the program finished I approached a family member. “With all due respect to you, your father wants water and he wants to see Srinivas". "Who is Srinivas?" he claimed. “It is my brother! What you said is true. My father had kidney problems and the nurse had said absolutely no water and my father did want to see Srinivas.” 

That is what started our friendship and as time went on I was asked one day to see their Swami room. I have no authority to say how a puja room should be in someone else’s house but something in me told me that it had to be changed. I told them to remove the wallpaper and paint the room. As months went by I asked him “did you do it?” He replied with a “no”. I then asked him why not. He replied that he will do it and in March when they go to the music festival and he will give me the key to his house. 

I spent the entire day taking the wallpaper down and asked him to sand the walls for painting. Again he did not do it. So I took it upon myself in buying the paint and painting the room. While I was taking my shower I heard this voice very clearly say "you have disrupted my room. I will tell you what pictures to put where. Put Ayyappan’s picture in the center with 18 steps and both Swami's and Shankaracharya’s picture on the wall.” That was a tall order and I did not know if these people were Ayyappan devotees for me to make such drastic changes. Regardless, I followed my order that had to be finished in a certain time frame. I knew of a person who could make the steps and had to get Ayyappan’s picture. 

My in-laws were coming from India and said “we are bringing you something”. I did not ask about what it was knowing full well it was meant particularly for this family. Upon arrival, I informed them not to open it because it was meant for someone. My in-laws asked if I wanted to see it and I simply replied with a no because it was going to be a surprise when it is placed in their house. I hesitantly went to their house with all the items for the change and it was a surprise because there was no way for me to know that his father was a great Ayyappan devotee and had gone to Sabarimala consecutively for 25-plus years. Both of them never joined him.  

My best wishes to the family for years to come with all the touches of the divine.
**Sai Ram**

Beyond Time & Space

All the visions that the higher conscious has shown me has come true. They are all in the future of time and space that has absolutely no value. These were set by man and the higher energy has no place. I could see all things but the “human” put a label that “this is good and the other is bad”.  I do not see any difference but I will write about a few situations that things have come true till date. 

At the retail outlet I owned in Jersey City, New Jersey, there was a mail lady who would come by every day. Over a few years I got to know her well enough that I could tell her anything. A message came for her that said “please be very careful. I can see that you are going to be affected by breast cancer".

 As she came in the store, as she usually does, today was a little different. She asked if she could speak with me in private. She then followed up with “as I am working I do not have the time so can you walk with me as I deliver the mail and tell me?”  I said “what I am about to tell you is very serious and do not take it lightly.” I then presented her with the contents of the message. “Make sure you go and check with a physician”. 

She didn't follow the instructions. The following year when she went to the doctors and they had found a huge lump in her breast and it was in fact cancerous.  She came running exclaiming “I cannot believe what you told me actually came true. Please save me. Everyone in my family has died of cancer.” She said “please save me I am the only one working and I have three children and a husband to provide for.” 

I then thought to myself….who am I to save anyone? I am no different than you, but nevertheless it won't be a problem. I will do the best to change your fate. I spoke to my Lord and asked "please forgive her. She has not heeded to your command." 

She recovered after two years. Her route changed and she did not keep in touch until yet again the problem, resurfaced. She pleaded again; “please save me". I told her I cannot keep changing your fate because it will affect the universe moral. 

Do not think of The Lord only during the difficult times. Think of him always and he knows what is best for you.
**Sai Ram**

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Meeting Mr. Bansilal: A Loyal Devotee of Swami for Over 70 Plus Years

In 2007, we went to Prasanthi Nilayam after the morning darshan of the lord (Suprabatham). It was around 6:30AM and instead of going back to my room I started to walk around the ashrams ground. With frequent Sai Ram’s to each person I met. I saw an elderly man sitting outside a building in a wheelchair wearing a white kurtha/pajama with glowing vibrant eyes. As usual I greeted "Sai Ram" and I got the same reply. A conversation started I asked him several questions just to get to know him a little more than a casual conversation. He had a pocket radio which he was listening to, and had a strict schedule that he followed.

As time was around 7:30AM he asked me “can you cut my nails on my foot as well as my hands?” I told him “my hands shake so I will not be able to do that but I will get someone else.”  He got angry and said “if you cannot do it then you can leave!”  I wanted to help. As he could not speak English well enough to convince someone to help him I opted that I will find someone as people were strolling by. Some could not understand English because they were foreigners.

There were people who came from all parts of the world and others could not understand Hindi as there are a plethora of languages in India. Some, even if they understood, were not willing to assist until finally I got a man who was willing to do the seva but Mr. Bansilal was very adamant. He had specific protocols with the way it should be done and if you disagreed he asked you to leave. So the man agreed with Mr. Bansilal and continued the way he wanted him to do it. He had a colorful box which contained all of his grooming tools along with a few other odds and ends. The box was clearly very old but I could not make out the picture as it had rusted over the years.

Every day after my morning darshan I would meet up with Mr. Bansilal and would talk and listen to how old he was when he met Swami. He said when he met Swami he was in his twenties and Swami was around 15 years old or so. They had a very long connection. He had a colorful and beautiful picture of Swami and that also piqued my interest every time I would meet him. It did not matter as what the conversation was he would cut you off to adhere to his schedule and would ask you to come at a later time, which may or may not be convenient. As the primary reason for the visit we came was to have darshan of Swami (Sai Baba). There was something which was propelling me every day to get to know him a little more and I would go to great lengths to achieve that.

 I would run from darshan to come to the building or shed as they referred to it.  This was a place where quite a lot of people reside in a 4ft/6ft space, live out of a suitcase or bag with belongings that they call their own. Some people’s space was decorated by a few pictures and curtains and some spaces with cardboard partitions. You got to meet with a variety of people from all walks of life. Many did not talk with anyone and kept aloof. Some would keep the space very traditional according to the state they were from. It was a sight to see. Since I was young, I 
have always been curious about people, intrigued by the way they live, and how well I connect ed so well with seniors. I told Mr. Bansilal that I wanted his grooming box and would replace it with a brand new stainless steel box which would be great as it would not rust and would be more hygienic.

 He was not ready to part with that box which had been in his possession for many years. So it took a little more convincing than expected. I told him that I would buy him several pairs of kurtha pajamas to wear as well. Still nothing. But finally one day he gave in. He wanted only 100% cotton and no mix of any materials. That was not easy to find as nowadays there is a mix of cotton and polyester in almost all materials. I went to the market in between the darshan schedule and purchased his size which was quite an odd size. Not the standard size. The following day when I met him and gave it to him he did not like the style. So again to the market, the principle of exchange in stores does not happen due to the enormous population. So I purchased another and gave the first batch to the homeless people outside. Maybe that was also a part of the divine play.

Finally, he kept two sets of pajamas and reluctantly took the steel box and I emptied his contents into the new box. I had informed my wife that I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Bansilal and she too wanted to meet him. He agreed and showed his house (space) to my wife with such pleasure and wanted us to have something to drink before leaving.

At that time he said this past life connection where you came from the United States to meet me, to take back this box which I was holding for such a long time, for me to give it back to you. It was very emotional but I had to take it. My wife asked "why do you want this box" it is dirty, smelly, and rusted beyond belief and with one touch it would fall apart. I have no words to express why. All I knew was I had to. With that we told him we had to return home to the United States and if destiny permits we will meet again.


In October 2010 we were in Prasanthi Nilayam again and I was frantically searching for Mr. Bansilal as he was quite old and we all think of the worst first when we do not connect. We were in the ashram for 3 days and were hoping to see him at least once. The last day finally I saw a young man escorting a wheelchair and took a peek. Low and behold it was in fact Mr. Bansilal himself. “Sai Ram! Do you recognize me?”  He said “you are the guy who bought me two sets of kurtha pajamas and took the box!”  My happiness knew no boundaries at that point in time and I was thoroughly thrilled to see him as I knew that was the last time I would be seeing him. I offered my pranams to him and bid farewell. In the year 2012 I had gone to India again but that time I could not see Mr. Bansilal.


Thank you Swami for connecting me to this divine soul, that which he was holding for such a long time only to give me.

Sai Ram. Love All Serve All.

Meeting Divine Souls Through Swami’s Leelas

Our family had gone to Tennessee to attend a wedding. It was my wife's cousins wedding and that too after a very long time and wanted to a part of all that took place. We arrived a couple of days before the function to help the family out with various tasks. All close friends and some family opted to stay in hotels. We were fortunate enough to stay in friend of the family's home. They were good friends with my wife's uncle’s family whose daughter was getting married. My wife at the time suggested that we stay in a hotel like the rest instead of troubling a family. I said it will give us an opportunity to meet some new people and they will have an opportunity to serve us. It was a perfect match; even if we had planned it out it still would not have been so perfect.

That night as we were all getting acquainted, we ironed out some of our spiritual situation which we all understood as we had gone through the same experiences through Isha Yoga. For them to go about their daily routine/rituals from Isha Yoga would not have been an interference or inconvenience for us because we too understood the process and daily tasks that needed to be done. This was their number one concern.

Madhu, Sabhi, Sanjana, and Veena, were the perfect host family, with unconditional love and selfless service always with a glowing smile on their faces. They always answered with “no problem” for any situation. The willingness to help putting others first was something they were very natural at doing. Madhu who had the utmost respect for my wife's uncle (Mr. Shankaran) will only address him as "SIR” as he had asked him to get some banana plants from their friends’ house for the wedding.

I opted to go along for the company to have some spiritual conversations. Madhu said “let me take a shower. I do not go anywhere unless I shower. He then said what to carry the plants in. We arrived at Mrs. Nalani Iyer's house, who used to originally reside in New Jersey in 90s, and then transferred to Tennessee. Madhu said “let me go and get the plants” as he had many chores to do and did not have a lot of time. I also went in and greeted with “Sai Ram” and she was very thrilled. She immediately asked me to take my shoes off and come inside their puja room. The energy in that room was very high and she narrated all the miracles and divine beings that had come without any invitations. She went on about how Swami came to her and while they were traveling through India she found a ripped picture of Swami on the ground in pieces and did not pay much attention to it as it was not salvageable. A few years later again the same picture was found in the same manner, on the ground and in pieces, she knew this was no accident. This definitely it meant something!

She picked it up, put the pieces together, got it framed, and placed it in the Swami room. They started bhajans in their house and since then they have not missed any bhajans on Thursday. Even if they are not in town, some other family will come and sing bhajans in their puja room for Swami. They try to plan everything: Swami first; everything next. Swami has come and sat on the chair as Lord Krishna in the puja room, along with vibhuti appearing on his pictures which she brought from India, and showing her Vishwaroopa darshan.

She said I have never shared these experiences with anyone other than family. I do not know what it is about you. I not only have talked continuously for an hour but shared all my experiences with you. “Madhu, I have never seen their puja room yet I have known this family for over 12 years. Whenever I visit, I stay only on the ground floor, even if it is for bhajans and then proceed to leave. I shared the experience of meeting Mrs. Iyer to my mother-in-law who happens to be a devout Sai devotee herself and Madhu in the midst of chaos took us once again to their residence to be a part of Swami’s love. There are no words to express our gratitude to Madhu and his family for making our trip such a memorable one apart from the wedding.

Sai Ram.

Love All Serve All.

Fair Pay for Cleaning the Grounds of Prasanthi Nilayam

We had made our first trip to Puttaparthi in the 2006 and were excited to be in the divine presence for the very first time. We were allotted a comfortable room with basic necessities and informed of the time slots for each event. At 4:30 the line formed to get in the mandir which can hold only about 100 people. It is first come first serve so after that they turn you away. I would be so eager that I would get up at 3AM, walk, and stand in line just so I will not miss getting in. At 5AM we chant 21 om-karams followed by the Sai Suprabatham. It is so melodious to hear, that tears roll with no thoughts at all except the strong desire to be in his presence. It is then followed by Nama Sankeertan and then people who want to find space in the hall to sit and wait for Swami's darshan around 9AM.
Instead of going back to the room we walked the grounds, passed a bakery, and found so much garbage everywhere. It was utterly repulsive to think that people can just litter so much. I looked around and did not find anybody so I started to pick up the trash myself. A lady came and started to apologize as she was supposed to clean and did not want to lose her job.
I told her I am not with the Sai committee and not to worry. She did not want me to pick up any of the garbage but I continued doing so. It must have rained the night before because all of the trash and papers were soaking wet. As I was picking up more and more garbage, I saw a crisp 10 rupee note on the grass. Remarkably it was not affected by the rain or early morning dew. How was this possible?
I picked it up and offered it to the cleaner but she did not want the money and said “I am going to lose my job!” I convinced her that she will have the job and handed her the crisp 10 rupee note. It was SWAMI’S way to show his omnipresence and to demonstrate that he is everywhere especially because I was coming for the first time.
 I then walked over to the Ganesha Mandir where, in the morning, thousands of devotees were praying and was not possible that no one noticed again a brand new crisp 10 rupee note on the floor. Only for me and my eyes. Finally, I walked around Lord Subramanian and once again found a crisp 10 rupee note.
Thank you Swami for showing your divine presence three times in a row. Thirty rupees pays for cleaning his beloved grounds. A fair employer.
Sai Ram.

Nemeli Bala Tripurasundari

After our visit to Karur, on our way back, we wanted to visit the Bala Peetam as well as various Devi Amman energy places as directed by my inner voice on this trip to India in 2012. We also wanted to visit Tripupati as we have not gone and visited in years but it was more of my choice. The driver Mr. Panchaksharam said we cannot make it one day and need to add at least three days extra to our trip with time being a factor. We said we would let him know after visiting Nemili Bala.

We started our trip to see our beloved Bala. As we went inside the house (as she said I have come to rest here) the priest said “amma had asked for me to stay. As a family was coming to see her and unless I wish for it to be no one can set foot inside here.” The priest said my family has gone to Chennai to get some official work done and too wanted to join them but amma stopped me. I was just about to leave. I had mentioned that we were coming from Karur after spending a week with Balu Swami Siddhar. He mentioned that he had visited Karur only a month ago, as Bala had asked me to make a calendar with her in the middle and eighteen siddhars on the sides (nine on either side). When that family comes you will give them that calendar.

He told Bala “what do I have to do with Siddhars? My job is to take care of your stay here.” He went to Karur and another devotee had a dream where Bala gave the same request make a calendar with my picture in the middle and the nine Siddhars on each side. The devotee, when he met the priest, gave him a bundle of calendars and said amma had asked her to do this. He was surprised as he did not follow her instructions she had asked another devotee. The priest took the bundle, opened it for the first time, and gave us the first copy.

It was very touching that The Lord knows what his/her devotees are thinking without verbalizing. We had mentioned our trip to Tirupathi and a voice came that resonated within "NO NEED". I am the same there as well. It is me in Tirupathi if you see closely I have long hair. He has borrowed so much that he has to repay. I have come to take rest here. I am everywhere you go so there is no need to visit any other temples as you have initially come to see me.


I have no words to express my gratitude towards Balu Swami to shower his abundant love on our family. When I spoke to him after our return in July I asked him when I would be able to see him again. He said “you just spent this entire money coming here. Wait for three years before coming to see me again. I am always with you wherever you are. How come you do not call me?” I told him “I do not have any news, I do not want to call and just say I’m okay, how are you?”  Balu Swami replied with “is that why you came and got close with so much love?”  “I do not attach myself to anyone as it hurts when they depart.” He got very attached to me. What have I ever done to receive such divine love equivalent to10, 000 mothers?

 With that great validation from the divine child/mother what more can we ask? She covered our trip that she knew that we had gone to see Balu Swami Siddhar and our intention of visiting Tirupathi as well as our interest in visiting various Devi temples. Bala Peetam is located on the Chennai-Bangalore highway en route towards Arakkonam and Vellore.

Pray to this divine child and receive her blessings. No words can express the feeling that we all experienced in her humble abode.

Love All Serve All

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lalgudikrishnan and Vijayalakshmi Playing Violin in Puja Room

Our family has been blessed by Shri Sathya Sai Baba and every year during the month of August we celebrate and host bhajans and pujas on a very grand scale. I had met a woman who always wanted to go to bhajans but her daughter and family were not in swami’s fold. She had mentioned to her daughter that she wanted to go to Sai bhajans but the daughter exclaimed that she didn’t know where to take her and that she didn’t have the time to take her because she comes home late from work.

I was privileged to meet her through someone who she had mentioned this matter to and we were connected. I would pick her up every week and take her to the bhajans or any other spiritual places where functions were being held. I had also informed her regarding our annual bhajans. She said “I will watch them only when there is no one in the house as they are not interested.”  Many distinguished artists and musicians come and reside in the aunty's daughters house. On one such day Lalgudikrishnan and his sister Vijayalakshmi were in their house. They were occupying the second floor and since the house was empty she started to watch the video of our bhajans from previous years.

That year along with the bhajans there was a yantra puja being performed by Shri Shivaguru Dixitar of Shri Rajaganapathi Temple in Swedesboro, New Jersey. As she was watching the video, Lalgudikrishnan was walking from his room and had a glance and saw something which caught his attention. He asked “Aunty who is he?”  She replied “he is the person who has been taking me to the bhajans every week.” He immediately said “I have to meet him. Can you call and find out when we can go.” Aunty called me the very same day and mentioned the situation to me. I said okay but my wife was working and will only be home around 6pm. Being a Thursday I have to leave for bhajans at 7pm. I had all of the audio equipment which would only leave us with one hour to spend and have satsang.

It was in the month of October so I was expecting them to come in some warmer attire rather than the traditional attire. Lalgudi and Vijayalakshmi both in traditional Indian attire, with a violin in their arms, walked inside the house, removed their shoes and walked into the puja room. They took out the violins and played such mesmerizing music which immediately touched our souls. We were speechless. What made them come and do such an act? They also mentioned to us that they have never played in anyone’s house before other than their own when they practice our pieces for performances. This is definitely something out of the ordinary.

After the soul touching music we spent some time conversing and narrated a few of my divine experiences of The Lord who has showered his love and grace on me to experience his divine leela’s. Over the years we have become very good friends and he has confided many situations to me knowing that it will never leak out.  God works in mysterious ways and connects people near and far. I was blessed to know the aunty and through her Lalgudikrishnan and his sister Vijayalakshmi. My sincere best wishes to both in all their future performances and in their personal lives. Thank you swami for being an instrument in spreading your message of love all serve all. 
Sai Ram.

Swami Showing Us Our Real Self

In 2010, after my visit to Sabrimalai and having darshan of Lord Ayyappan, we wanted to come and thank our lord of the universe Shri Sathya Sai Baba for making our trip possible. I could not have planned it better in such meticulous manner.

We arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam and after having darshan from swami we decided to go and visit a few of the tourist places. My wife's cousin, his wife, and my in-laws accompanied us on our trip. We visited the Super Specialty Hospital, the museum, and another site. We had arranged for two taxis, one man was true to his word and said “when you are finished please call me and I will come to pick you all up.”

My father in law could not walk so the taxi had to come all the way to the top. He came and picked a few of them up in his taxi which we were very grateful for.

We called the other taxi but there was no answer. We waited a while but as there was no answer I started walking and said that I would not pay as he is not doing the right thing. My wife's cousin responded “no just pay.”  Finally, as we were walking, we saw our taxi dropping another passenger off and said come I will drop you off. I had already walked half the distance. I do not need your service. I was about to say a few words. “You are going to suffer very soon."  I was stopped and she said your words always come true so please do not say anything. I was angry that he had cheated us.

We went to the ashram and cleaned up for the evening darshan. My father in law was in a wheelchair and I was wheeling him inside the ashram (hall). We sat in my space on the floor waiting for the Lord to come and grace us with his abundant love. I did not know that would be my final time that I would be seeing him in the physical form.

After four hours Swami finally came. I had an envelope with two pictures inside. One was of a boy with autism and the other of the Guruswamy who had showed me the path to see The Lord Ayyappan as he had lost both of his hands in an accident while working. Swami came and took the envelope from my hands. As he left, several people, many much older, came and started prostrating to me and said "I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” We can see right through you from the back where we are seated. I told them Swami is right over there. Please do your pranams and namaskarams to him not me.

They did not listen and continued to prostrate one after the other waiting for blessings. They were all old enough to be my grandfather. I was shocked!! This has never happened anywhere. I asked Swami “who am I that you have given such respect and love to?”  The following year April 24, 2011 Swami left his physical body and attained mahasamadi. My wife's cousin called said “you told the taxi driver he is going to suffer soon and in fact it has come true.  After Swami's demise the overall tourism had dropped and the taxi drivers are barely making a living. She said be careful in saying things as your words always come true. Thank you Swami for showing us who we really are.

Love All Serve All

Seeing Above and Below the Oceans Floor

While I was with Shri Madhukar I had the privilege of seeing the entire universe. I could see the depth of the ocean, even the tiniest creatures, the fine moss and oceans creatures. In the sky I could see all the stars and galaxies. The very first time he took several of us to the beach to show us all the divine beings both above and below. Some of them mentioned what they saw. I on the other hand could not see anything, so I thought to myself “what is wrong with this picture? Everyone can see except for me. Am I missing the point or not looking in the right direction?”

Shortly after we returned home. After everyone left, I approached Shri Madhukar and mentioned to him that I was unable to see anything. But I cannot verify that what they saw was true or not so unless I experience it I will not be able to say with clarity.

The next day, after I woke up, he told me to meditate and said “now you can see everything others got to see”.  His mother asked “why is that Koushik could not see anything?” He said “some people need a little more help in envisioning things than others.” He also had mentioned to me that I had to sell my business. He then followed that statement with “there will be a day when Swami needs people like you to help in making this world a better place.” I simply asked him “what can I possibly do as a human being in this vast universe?”  The message will be given at the right time for you from the divine.



Several years ago, around 2005, as I was taking a shower I could feel milk continuously being poured on top of my head in full force. My wife was yelling “how long are you going to be in the shower for?” I told her tell them to stop pouring the milk on top of my head. She asked “where are you?” I then replied “in Kailash!” The milk is not stopping I am unable to get out.
A few minutes later I came out and did not remember a single thing. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door the priest came in. The strange thing is we did not call him. He came as he was passing by and said “we have to perform the first year death ceremony for your father.” The priests name was Kailasam. What are the chances that I was in Kailash and the priests name was also the same.