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Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Start the day with Love

I was introduced to a young lady on a blind date ( appointment). She asked for my hand and held it tightly and once in a while inflicting pain to remind me that if you ever cross the boundaries this will be the results.

Then she listen to my feelings and gave a shiny ring as a gift on my way out and said please come again if you enjoy this pain and pleasure interval.

What do you know? I had 7 such beautiful dates and looking forward for more........

Love comes in many forms.

Fill the day with love 

End the day with love 

This is the way to God.

Thank you Lord for sending such a beautiful, sincere and simple human being to rekindle the divine experience.

Be blessed by the divine 

Vazgha Valamudan!!!

Thanks for making my day!!!

Friday, December 11, 2020



Second part of December 2,2020 

Had given a rudram book to the Doctor and therapist who mentioned she had never heard the powerful

rudram being chanted. Her friend had visited a family where the powerful chant  took her off surprise in a world winding trance. The host family had never seen anything like that and contacted Doctor from the Ayurveda ashram to revive back to earth.

December 3.2020

Early morning as i was lighting the lamp in our pooja room swami[Sathya Sai Baba] please take my picture and give to the Doctor. I didn't know if we had any as my wife had done a full house cleaning recently and didn't know i would find one. He is Antaryami knows it all and as i opened the closet in a envelope found exactly 2 pictures one of Shiridi Baba, and the other Satya Sai Baba.

I took both pictures along with vibhuti prasadam 7 packets as that  is what came in my hand. At 9;30 am as i walked in the Doctors office as she was turning on the lights said Doctor i have something for you.

Doctor Priya said what did you bring today?

My guru has sent a gift his pictures for you.

she was speechless and said " In the morning while i was lighting the lamp was looking at the Rudram book and thought why have you come to our house for the first time? We don't even have a picture of you.

He heard her sincere prayers and connected to the universal energy and transmitted the order[ Faster than Amazon] Amazing and Loving Lord!!!

Doctor Priya was overwhelmed and kept the pictures in her office as that is the first place of interaction with the patient. she went home and told her husband and on Friday said we want to come and visit your house.

On sundayDecember 6,2020 Dr. Priya&Bala called at 11;30 am as i had gone to deliver food to my mother in law and said we will be coming at noon. prior to coming home went to the store and purchased 2 photo frame to place the picture of the lord.

I was overwhelmed by their love to hear about our loving lord. I didn't have any time to prepare any offering to the Parvati& Parameshwar visiting our humble abode. We spoke for nearly 4 hours exchanging

experience with the lord in my case mostly in my visions ,dreams and real time connecting and showing his presence.




Life’s challenges and uniting with the in-dweller.

I had some time while my car was getting repaired and made the call after nearly 4 decades of not keeping up with a store clerk made one phone call and first attempt in locating her and speaking with her.

I had a girl working in my clothing store in Newyork in 1979-1983. After that absolutely no connection as my life had changed with death of my brother in a accident one month before my marriage.

A few months back she came in my thought and immediately knew all about her and made one phone call and spoke with her. She was shocked how did I get her number after almost 40years. Due to covid virus had refrained from coming to the office and that was her first day. How life takes turns even though we think we are molding our destiny. She became a attorney and married a Doctor cardiologist and thought life was going to be a bed of roses.

Their first daughter is handicapped muscular dystrophy  ( That’s what I kept seeing in my vision which is the reason to call and connect with her). Their second son while in medical school one day met with a major accident and was in coma for 60 days and didn’t think there was any hope he would return to normalcy. The mother’s intensive love and care brought her child back to consciousness with the blessings of their family deity Lord Venketasewara. Today he has resumed his schooling to pursue medicine. The third child is pursuing higher education college in California.

December 8 ,2020 9.30 pm

Yesterday night suddenly the thought came of my only high school friend 1973-1975 he was few years older than me. He. went to college in New York and pursued degree in chemical engineering . I graduated in 1976 and went into business but we kept in touch with each other's family. I used to a visit parents quite often and knew all his siblings . Pradeep my  friend got married attended his marriage and for few years kept in touch till 1999.

His ideals didn't match with mine and our work schedule didn't give time to keep in touch and over the 20 years totally lost connection . Late yesterday evening his mother flashed in my thought and immediately checked and thought this should be the number and sent a text message. In the morning got a response "How in the world did you get my cell number after 20 years"? 

I said "universal connection network". when ever someone comes in my thoughts immediately all information is given to be communicated. He said please call me on sunday to catch up as so much has happened in the past 20 years.

December 9,2020 11.10 am VAZGHA VALAMUDHAN Live in prosperity

Early morning was thinking about a lady who had approached me in 2015 regarding her brother in law who all of a sudden was diagnosed with brain cancer. whatever i had mentioned through the guidance of my inner guru and Lord Sathya Sai Baba came true. On June28,2016 she called and said he is on a ventilator without any guilt asked her to pull the plug and let him move on and the family. He wasn't going to ever lead a normal life.

At 6.00am sent a text " Good morning Jayanti, Early morning you came in my thoughts hope all is well.

Around 11am she texted  " Sairam Swami" we are fine. and more messages followed and in my mind said i want you to call and immediately the phone rang call from Jayanti after initial talk there was a reason she had come in my thoughts early morning.

Why did i want to talk with her? How to say it without hurting her feelings.

i said let your father go so he can be in peace and you can be in peace. I know it's hard to lose a loved one especially when you had close connection with your father.

we spoke for nearly 40 minutes giving her inner strength to overcome the loss and move on with life.

Everything is his blessings and offered at tis lotus feet. He speaks, writes & talks i am merely the empty instrument.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Divine lord’s grace and blessings!!!


Since Monday I have been going to the Ayurveda ashram for therapy session. 

While doing the therapy Dr. Priya was talking about one of her clients that they had gone for a pooja where they were chanting Rudram and her client went into a trans .

The host had never seen anything like that before and didn’t know what to do and called Dr. Priya to bring her back to consciousness.

Hearing about the Rudram I picked up a book and some vibhuti packets as Swami prasadam from our house and offered it to Priya yesterday morning when I went for my session.

Today as I walked in the Doctor said I want to share some news or incident.

Yesterday after you gave me the book and vibhuti a Man and daughter came for consultation and said “ Sai baba has sent me here” in the morning while doing pooja wanted vibhuti and he said go to Ayurveda  ashram.

Dr. Priya was shocked and said the client before you on his own brought this book and 9 packets of vibhuti prasadam and said at the time i am sure some one will be coming.

The family took 2 packets of vibhuti.

Divine grace and blessings of our loving lord.

Connection with a stranger lost phone uniting with the divine. November 24,2020

 I was traveling and walking through some city with a backpack and after a while stopped and placed the bag on the side and took some rest. I reached into my bag to get my phone to make a few calls and realized I had misplaced or dropped it accidentally.

I saw a man walking by and asked him Sir, have you seen a phone? I seem to have lost it and would you be kind to help in finding?. He said sure!! And started looking through the areas and finally he returned and said Sir, is this the phone and showed it to me the main screen has a picture of Sathya Sai baba.

I recognized and said yes. He handed over the phone but was still standing as I was involved in my own thoughts suddenly realized that he was looking for a monetary reward for searching. I said sure will give you money for helping me out and reached in my wallet and to my surprise there was no money but had a visiting card of Sai baba.

I told the man I am extremely sorry I don’t have any money in my wallet but have this very special picture of my spiritual teacher whom I revere as my lord you can hold onto this till I go to the bank and withdraw some funds.

He froze when I gave him the picture and said who is he?

Again I said Sai baba.

He said yesterday when I was hungry and was searching everywhere he came and gave me food and was in tears. He wanted to give a hug and stepped forward and retracted and said sorry forgot about this virus.

He took the visiting card of Sai baba as prasadam in lieu of monetary compensation and we bid farewell.

I wished him the very best in his life and May the lord shower his choicest blessings to help him overcome his setback.

Om Sri Sai Ram!! 

All the words is the lords and he is the doer.

Invisible blessings of my Guru True Friendship with the lord Sathya Sai baba.

                    I am not the doer, all words are his am I just a physical form to convey his message.

Every morning I go for a walk provided the weather is not extremely cold or raining. Lately I have been experiencing severe pain in my foot and unable to walk comfortably but I still made a attempt to at least walk one mile normally I walk five miles a day.

New Jersey weather in November is a bit cold so I wore a hat and hoodie to cover my empty head and started my walk with the lords name on my lips and bhajans echoing in my ears.Due to covid not many people on the road and also being a week day for children having on line classes and parents all working from home. I was lucky to be enjoying the outdoors all for my self with my “ True friend Sai”. People mwho see occasionally might think he is mad talking to himself but they don’t know I have my invisible friend walking with me.

I was almost completed my walk and I saw a grey Mercedes Benz car whizz by and made a U turn and went past. I thought maybe he is lost, and again the same car past by and made a U turn and slowed down next to me. I took my hood off to see who it was? and he might need some help. The driver also rolled his window and yelled out my last name ( Offical) I saw a African American man also with a cap and hood with a mask inside the car. He removed his hood and said Do you remember me?  I said yes!! We had worked together 1985-1994. Arthur and his wife were basketball coaches and when they moved from Virginia to NewJersey could not find any positions in the field to support his family he took up a job of driving a bus interstate. I had lost considerable amount of money in my business and had to look for interm to support my family.

It was the best experience of my life driving the bus and thoroughly enjoyed even though my parents didn’t support as it was not reflective of who they were. Anything you do without harming anyone is good to stand on your feet was my attitude. Driving you meet people from all walks of life strengths and grounds .

Arthur and caught up with all of our peers I had worked with and caught up on world news as well as the presidential election. We are all relieved Donald Trump lost the seat to Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris. Then I asked him How are your Son and daughter?

Arthur replied :  I have 2 daughters. Then another neighbor approached and again touching various issues 

and the neighbor continued his rounds.

Again  I asked Arthur How is your son and daughter?

He replied not even a few minutes ago I told you that I have 2 daughters and again you’re saying that I have a son? Where are you getting this information from?

I said, don’t know anything about you till you came in front of me as it had been 25 years since I left the job.

Then he asked where are you getting this information from? I am standing on the road minding my business and you approached. My inner voice is giving me the information that you have a son and a daughter. He paused and said I have never shared my innermost secret with anyone and today because you’re telling again and again I feel I have to tell you.

My daughter when she was in college CHANGED HER SEX FROM A WOMAN To A MAN. I am still perplexed how in the world you knew. I said as a parent be happy for your child whether it’s a boy or girl.

Don’t judge her actions. He said she had more male hormones so she made the choice.

I said please wish your wife and children my best wishes in all their endeavors.

Happy Holidays till we meet again. He came in front of me only to unburden his weight as he was already battling cancers prostate and throat cancer. I sincerely wish Arthur the best to move on now that he has unburdened his life.

Thank you lord for walking beside me and speaking through my mortal coil.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Vision of Unborn Child

My brother who was a partner at BCG (Boston Consulting Group) was stationed in Bombay for five years. He had two daughters at the time and I guess they were planning on having another. A little girl would come in my dreams and would run around my leg every day and say please save me, please save me. I knew then there was going to be a problem with this child who has not even been conceived yet. I informed my brother to please be extremely careful with this pregnancy as there are dangerous warning signs. Nobody believed what I said and today that beautiful child has Autism. If only the warning had been taken into consideration she may have been able to lead a very different life without pain and labels.
**Sai Ram**

Meeting Divine souls. Kamakshi Dassan and Madhurambika Guruji of Kottur,Chennai

..In January 2015 thru a friend met Mr.Kamakshi Dassan( affectionately called) his father was the assistant to Chandrasekhar saraswati SWAMIGAL of Kanchi mutt. Wherever swami or periyava 
Went he followed his right hand man. During his married life for a very long time they could not have a
Child. It was thru periyava's sankalpa they had a son at the age of 60 his first son was born.

As he grew followed his father and kanchi periyava at the age of 18 one day he started writing
Poems on mani deepam 1000 verses  in full vigor and only after completion he took rest.

Swamigal asked for this boy one day to come inside the mutt and recite one stanza out of the
1000. He choose number 64 and started chanting with proper tone and diction. Swami was pleased
He said can you tell me the meaning of this sloka. Again he started telling him the meaning and swami
Was very very happy. In a tray there was swami's paddukka ,Kamashi amman picture and few other 
Items. Swami told the boy take it.

He said what should I do with it? Swami took the rudraksha Mala from his neck and tossed into the
Tray. Again he said take it. I don't what to do with these? Swami well you do pooja. I don't know
How to do pooja? Swami asked who wrote those 1000 verses? He replied I did. Well the I which
Wrote these 1000 verses will teach you how to do pooja.

He had no answer,swami must do pooja to kamakshi 3 times  a day without fail. He is in his late 
80's and has not missed the pooja once since the age of 18. Thus came the name given to him
By swami kanchi PERIAYVAR  a person who is a servant of Kamakshi .

 2nd person I met: G.S Venkataraman  aka Madhurambika Guruji sri vidaya upasaka

He has completed 3 crores of Lalitha sahasranamavali to the meeru and definetly can feel the vibrations as you walk in. My friend was busy asking questions and I closed my eyes and went into
Meditation after I came out said I have a few things to tell you. Do you want it to be private? No you
Can say in open .

Madhurambhika  nanda Guruji
Paramashishti guru sri. Swayamaprakasha guruji of Sendamanglam
Kula Deviam Siruvachur Madhura Kali
Sri vidya upasaka of the benign nature He has the power grace of Kali which explains his Siddis and
Powers,astrological predictions.
When he looks at you,he instanteously receives messages from countless deities.
He has known you in the past.
He is trying to link you with your rishi who can help you search within.
Thru you Kali mahas some benefit for the world.
Specifically five fruits of results which you will understand. He says he'll help you find.
Definetly a mantra with blessings of Balajii will come thru you in Kamakya.
You will be worthy of adoration.
We were set to go on February 2-4th. I was very sick and could not travel with the guruji. It is all the will
Of the divine.

Sembakkam Bala Tripura sundari. And Divine Kali Temple

 This place is about one hour away from Chennai,it is called sembakkam close to Mambakkam  a 
Very rural village setting and beautifull serene drive.

There is a Sivan temple  1700 years old adjacent to Bala peetam . The family had this divine child Bala
Come and stayed in their house for the last 27years. The whole family are sculptors and sculpt various
Deities and send them around the world. The father and his two sons are in this profession . When
They create ,sculpt these marvelous art form they themselves become one with that giving life to the stone.

Bala wanted a larger place where people could come and see her.They asked some friend who had 15
Acres of land to build a place for Bala. That night she came and spoke to the son you have so much 
Land behind your house and you go and ask others. I want you to build my temple behind your existing house.

The family and five close friends pooled in all their life savings and have built this temple of love for
Their beloved Bala. It is a three tier Lalitha Tripura Sundari at the top level ( normally we never show this as it is under construction ) when I met you know your divine powers so we are showing this to you.
There is no word to describe the beauty. It is mesmerizing  she is almost18 feet in height and is made of all natural products only Herbs. No sand,concrete,metal or stone. How is still standing?

The minute I stood at this place my hands started trembling and could feel the divine vibrations if I stood any longer was going to fall or go into a trance. Amazing and out of this world.

After the POOJA was done at the main altar the priest gave prasadam (kumkum) he gave it hand to the 
Ladies. For the men he directly applied on their forehead one after the other.

When it came to me and applied on my third eye his finger was stuck for couple of seconds( magnetic
Field) and after removing said" Sir you are at a very great place all the deities are dancing inside you"
And know that you are moving in the proper direction. This is all the grace of my beloved master guru

On our way back to Chennai in the outskirts went a Kali Temple. The minute I saw her my eyes were 
Locked into her eyes and did not want to move. What a in describable beauty,perfection eyes nose 
Mouth. No one can say it was a marvelous sculpture of love. It indeed seemed very real my eyes was locked once again and mediated on her form for a few minutes and did not want to leave.

Divine Blessings Chennai February 8,2015

A friend who had done some paintings gave me a photograph. I had them framed and placed them
On top of the cupboard. Everyday my mother in law would place flowers and water in front of them
As I was going for a pooja wanted to take and get them blessed by this divine soul Mrs.saroja
Thygarajan . When I entered could hear Rudram and knew that the pooja had begun. I approached
Saroja aunty could you please place them in the pooja and give it back.

When I went outside to take the phone call a lady followed Sir are you the one who gave the pictures
Of maha periyava and Shiridi baba? Yes I replied. Can you come inside and see how swami has blessed.

As there were a lot of devotees I sat down where the space was available.The energy in the house
Was high and within a few minutes went into a deep meditative state and my hands started to tremble
And head moving at a rapid speed,and tears rolling. I was one with the divine and did not want to return to this so called body. Saroja aunty leaned forward and whispered "Koushik  we are waiting for
You to start the Abhishekam for shridi baba" put at least the first cup of water". I could hear her voice
But could not move any part of my body. After a few tries she finally gave up and said maybe next time.

Abhishekam was being performed for baba,Then dried cleaned and wipe down and finally dressed
And only when his crown was placed could open my eyes came out of meditative state. Archana
Started and again went into trance and when the final arathi was offered slowly the trembling came
To a end and could move about. Some devotees came forward I have never witnessed anything
Like this. What happens?

It is all swami who is doing all these and not this body. I certainly go thru high vibrations and when the
Vibrations settle my body is very tired.

The Abhishekam to vinayaka was performed that is when I had walked in initially  so the photograph 
Was placed on either side. Right Kanchi maha periyavar and left shirdi baba. Within seconds of placing
Fragrant sandalwood powder,flowers and saligramas appeared from Kanchi photo and vibhuti ,flowers
Saligramas from shiridi baba.

I had purchased flowers,special grass for vinayaka and some sweets. With the grass made a garland 
For vinayaka. And a garland with the flowers. When I was about to leave for the pooja wanted to take
The camera. Swami gave a very clear loud message " This is for your eyes only no need to publicise
This miracle and don't take any pictures". I did not take the camera. Saroja aunty Koushik everything 
Which has materialized is for you. I wanted to leave them there till maha shivaratri for other devotees to witness and would take it after. Both the seniors have found their resting place at the divine abode of 

Saroja aunty "usually these divine miracles happen only on Maha shivaratri " but it is happening today thru Koushik . It is  the divine will of shirdi baba and kanchi periayvar without whom this would have not be possible.

A friend Shobha and jayraman gave a saree in a sealed box and within seconds kumkum appeared on top. Cleaned the kumkum and distributed to all devotees and placed the box under swami feet
Within a minute fresh white flowers were showered on them and inside the sealed box kum kum,beads
Saligramas and Swami's divine visiting card.

Everything has manifested in this divine house. Vibhuti,kumkum,turmeric,sandalwood powder and liquid from pillars,saligramas ,idols,spear,even live cobra which resides under Swami's bed one white
In colour and the other black. I have personally seen them one has to visit this house of miracles to 
Truly appreciate the divine sankalpa .

I have tried to send the pictures to many and not even one person has received, as swami said

6-D L.I.G Block,2nd Avenue
Indira Nagar, Chennai 600020

Please visit this place and witness the grace of our lord.



Divine Blessings February 10,2015 chennai

My mother in law and myself went to the Shiridi Sai temple in Gundy,chennai on Saturday  February 
7th and when we arrived at 9:30am the place was closed. I was shocked that on a Saturday it was closed so early?. We started doing pradakshanam of the premises and after one round saw a man
Next door talking to a lady. I approached and asked to kindly open as we have come from far away
To have shirdi saibaba darshan.

He claimed that there was a court order and  some litigation going on and don't have the keys to 
Open. We started conversing and he said we don't trust anyone these days who say "sairam"
As they have robbed all old artifacts from the temple. This was the only temple SATYA SAI baba
Has built of shirdi sai. It is the only one baba is in black marble. As I was standing on their front
Door step could feel the vibration . I asked for a seat,that if not I was going to fall back due to the energy.

The couple who were discussing only a few minutes prior to my coming and asked swami for a validation as a sign and I walked over and told them about the energy. The man brought swami's
Original foot print from the 1940's for our blessing and also swami's paddukka in silver on the right
Slipper sri chakra and on the left a conch. We never bring and show anyone leave alone for them 
Touch or take padda namaskarams. We felt very blessed that the divine was showering his unconditional  love for his devotees who wanted to seek his blessings. I asked a small favor can I
Get a picture of shirdi baba. They went thru their private albums and removed a  small picture and gave. Indeed I felt blessed and would return on a day the premises would be open.

The first thing on Monday the 9th as soon as the photo studio opened asked them to enlarge
The picture 6 pieces 8/10. The owner said he can give the order at 6pm for pick up. Went to the
Frame shop and asked him to frame two pictures for pick up on Tuesday the 10th @2:30 as I was
Going for a Kali pooja. He said he has too many other customers prior to my order.

I knew I had to have 2 pictures for the Pooja,he tried his level best and delivered the two framed
Picture of shirdi sai. As soon as  the picture was placed next to the already blessed pictures and
Within less than a few seconds again MIRACLE!!!  SWAMI BLESSED ONE WITH VIBHUTI AND THE

108 copies of Rama's astrology and sundrakanda also manifested next to the picture. A copy was given to me but the rest will be distributed only on Maha shivaratri. It is in Tamil.

Saroja aunty said Koushik don't go in to meditation. We want you to observe the Abhishekam .
I was trying my level best not to close my eyes even though the I was getting pulled had to resist
And push the energy out at times the body would hurt in pain and can feel the energy going thru
The spine upwards. After the Abhishekam I  went into meditation and enjoyed the bliss.

Saroja aunty told in front of all devotees that from the time Koushik is coming the miracles are happening. Usually it happens on maha shivaratri. She has asked me that I have to be in that house
On maha shivaratri and witness more miracles.

A picture is worth a thousand words. I tried to upload the picture and send to various devotees
But all of them failed. Swami's words "DONOT PUBLICISE,OR TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS  IT IS
FOR YOUR EYES ONLY". He proved it correct.

The pictures will be uploaded at a later time after maha shivaratri.


Ati Rudra Maha Yagnam Brindavan campus Whitefield ,Banglore March1-12,2015

The event was planned since three years ago of holding a Ati Rudra Maha Yagna at the SATYA SAI

Baba's ashram in Whitefield ,Banglore from March1-12th of 2015. I came to Chennai for some personal work  in November 2014and was going to

be in town till April21,2015. A friend from California informed regarding the Yagna in December  I was indeed excited that is it even possible of getting a chance to attend another yagna in the divine presence
Of our beloved swami. I tried for months to get accomadations and a good friend who was incharge
Said there is no rooms available at the ashram campus,as all rooms are assigned to the artist and the
Volunteers. I tried to contact the hotels in the neighborhood  the average hotels were not of any standard and the medium range was fully occupied . The only hotels which had rooms were the five star or the pricey ones which was not very feasible . Informed my friend again and he also agreed it
Was way too expensive for the trip and to forgo ad I have already attended a similar function in
Atlanta,Georgia (U.S.A).

The month of January went in search of hotels and transportation and nothing was falling in place and by the end of the month gave the idea of even going to the Yagna.

I was not fully convinced that  some divine force who had put this idea in my mind can be wrong
That I will not be attending. Another friend suggested there is group coming from California maybe they 
Can help. When contacted he said I am coming alone as a Ritwik and not a group. When I reach
India will surely help. 

On February 27th a few days before the Yagna I got a text message as follows
"Your accomdation will be alloted starting tommorrow any day upon arrival please contact Gokulam 
Office" signed Dwarakanadh. I did not know who could have sent this message? Maybe by error
That the receipent was someone else as I  was told there was no rooms available. I hesitated to call
Finally contacted the office asked who had recommended? He replied Mr.Sekar Boddupalli of 
California who was joining us as a ritwik. Amidst all his programs thought about my plight and put
In a word. Now in a such a short notice to get transportation to Banglore eventhough there are 
Numerous buses,trains and flights that booking at the last minute it is very pricey. Sometimes four times the average rate and again the dilemma .now we have accomdation but no transportation 
Maybe not meant to me and atlast a breakthrough  a family member thru his company travel agent
Was able to get round trip transportation via a airline and the ticket was booked from March4-12th

Was indeed blessed to attend the auspicious and very scared event of Shri Ati Rudra Maha Yagna
In the divine presence of our beloved lord  TRAYEE ESHWARA BRINDAVAN CAMPUS.

I wanted to thank Sekarji and he said " it is all swami he wanted you to be a part of this event right
From the beginning " and wanted to see how badly you wanted to attend so he made it happen.



Picking up ironed clothes from the street vendor (Chennai)

It was a weekly thing wash clothes at home and then take it to the neighborhood  vendor who 

Would iron your clothes with a very heavy iron which uses coal power for heat at a very nominal

Charge of only 7 rupees per item or 1/10 of a dollar. Drop off in the morning and pick up in the evening

I wanted to show some pictures had taken to the vendor grabbed my I pad and something  or intuition 

Told me to take VIBHUTI prasadam that I got from attending Ati Rudra Maha yagnam.

As I approached the vendors cart a woman in her late 70's  said sir can you please pray for my health

I am suffering from asthma ,I know that your prayers will definitely heal my situation. She has never

Seen or talked to me. I stood and talked with her she has no children or husband to care for her

Some neighbour feed her in the morning and at night if no one gives me food I buy from outside for

Ten rupees. Can you please pray for my sister's daughter  she has a big tumor in her ovary and is

Admitted in a hospital out of town. In the hospital there is picture of only SATYA Sai baba  and all 

Medicine and treatment is free.

I comforted her with words "Why are worried I am here for you don't worry things will be taken care"

She continued it doesn't matter if I don't get better atleast my niece should be o.k PLEASE HELP

I had goose bumps thru out my body when she was talking to me and told her look at me. She said

Sir I see that is why I asked for help knowing that your prayer will surely reach the divine.

I took out the vibhuti from my pocket and told her to apply on forehead morning and night and take

A pinch every time and swallow and her asthma will be cured in no time but at some point one has to leave  the body these are all the indications to let one know that the unit has to go back to the source
She was ready and said I want to depart without any trouble  of any ailments as there is no one to  take care of this body.  As I went to get my clothes she applied vibhuti on her forehead and took a 
Pinch without any hesitation. That is pure surrender to the words. I am not a doctor but she had faith in the words .

She was genuine in her wishes and came from nowhere not knowing that I also believe in SATYA SAI 
Baba  and he surely will help who call out for him in distress.


Thankyou swami  for using me as your instrument  to help the needy.
Love all serve all

Thank God Every Day How Blessed We Are

In the middle of January received a phone call from a elderly man returning from U.S.A to 
Chennai  after visiting his son and daughter.I mentioned will surely come and see him out of respect
But did not know anything else about the family situations. Over the past 10years many people have
Approached me asking for my help in saving or helping their close ones. I am not in the medical 
Profession nor do I have any education.

I personally had some health setback due to which was not able to move about in January. Many times
Wanted to return back to the states but a friend kept saying don't go back wait it out you have come
Here for a reason. As time passed and could regain my strength and started to feel better decided to stay back in chennai. Most of the time just stayed home by myself in contemplation and chanting
Lords name in a room only with a folding  metal bed with one pillow and a sheet. Some who have
Come home even have commented "you are brought up in comfort in the states and are sleeping
In this".

I told them don't even need this can sleep on the floor. One day a few ladies who I met at Thiruvanamalai missed there train connection and asked can you give us a ride to chennai,as I had a
Large vehicle. I thought that was the correct thing to do not to leave woman stranded ,and brought them
Back to chennai as it was late asked them to come to my house and sleep. We had only one spare bed
But there were 4 ladies. I took my folding cot out of my room and placed in their room. Some of my extended family
Commented " Have you gone mad,first you bring strangers,next you offer your bed those people are
Used to sleeping on the floor.".

I felt they are our guest and should offer comfort to them.It is o.k to sleep on the floor for one night
There are so many in the world who don't have any comfort and if they can do it why not me.

The month of February occasionally visited a few temples but did not feel any vibrations from those 
Places as it has become very commercial. There is no chanting of slokas,mantras or even a tape
Recorder chanting. Occasionally when the priest sees someone who might give some money would
Light a lamp and show looking for some reward.

After the first week of February got busy with preparation for Maha Shivaratri and was blessed by Shiridi sai baba in Guindy and later in Saroja aunty's house in Indra Nagar where every picture placed by
Me swami blessed with sandlwood ,vibhuti,kumkum,flowers , Amirit honey and saligramas. Swami
Had already given a list of names of the receipents of those materializations .3 in the U.S.A and one
Person in chennai all their names start with  K. I took the one saligram that had to be given to the person in chennai and kept in my back pack so that when ever would have a chance will give to them.

I needed one day to catch up after Maha Shiva Ratri.So the next day called the
Uncle who reached out to me in January. Uncle I would like to come and see you tommorrow ( Thursday).He was happy and said by the way it is my birthday February  (x)  sorry omitted the date for privacy for the family.I had now  a definite
Reason to visit him. On way stopped at the shiridi temple and showed the management the miracles
Of Swami's materialzation and they gave some prasadam flowers garland which was placed on baba
Normally they don't give I was told. Felt blessed but knew there had to be a reason.

Went to see the uncle not knowing who he was staying with brought some edibles as a token of love
To the family. A beautiful lady with a warm and welcoming smile and the uncle waiting at the door
Step eagerly asked me to step inside their home. I had absolutely no idea of the family's situation .
Thought was going for  a casual visit. Took out my album and wanted to show all the pictures of 
Swami's divine love in the form of manifestation. The lady started to cry uncontrollably and 
Walked over to comfort her. I have come as your elder brother not to worry will take care of the situation. The saligram which was supposed to be given to Krishnamoorthy in chennai now swami has changed to Kumar again the alphabet K. Gave it to her she said" will you come upstairs and see my
Husband". What should do with this saligram ? Place it on his body all over and chant the lords name.

She said" most of the people think about the lord only during difficult moment but we as a family always have chanted only the lords name all the time".  When swami was in his physical form took
Him to prasanthi nilayam and swami did not even look.

Sure without any hesitation not knowing anything Walked inside a room and saw a man lying on a
Wheel chair extended out frail and motionless with tubes sticking out. He was swami's student
Studied in Prasanthi Nilayam and  did his MBA. Has had many interactions with swami. He had a very good position and was  earning well and all of a sudden was struck  by this disease which has no cure.
They had consulted the best of doctors from as far away as U.S.A and was told no cure. It had been 
8years. The whole family dynamics have changed,with two children to raise and a husband who cannot move any part of the body.she has to brush his teeth,shave,bathe ,dress and clean his soiled

She works 20 hours a day with hardly a few hours so called break. She has to tend to household duty,
Cooking for the children and constantly in service to her husband of 22years. 

Swami had sent me there for a reason but didnot know  how I could be of assistance . Sat down on
The ground and placed the saligram in his hand and kept massaging his legs  ( both the arms were totally extended out and turned
Only bones). I had tears watching this man but speechless that all of us complain about the simplest
Thing which goes wrong not knowing how worst it could turn in a heart beat. No family can prepare
For something of this magnitude .Her face was vibrant,cheerful and did not show any fatigue yet 
She spins like a TOP with no break. 

Some of her extended family have pitched in giving accomadation, and financial assistance.she told
Me we don't have a normal family life The children of this age enjoy with the parents in going out but
All of us are confined only to these walls. I have not even seen my parents and they cannot travel
Due to their age. I only reached out to the higher conscious to show the way to help this family in dire
Help. Contacted Saroja aunty "swami has blessed her with a special VEL (spear of Lord Subramamia)
To cure ",she glady said would come and access the situation and  do 
the necessary.


When I was typing that I was her elder brother a surge of energy went thru my body and after a few
Minutes subsided down.

All names of the people and dates have not be mentioned due to privacy for the family.

OM Sri Sai Ram

Met several men/ women future business leaders of chennai -----Alwarpet

We think that we are moulding and shaping our lives but certain situations are beyond our control

And we are placed in places that no matter how much intellect we have can explain how they happened?.  I came to Chennai five months ago on November27th,2014. I had no plans of visiting
India and did not have the necessary documents  to visit(visa) certain family situations made me
Acquire a emergency visa and landed in India chennai. The visa was granted in minutes which is
Totally unheard of that's when you know there is a unseen hand working behind the scene making
This happen.

I had the great privilege of meeting several people who don't possess any degree or don't have
Any mansions,homes or wealth that is used in this modern age to judge one's status.

The so called educated or the middle class/ upper class would only associate with the same kind
And not mingle the average day to day person as they are considered far less than them even in this
So called modern age.

I am always drawn to the daily wage earners,or people who have set up stalls on the road side or
Tea stalls. Every human is striving for the same happiness rich or poor. A day's meal,(food), clothing
Shelter and a little saving to send the children to school for a better life than themselves.

One can learn a lot by talking to them.I certainly did.

SPACE: I had gone to visit a family in outskirts of chennai a place called Karur. Went for a 2nd
Anniversary celebration of a evolved being. The host family had a one room cottage( Hut) and there
We're people inside so I decided to wait outside. The host Ms.Shubha said "Anna" elder brother
Why are you waiting outside? Go inside and I replied there are a lot of people inside and without 
Any hesitation came the reply


What a profound statement from a very simple human

2) TREE: we had rented a car and a driver to drive from chennai to Karur in the year 2012 and had the 
Privilege of meeting Baluswami Siddhar stayed in his presence for more than 8days. My family
We stayed in a hotel as per Baluswami's instructions and every morning would come and stay with the
Siddhar till the late evenings. Had great divine satsang with this evolved soul.

On one day the driver went early to see the Siddhar without informing us and we we're searching 
For him. Later when met him asked where did you go? He said to ask about my boss/ business
Why are you concerned about your bosses business?



Had the privelege of meeting Rafiki a very shy man does only what he is told. When I had a chance 
Talked to him and asked what happened?

He narrated:  My birth parents when they realized that I had some mental problems as a child and due to the fact did not have resources to take care of me they dumped me in a huge dumpster. I could not
Come out with the few words that I could speak I mumbled and shouted and a passerby over heard
Me and rescued and took me home and raised me. He already had six children but had the heart to
Raise me in his very average home. He is MUSLIM by religion but FOR ME HE IS GOD, and named me

My father who has raised me I have the almost respect for him more than any name and form of any God form and assist him in his business in doing the most insignificant things. All I want is that I am
Always in his presence and to serve him.



Takes pride in decorating the doorstep of our hearts ever morning and sweeping the hall with a smile.

2. Mr. Balakrishnan , Dosa stall in front of our residence. He starts his day early in the morning making
Dosa and vada and for those who want a extra protein adds a egg. The day ends at 8-9 pm and starts
The day again with a smile. He is wearing a LUNGI   Or DHOTI

3.MR. Jaganathan sells tea or chai with snacks variety of biscuits and other Indian snacks. He said "started working in the tea stall from the age of six." Normally children are enjoying life of going to school
Or playing with other children certainly not working at that tender age. He said I have moved up but still struggling in day to day.


When I  was having my coconut water drink started to have a conversation as to how they got started
And they told me their entire life in a matter of minutes. The average Indian does not have time to 
Talk or have conversations with the workers as they are not EQUAL but after having a chance of
Listening will see that all humans are starving for the same.

We are all beggars at different levels no difference any one is paying is higher than the receiver.
It is just that we hide behind our ego I am so and so doctor,lawyer,judge,politician,law enforcement,
Business and so on and so forth.

Mr.A DAS and his spouse Rajanna Mary have been running that stall for the last 27 years from 7am 
Till -9 pm. He also talked about all trials and tribulations of setting and running the business. There 
We're times we wanted just a small capital to restart and no one would help. I have personal
Experience and could relate to all he was talking about.

They have spent all their life savings on their two children. The daughter was recently married and his son in law is a carpenter. His son wanted to study engineering the college fees 4.5 lakhs per year plus the cost of  Each book
Cost between 2500-3500. rupees and has totally wiped out our savings. We make only a few hundred 
Rupees a day and from that we have to maintain our day to day life of basic necessities there are days we don't have 10 rupees to buy a cup of tea and stand on the footpath in the hot climate with no

I have been a customer in all these places and to see the real human in action with so much love to give which you will not get at a five star hotel.


Love all serve all

Meeting divine instrument in coimbatore march28- April 5,2015

After many months of staying in chennai finally I was able to go and visit my aunt in Coimbatore 
They had come to chennai to help their daughter who had a son, as both the parents go to work
And return late night from work wanted some help. The parents obliged to the daughters request
And left all their work behind.

The Internal Revenue Service does not care for any personal situation the tax deadline was due
And some banking obligation was pending. I had called them for casual conversations and informed
That they will be leaving to Coimbatore in a few days. I immediately said will like to join on the trip
Did not know if I would get a train ticket as all trains departing from chennai central was leaving in full capacity and one has to be on a wait list if any one cancels then only I would get a ticket.

The southern railways has some 300 seats available for emergency purpose it is available only the
Day before or (24 hours prior to departure). Once it opens with a few minutes all seats are taken by
Customers. I was lucky to get a ticket on  second class air conditioned compartment sleeper. The train departed at 10:30 pm on the 28th of March and arrived on 29th March at 7:00 am. It was very comfortable and the passengers are very accomadating as my bed was at the top level,requested
The man in the lower berth as I have some disabilities in climbing immediately he obliged.

We went home after spending some time with household chores,all of us went to a temple
Marudamalai ( lord Subramaniam) is the presiding deity. It is built in between two huge mountains
All the way to the top. What a sight to see  the lord seated all the way on top of the hill.

The next day went to Isha yoga in vellangiri hills,Coimbatore. It is built in a beautiful area surrounding 
Mountains and lush vegetation. There are signs everywhere regarding wild animals in the area
Elephants and cheetahs. I had  many chance to see beautifull peacocks in its full majestic pose.
Satguru jaggi vasudev has completed his vision of setting the headquarters in the most apt place so that one can be in the proper mood to meditate.All the volunteers at the center are doing a great job
To ensure that the public is getting the maximum benefit of enjoyment.

Arsha vidya gurukulam located annikatt,Coimbatore. A ashram upholding our Vedic and teaching Sanskrit and Vedas,upanishad. Swami's Dayananda saraswati was at the rishikesh ashram at the time
We visited the center and missed meeting him. He is such a highly educated in Sanskrit and Vedic
The ashram is again located in such picturesque place surrounded by mountains,banana plantations 
And coconut trees. Warning signs everywhere Beware of elephants crossing. The driver told us yesterday they had wait two(2) hours for the elephant to move out of the way. We were lucky that it was not there and unlucky did not have a chance to see such a graceful animal

We had a great Darshan of the temple as it was pradosham on that evening and all Abhishekam 
Was going to be done for all deities starting with Paravati then Iswara,Ganesha and finally Dakishamurthy. I was able to keep up with the group of chanting Sri Rudram and purusha suktam 
Waited till around 7 pm and left and visited SRi KANCHI Kamakshi temple it was out of this world
KAMAKSHIAMBAL was so beautiful that I could not take my eyes of her and felt like staying there
Forever. As they say all things have to come to a end and had darshan of shiridi baba and went home

I was having great divine satsang but knew there was a reason of my going to Coimbatore which was
Going to be revealed soon. My aunt told me that she was attending Sri Bhagavattam class whenever 
She was available. The classes would meet once a week for a few hours. The teacher of this class is a very ordinary housewife who had gone thru many ups and downs of life before coming to this state of mind of knowing Krishna conscious and all the information was passed on by the lord to her.

Most students are just casual just enjoying listening but few are wanting more out of the session of knowing the lord in totality that they also one day can talk about his glory. Mr.Balasubramanian is from
Kerala never has studied Sanskrit leave alone pronouncing those verses. He wanted "Saroja Amma or Guruji "to take him as her shishya .After two years finally she gave in and took him as her shishya and taught him everything she knows. Today Mr Balasubramaniam is taking classes on Bhagavattam and
Saroja Amma is satisfied that after she leaves her body there is someone who will spread Krishna message.

When my aunt went to the teachers house I followed  went inside and a very seriousi picture of shirdi baba caught my attention directly behind her she had done with cross stitch and only one eye the coronea took her two months to get the correct look. We  were asked to sit comfortably on chairs and spoke
I had narrated my expereince with The lord Krishna many times from the year2004-2014 and she was 
Impressed and said" you are a very simple person inside and out the same" in the next few years you 
Will attain what you are looking for".A GURU IS GOING TO COME AND HOLD YOUR HAND EVERY

If you are serious I will take you as my student and teach you all I know in two years normally it takes six years to learn this great text. Balasubramanian will take classes in India in Tamil and Koushik will
Have a broader audience as he will explain in English so he will take it internationally. There will be a day soon people will be waiting at his feet for his speech.

I mentioned with the grace of the guru anything is possible it is because of them only. She signed one of her books on Bhagavattam in Tamil and gave as a momento and hoping to meet soon.

Thankyou swami for connecting to divine souls

OM sri sai ram

In memory of his father who installed the values of life

His father
Started ironing clothes 35 years ago and passed on his legacy to his five boys.
THE CUSTOMERS WILL COME LOOKING FOR YOU." Mr. Raman1942-1997passed away at the age of 55years old.

I had the privelege of taking with Mr. Murugan who is running the family business of ironing clothes.
His father started the business in the year1980 and purchased a cart and a iron box with 1500 rupees and the right to operate in the Alwarpet area( similar to a franchise operation ) so no one will compete in that area.had to maintain the family of 10 people in the household. 5 Boys and 3 girls and with a very insignificant income as in those days the charge for
Ironing a pant75 paise and a shirt another 75 paise . There were very limited amount of houses in those days unlike now.  When I was in 5th standard  in nungambakkam dropped out of school to help my father as he was not able to keep up with the work load. The day would start at 9am-11 pm . 

My salary was  rupees150 per month I stayed and helped my father for 4-5 years till he could no longer
Afford to pay so I started to work in a bungalow doing all ordinary work in getting day to day operation of running the household. My salary was 500 rupees per month helped my father in running the family and saved money in getting my sister married( at that time my father was 50 years old) he had some problem with his eye and had to get a operation after that he was not the same.

Murugan I stepped in and told my father to take retirement and return to his hometown and take rest

The eldest brother has a ironing shop on a main road Natresan Kottai ( Kambar Samadhi)

The next two brothers operate at Kodambakkam paid Rupees 80,000 for the right to operate in that
Devolpment purchased from someone ( included 2 iron box, stall or cart and exclusive right in the neighborhood) by his brother Shiva who has studied till 10th standard and Bhagyaraj who completed
B.Com in Tamil standard( the first to graduate) but has decided to be and join the family operation.

Murugan who is in his  40's was born in the year1970 and his younger brother shiva also helps him out
In the Alwarpet location since then he has supported all his sisters and his younger brother who is not married.

Murugan got into the family life in the year 1995and his married to his wife,M.selvi for 20 years. After six years he had a daughter due to the fact he was preoccupied with the business didn't know what happened
To his daughter.she was diagnosed with  yellow fever jondis and she died at a very young age.

He has another daughter Ms.Anupriya 7 years old
again and she is in First standard . I asked him what is his future plans?
He replied" I am only continuing as it was my father's business " no one wants to work hard anymore
And long hours under the most extreme conditions of heat and standing all day from 9-11 pm.
People think we make a lot of money and tell those customers to switch places for a day. The grass is greener on the other side.

The charge for ironing a pant/ shirt 7 rupees and a saree 10. Overall it is cheaper to work elsewhere 
And collect more. A average security guard makes 8000-10,000 rupees for 12 hour shift. We hardly even make that after expenses.

DREAM ALIVE.  He taught us that our work should talk about us take pride in your work,come on time
Serve your customers with respect and it will come back yo you in hundred folds.

Maybe one day I will also sell and move back to my home town. I hope!!!!!! For my daughter's sake

His mother R.Angammai is approximately 65years young and is living in their hometown.

May the lord shower his choicest blessings on this family and keep them united for years to come
With lots of laughter and joy in their hearts with love.

It gave me immense pleasure in knowing Mr. Murugan and his brother Kannan in my short stay of 
Five(5) months. It all started with swami's picture of his divine manifestations I gave him a framed photograph which he proudly displays in his cart. Many have asked for a copy and Murugan has replied" sorry this was a divine gift" and cannot be duplicated.

Om Sri SAI Ram

Returning back to U.S.A from Chennai after five months

 I had planned my return trip back to NewJersey on April 21,2015. My flight was leaving out of chennai 
At 5:30am so had to be in the airport by 2am. The taxi came a bit late and he didn't know how to get to the international terminal from our home. Even with the modern GPS the system is not efficient in India and with a little detour we arrived in the Airport on time to checkin the luggage and go thru the
Airport formalities. I was free without any luggage to move about. The only thing I had to kill 3 hours
Of waiting and not comfortable to take a nap.

There are no monitors or announcement via speakers, only a man with a feeble voice making announcements,so if you miss that you would miss the flight. The air conditioning was at full blast 
And it was very cold and could not sleep. I already had a irritating cold and dry cough which was
Annoying to top off all other conditions.

The man announced our flight as there were no other flight leaving from that level and we were the last ones. Flight BA36 Chennai to London approximately took 10:54 minutes and a lay over of 5 hours
Before the next connecting flight to Newark. The persistent cough was annoying to me I am sure
The other passengers had to tolerate without any choice. I had a few cough drops but did not do anything went to the pharmacy (airport) and asked for a stronger cough drop. Had a few it was a 
Little better than the first one but not any better to stop the annoying cough.

The flight BA189 left London at 5:05pm to Newark will take approximately 7:30hours to fly the distance
And the flight was full in capacity and no extra seats. I took my seat and a family asked to swap seats from aisle which I wanted to exchange to a window seat. I refused look at my height do you think I can fit in that cramped space. Later the family asked me to move back many rows and I refused again
And they asked why are you so attached to this seat. I replied I have my reasons,didn't know what they were but I knew there was a reason and I insisted I would not move.

A few girls swaped there seats with the family and came and occupied next to me. The flight was underway about 30 minutes and they were serving juice soft drinks and as the cart came next to me
With a very feeble voice "said apple juice" and collapsed out of consciousness I could feel something
Going thru my entire body and was total helpless. The next thing I knew there was a number of stewardess over me trying to bring the body back.

Normally when someone goes to cardiac arrest the pulse is weak and the body is cold but my body was burning hot and it was not normal at all and did not  know what to do. The Flight was crossing the 
Atlantic Ocean and the captain said he could do nothing. The whole flight was praying that I would come out of this situation they were shouting open your eyes. I could hear their voice but could not move any part of my body leave alone open my eyes. It was god's will whether he wanted me back
On this so called earth or not and no human could have changed the course or path. The stewardess
Did all they could applied various pads to change the body temperature and taking pulse and asking 
Me to drink coca cola to boost the energy in the body, oxygen was supplied thru mask to open the lungs and dephibrafilator to give schock 

Finally after 30-45 minutes of intense prayers and help from the stewardess I could barely open my 
Eye lids. And what a relief for all passengers and the crew they informed the captain that the passenger was out of danger and will be moved to a different seating so could keep a eye on
The oxygen mask was placed for the remainder of the journey and informed the passengers around
To keep a eye on this body. Emergency technician,medical technician,along with wheel chair where waiting at Newark International Airport. I told the crew and the captain was in good health and did not 
Need any further assistance indeplaning and walked out without any further help. 

I was at very much in peace in leaving the body and was not scared at all at any point as I knew my


Thank you all on British Airways Flight 189 April21,2015 London to Newark for your kind help and prayers. (They do get answered).

I had a similar experience when I was returning back from California to Newark in 2007 and was saved 
By the lord at that time also.

Ok Sri Sai Ram

Giri pradakshan ( Thiruvanamalai) April 12-13,2015

 Sairam, from the time I came to chennai in November of 2014 I wanted to start my trip originating
From Thiruvanamalai and ending my trip back in the same place. It is very hard to pool all the people
Together as they have various family situations and employment obligations.

I originally wanted to go to sabrimalai  between April10-13 as the temple was going to be open till the 19th. Guruswamy also was available to escort us on the trip. we tried our level best in trying to get tickets on all possible modes of transportation. The train was sold out and waiting list our number was too high that we
Would never make the cut. The flight was expensive to start plus renting a car from the Airport to the
Hills and the time constraint of minimum 4-5 hours each way provided we don't run into any difficulty 
So we opted out of that also.

The next we tried renting a car from a travel agency. We got several quotations it was in excess of
22,000 rupees for a few days which the people involved thought was not affordable by them,so that
To was dropped off.

I went and met with my Guruswamy on Saturday to get his blessings before starting on the trip to Thiruvanamalai,The last time we had gone to the hills was  in the year 2010 and had mentioned to my sister in law Sindhu
That you will return again to the hills only with me. She reminded me of that conversation that after 
Five years we are returning again.

I wanted to go and get the blessings from one hill at least before returning back to the states on the 21st of April. The group started the search again one or the other was not available on those days
10-13th due to family constraints. Finally we had the day's 12-13 something is better than nothing
I thought it was the divine's will and play.

We rented a car and a driver left on Saturday @ 9:00 pm and drove to Thiruvanamalai the distance
Is not that much only195 km but the roads are horrible so it took us nearly six hours to reach our
Destination entrance door to the temple. As per instructions from my Guruswamy we lit camphor
And offered to the lord and prostrated to get his blessings for the trek. The circumference of the mountain is approximately 16 kms and add a few kilometers before and after make a total of 20 kms.

It is said that many evolved beings live in those mountains and have attained samadhi at the hills
And it would be disrespectful to step on them with your foot wear. Many years ago when kanchi
Kamakshi mutt "Shri Chandrasekar Saraswati came to pay his respects to the mountain he hesitated 
On putting his foot down" when asked why? He replied there are countless sage and sages who are
Here and it would be disrespectful on my part to step on them.So he returned back without going 
Around the temple or mountain.

So it is advised to all Piligrims that the least we can do is to walk without our Footwear around the
Mountains as a respect for all the saints and sages. We all took a bath prior to starting on this journey
Even though none of us were prepared for what is to come. I had my own challenge my left knee had undergone a surgery and did not have flexibility and my right ankle also another surgery so had my 
Set of limitations which I had to overcome ( mind over matter). We started our walk at 3:15 am bare foot the climate was pleasant and not too many at that time Madhu,vimmu and Sindhu came on the 
Trip. We split the group Madhu & vimmu one group as they both can walk fast and Sindhu & myself
Slowpokes to keep each other company. The first hour we walked quite fast and was amazed that we had done quite well. There are quite a number of sadhu's who reside around the mountain and occasionally one would chant " OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" and ask for some money.

If one plans on giving money to one he has to give to all,so make sure you have quite a bit. Even if
You say 10 rupees per head there must be nearly 500 sadhus or 5000 rupees. Ten rupees will buy
Only a cup of tea or a pack of beedhi ( cheap cigarettes). Sindhu and I would exchange the greetings
And did not unnecessarily engage in any conversations unless absolutely necessary but used that
Precious time to pray and chant the lords name.

I saw a elderly man very neat and clean with glowing white beard going thru a garbage dumpster
From one to the other and that got my attention and said to myself "Sairam" and without hesitation 
Walked over to him and reached in my pocket and took some money and gave and touched his feet
Out of respect. HE IMMEDIATELY RAISED HIS RIGHT HAND AND SAID " NE NANDRAGA IRUKANAM" ( you should live well) no other conversation exchanged it was something which happened without any thought or planning. I felt had the grace of a siddhar's blessing.

We all occasionally took breaks sat on a rock to get energized to complete our trip. It took us nearly
6 hours to complete the trip. We went to swami seshadari swamigal's ashram and got a cottage
Took shower and refreshed ourselves and went to Ramana Mahrishi's Ashram the sun was beaming 
In full force and the sand and the floor was blistering hopped around.

We all went together and sat in the meditation hall and meditated for a while it was nearly 12:30 and the ashram closes for sometime a siesta. There were a lot a people gathered around a man who had only a small cloth around his waist He is " Mokku podi siddhar"  ( A man who uses snuff powder all the
Time). He does not ask anyone of anything but people give him money or snuff powder and leave them
Next to him and prostrate and walk away. If anyone tries to get close to him he gets angry and beats
Them up and some people take that as a blessing.

I was trying to meet up with Mr.V.Ganesan the grand Nephew of Shri Ramana Maha Rishi and was not
Available and was told to go to his residence at 4pm. "ANANDA RAMANA" Over looking the beautiful 
Mountains very peaceful and serene. We all went and had the privilege of seeing him and had a great
Satsang for a hour. He said Thankyou for taking the privilege of "GATE CRASHER" that shows you have no reservations in meeting one. He excused himself out as he had prior appointment. We also 
Took that as a sign for us to head back home as Monday was a working day for a few and reached
Chennai at 11:00 pm.

Thankyou swami for connecting and guiding us thru the living saints and sages.

OM Sri Sai Ram